Author Thread: Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 23 Oct, 2009 01:10 PM

Im so tired of being told that Im racist for criticizing or suspecting Mr. Obama. To me, the ones who accuse everybody of being racist for criticizing him are the racist ones! Why cant I just disagree with the president because what he is doing I feel is wrong? Why does it have to be about the color of his skin? If Mr. Obama were white or Arab or Jewish or Hispanic I would feel the same way as I do about his agendas and policies as I do now. It has NOTHING to do with his skin color! I'm so TIRED of people using the race card to scare and intimidate others out of speaking out for what they believe in. To me that is racist. Its just as racist to give someone special privileges, protection, and reservations based solely on there skin color as it is to deny someones rights based solely on their skin color! I know that there are people who probably hate him because he is black and those people are WRONG. There are good and bad people of every race and to hate an entire people group is bigotry and is rightfully disputed as racism. But it is stupid and unfair to accuse and label ANYONE who disagrees with Mr. Obama as being a racist and I find it really insulting. As Americans we should be past all the stupid race issues. So when I say that racism is stupid I am not only speaking about the people who hate solely because of race, I am also speaking to the people who try and label anyone who disagrees with our president as racist. For they are just as guilty of being racist for loving someone for the reason of race alone as the people who hate for the reason of race alone! Lets grow up America and leave the idiotic and unproductive race card at home. Both sides need to do this. I feel the people who voted for Mr. Obama just because he was black are just as racist and foolish as those who refused to vote for him just because he was black.

On a totally different note i feel it is wise to watch our world leaders and pay attention to what they are doing because the bible does promise that an anti-christ will appear. Mr. Obama has done and said some things that could warrant suspicion, and arouse attention. I will be watching him closely. On the same note though I feel it is unfair to Mr. Obama to label him the anti-christ. That is an attack on his character that no one deserves unless they truly ARE the ant-christ. If he truly is the evil one, then the Lord will make it known to us as is promised by the Apostle Paul in the book of Thessalonians. But until I can say without a doubt that Barak Obama truly is the anti-christ I REFUSE to label him so. There is nothing wrong with paying attention, studying the facts, and watching our leaders closely. We know that there WILL be an anti-christ and any world leader could possibly be him, but lets not jump the gun here. His Policies seem dangerous to me and I will watch them closely. But I'm not going to make that accusation unfairly, it isn't right.

Now let me state a few reasons for my concerns with Mr. Barak Obama now that I have made it clear that I'm not accusing him of being the anti-christ and I'm not speaking out of racism.

Mr. Obama's health care plan is liable to tax the American tax payers into poverty and put the government in a position to decide on who is "worthy" enough for quality medical treatment. This could lead to the elderly, the mentally ill, people with infirmities of all kinds and the obese to be denied medical treatment. That scares me and Im just being honest. It scares me because that is EXACTLY what Hitler did. He weeded out the weak and passed judgement on people deciding whether or not they were worthy of life saving treatment. Placing government bureaucrats over the health system is a huge mistake in my opinion.

His hate crimes bill also scares me. I don't feel like sexual orientation should be elevated to the level of race. Violent crimes are ALL motivated by hate and should be prosecuted. Gay, straight, transexual, it doesnt matter if someone is assaulted they should be protected under the law and thier assailants punished, there doesnt need to be a provision written in the law elevating a certain people group over others. This bill will lead to infringement on American's religious freedoms. Personally I believe homosexuality, in all of its forms is morally wrong. The bible teaches that view clearly. But with this new hate crimes law what I just wrote is considered hate speech. And before you agree with them on calling this hate speech let me explain myself and how I feel about homosexuality.

I feel homosexuality is wrong. I will never change my opinion on that. I would even willingly face imprisonment or even death before I would change my opinion on the issue. The bible clearly teaches that it is sin, and there are multiple occasions in the bible that God enters into judgment on societies that have embraced homosexuality. Don't believe me? read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah or the story of the levite and his concubine in the book of judges. That being said, while I do feel that life style is wrong, I don't hate homosexuals. God created every one of them just as he has done with me, and Jesus died for every one of them just as he has done for me. God does not "hate fags" as so many "christian" protesters have claimed. Those people make me sick and they will receive there just reward for passing there judgment on others in such a way. No on the contrary God LOVES homosexuals. He doesn't love there sin but he loves them. God sees all sin as the same. It is all considered rebellion in His book. God hates all sin. He hates idol worship (people worshiping false Gods, themselves, money, drugs) He hates lying and adultery and hatred JUST as much as he hates homosexuality. We are ALL guilty of sin and no one will find themselves in better standing with God concerning their sin whatever it may be than those who choose a homosexual lifestyle. Only Jesus can reconcile us with God and he is just as willing to reconcile the homosexual as he is any other sinner. I would never harm or assault a person for being gay just as I would never harm someone for drinking and getting drunk or doing drugs or lying. It is not my place to pass that sort of judgment.

