Author Thread: Does actively looking for that one, real, relationship - prompt you to also evaluate the person that you are? Do we better understand what we are looking for in others, when we are more honestly willing to deeply consider the person that we are?

Does actively looking for that one, real, relationship - prompt you to also evaluate the person that you are? Do we better understand what we are looking for in others, when we are more honestly willing to deeply consider the person that we are?
Posted : 14 Oct, 2017 04:19 PM

I am finding this to be true for me... ahhhh... personal growth is not, always, without 'growth pangs' but perhaps we can stand just a little bit taller in the end for having grown - no matter how small the growth may be... : )

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Does actively looking for that one, real, relationship - prompt you to also evaluate the person that you are? Do we better understand what we are looking for in others, when we are more honestly willing to deeply consider the person that we are?
Posted : 24 Nov, 2017 08:07 AM

For me as I am begining to look, I look at areas in my life where I need to grow and mature. I have learnt that in order to grow, we must step outside of our comfort zone. Our comfort zones hold us back in life, trapping our potentials. We have to embrace change, God often breaks before he can muliply. We have to look at ourselves before we can look at others. We have to know our strengths and our weaknesses, and be able to look for someone we are able to mesh with. I believe that if we are striving every day to be the best person that God created us to be, that he will guide our walk with God, only if we are willing.

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