But the hate crimes law classifies what I just said as hate speech, although I am not even speaking out of hate but out of my own personal convictions and religious beliefs. You will not find me at some one's funeral insulting there family and disgracing there memory just because the deceased was homosexual. You will not find me "gay bashing" or harming others because they are homosexual. You will not find me holding a sign that says "God hates all fags". Never. I feel the people who do those things are out of line, are not following what the bible teaches, and are hurting the mission and message of the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for ALL of our sins not just a select few. It is not my job to be judge, or jury, or executioner, and I firmly stand on that statement. But I do HAVE a right to believe in the bible. And now Mr. Obamas hate crimes bill threatens my right to BELIEVE homosexuality is wrong because the bible says so and I believe the bible came from God. The bill threatens pastors and churches and bible teachers. It is literally forcing someone elses view that homosexuality is ok down our throats, and that my friends, is unconstitutional. It is a dangerous road to go down and i cant help but feel that this will end up being an attack on the church and our right to believe in what the bible says. So yes Mr. Obama you are scaring me, i dont hate Mr. Obama and like I said I am not accusing him of being the anti-christ, but he sure is making me uneasy with all these laws he is pushing that seem to go against the US constitution. Sorry for such a long rant but I felt it all needed to be said.

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 22 Jan, 2010 10:32 AM

no i dont think he is the antichrist. sure inthe being he was very popular but he has lost alot of that because of alot of policies he has made. people are angry with him because of it and if he were the antichrist he would not have made the mistakes he has made. he's more of a celebrate than anything else cause he's the first black man who is president.

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 23 Mar, 2010 03:54 PM

"Lets grow up America and leave the idiotic and unproductive race card at home"

You brought it up and devoted much of your post to your own issue or race. The fact of the matter is that "race" only exist in the minds of those ignorant enough to believe it does. Of course racial discrimination exist and has existed in the USA throughout its history, yet it only existed due to the fact that so many actually believed in the hoax of the theory of race.

"Now let me state a few reasons for my concerns with Mr. Barak Obama now that I have made it clear that I'm not accusing him of being the anti-christ and I'm not speaking out of racism"

No, you never made it clear. You did state that you are not coming from a racist view yet the illogic and light you cast by the very title of this thread and your opening statements leave doubt to your claims.

"health care plan is liable to tax the American tax payers into poverty and put the government in a position to decide on who is "worthy" enough for quality medical treatment." You base this upon what? WHy not give facts and not your opinion without any factual evidence to even support your theory?

Ever hear of Harry Truman and his Fair Deal Plan?

". It scares me because that is EXACTLY what Hitler did."

1) fear does not come from comes from Satan

Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

2)This statement is a gross distortion, greatly misleading....a lie.

"But with this new hate crimes law what I just wrote is considered hate speech."

This statement is a gross distortion, greatly misleading....a lie.

"the Liberals continue to have their way, government will keep growing and our liberties will keep diminishing until we have no control over our lives and are totally dependent on the government"

The fact is that under Bush government GREW quicker than under Clinton and obviously quicker than under president Obama thus far. Under Bush our liberties diminished more than at any other time in some areas. His Homeland security apparatus is much like that in the novel 1984 by George Orwell. His invasion of Iraq was much like the permanent war envisioned in that novel and his press secretary and releases were much like that of the "ministry of truth" in the novel. Bush sr stated that he looked forward to the New World Order....a much MUCH better case can be made that the Bushes more than anyone or family set the stage for an anti Christ.

J. Edgar Hoover, who wore women's underwear, decided some Americans had unacceptable political opinions. So they set our government to spying on its own citizens, basically those who were deemed insufficiently like Richard M Nixon.Bush seems to have continued in that tone.

You may recall in 2002 it was revealed that the Pentagon had started a giant data-mining program called Total Information Awareness (TIA), intended to search through vast databases "to increase information coverage by an order of magnitude. This program was under the control of Adm. John Poindexter, convicted of five felonies during Iran-Contra, all overturned on a technicality.Bush established a secret program under which the National Security Agency could bypass the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court and begin eavesdropping on Americans without warrants.

Now THOSE were much more like Hitler moves. Where were you when this was all news?

Not only that but how does the fact that you disagree with 2 policies equate to anti Christ? :rolleyes:

You are suppose to be Christians...not Republicans 1st, Independents 1st, Democrats 1st but Christians 1st and foremost. Some people need to wake up and grow up.:peace:

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 29 Mar, 2010 11:54 PM

Okay I think you have misunderstood me. For one I was very clear that I am not racist. I brought it up because I wanted every one to know it has nothing to do with race, my observations about Mr. Obama is not rooted in bigotry or anything like that and if I came off as being racist somehow Im deeply sorry. The title I used was not being racist. I was speaking on Obamas policies that are clearly unchristian, and on how it is unfair to label him the antichrist at this point in time, although he is worth watching. I will explain why he is worth watching in a moment.

I was not lying when I said that Hitler had total control over the health system in Germany, that their government decided who got treatment and who did not and that they denied the elderly care because they did not "benefit" society. That is history.

A fascist government MUST have control of three things to properly and totally control its people. Control over the Education system, The Welfare and unemployment system, and the Health Care system. Every dictatorship must have these three things to keep control. They must be able to influence the minds of the people (through the education system) in order to indoctrinate and sell propaganda which no one can really deny that that is happening all ready, and if you don't believe me just look into the whole homeschooling conflict taking place in California, where many christian families are in court trying to maintain their rights to home school their children because they don't want their children exposed to the homosexual propaganda that is currently being taught in sexual education classes, along with other things such as the theory of evolution being taught as truth. Both of those issues are clearly against what the bible teaches. It is not wrong for people to speak out against that or for parents to want to keep those teachings away from their children. Mr. Obama is a supporter of homosexual rights and has been trying to get laws passed to elevate homosexuals to an equal status as ethnicity or sex. This makes any speech, literature, public speeches and sermons, and anything else that teaches that homosexuality is sin, unnatural, against God, and that it is a choice and people don't "have" to be gay, classified as hate speech. That is NOT a lie. It would be like the scriptures saying it is a sin to be white. That would legally be considered hate speech, especially if a pastor were to preach it, because it promotes racial hatred. Now homosexuals are about to have that same benefit, and it is likely that if and when that law passes, Christians will be accused of hate speech. I am not even close to being the only one concerned with this issue, so i am fairly confident in saying that you are wrong on that one, it is a definite possibility that the new hate crime laws could result in persecution for Christians especially for pastors and people who openly teach that homosexuality is wrong. Their are already numerous court cases over people standing against homosexuality, these cases include homeschooling, christian businesses such as wedding planners and wedding photographers not wishing to provide services to homosexual weddings because they believe it is morally wrong, and even orphnages ran by christian organizations who wish to deny adopting their children to homosexual couples. Just google it if you dont believe me, Im not lying.

As for my main point (which I have got side tracked from) is that if a fascist government is to control the people they need control of those three things. I explained education. Welfare and unemployment is needed because they need the people to rely and NEED the government to survive, and finally health care, control of that is vital for obvious reasons, considering its basically the ability to choose who lives and dies. Now our government is in control of it all, thanks partially to Mr. Obama who sealed the deal on the health care. With goverment beureaucrats deciding who is worth the risk, man power, resources and money for treatment the health care system could indeed one day begin denying seniors and handicapped people treatment. Hitler did that. So my statement is not a lie. We are losing more and more freedoms thanks to our government, and Mr. Obama is a part of that. Oh and by the way i wasnt too big a fan of bush either and I wasnt even really old enough to know much about politics past that. So yeah..... thats where I was during those times.

But heres some facts for ya. Obama has put us deeper into debt as a nation more so than any other president in American history. He has raised taxes more than any other president. He hasnt helped the recession, instead all he did was write more blank checks to the banks and big companies in the form of bailouts, unemployment is at its highest in decades, and yet hes taxing us more?? We don't have any money!! He's basically turned his back on Israel and is siding with the Palestinians, which biblicaly is a huge no no. He has openly rejected and decounced our nations Christian roots, His very citizenship is in question, so he very well could be an illegal president, He promised to get rid of lobbyist while campaigning, then hired nothing but lobbyist for his cabinet, has done very poorly with our military and has not withheld his withdrawal promises that he promised during the election and on and on. And I assure you I could go on. Oh and please notice that none of those issues have ANYTHING to do with the color of his skin.

As for whether or not he could be the antichrist, it is curious in many ways. Although I want to REASSERT the fact that I AM NOT CALLING HIM THE ANTICHRIST JUST MERELY POINTING OUT SOME THINGS THAT ARE UNIQUE TO MR. OBAMA.

Some people are calling him the messiah. Some people think he is the Islamic Mahdi, which is believed by many christians to be the antichrist which if you would like I could explain more about that later. He's pushing hard for a middle east peace process, hes passing laws that are making it possible to control the american people more, He works for the same people bush did, he has already been caught lying on multiple occasions, Dont believe me get on you tube and watch the documentaries called the Obama deception and Fall of the Republic, he is heavily involved in the UN, which in of itself isnt a bad thing, but he is involved in working towards a NEW WORLD ORDER just as bush was. Those are just some of the things that make many people suspicious oh and their are MANY people who are either suspicious, just being observant or just curious about whether or not he is the Antichrist. I just Googled "is Obama the Antichrist" and came up with over a million results so yeah man Im apparently not the only one who needs to grow up then.

Oh and one more things, when I said it scares me, it was a figure of speech, Im not REALLY scared, Im not shaking in my boots, I was just saying it makes me leery of what is going on. Thats all. I love that verse though, its a goody. Anyways man sorry my rant is so long. I really am sorry if i offended you that was not my intent. Hope ya respond, after all that is the purpose of blogging is discussion. God Bless!!

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 2 Apr, 2010 03:48 PM

"Okay I think you have misunderstood me. For one I was very clear that I am not racist.":dunce:

You made the statement, that much is true. Is it CLEAR? No. Lets examine the content of your self described rant. :bouncy:

"I was speaking on Obamas policies that are clearly unchristian"

Now that you've made this statement, lets see if you back it up. Lets see what you attempt to back it up with.Matt 7:15-20

"I was not lying when I said that Hitler had total control over the health system in Germany, that their government decided who got treatment and who did not and that they denied the elderly care because they did not "benefit" society. That is history. "

Nationalized health care existed in Germany before Hitler's rise to power. In fact it was consolidated when he was in prison. Now, more important is the fact that what Hitler did once he became chanceller then head of state is much more like what the Bushes did than what president Obama has done.

"Control over the Education system, The Welfare and unemployment system, and the Health Care system. Every dictatorship must have these three things to keep control."

Most dictatorships do NOT and almost never have a welfare system. Health care and dictatorships have depended upon the types of government. Strict Monarchies most often have not had a nationalized health care system for example.

"They must be able to influence the minds of the people (through the education system) in order to indoctrinate and sell propaganda "

Hmmm, most of your post seems to be rehashed propagada based upon distortions, misrepresentations, innuendo and lies.

"no one can really deny that that is happening all ready, and if you don't believe me just look into the whole homeschooling conflict taking place in California"

Since Barak Obama was not a legislator nor politician in the state of CA, and the fact that he was not president nor even on the scene when the "battle" began,perhaps its more prudent to look at those who were. The Gov and the Pres...Arnold and GB.

"Mr. Obama is a supporter of homosexual rights and has been trying to get laws passed to elevate homosexuals to an equal status as ethnicity or sex."

This is a distortion. President Obama clearly is against crimes against homosexuals. Homosexual sex is clearly against God's will. Adultry is also. Shouldn't adulterors be protected from acts of violence? Should homosexuals be protected from violence? How about fornicators?John 8:7

"This makes any speech, literature, public speeches and sermons, and anything else that teaches that homosexuality is sinunnatural, against God, and that it is a choice and people don't "have" to be gay, classified as hate speech"

That is ....a lie.Exodus 20:16

"Their are already numerous court cases over people standing against homosexuality,"

Now what do ANY of them have to do with president Obama? He was NOT in office when any of the cases began.:rolleyes:

"Now our government is in control of it all, thanks partially to Mr. Obama who sealed the deal on the health care."

Lets examine your rant here. You now say president Obama is only "partially" to blame for what you view as the US government's control over the public. Did you know that the Republican party actually proposed a very similar reform over a decade ago? Were you aware that every president for the past 15-20 yrs has stated a desire to get a more nationalized health care and/or health care reform? You can actually go back further than that. What is Medicare? Medicade? What does part of your FICA tax go towards?

"With goverment beureaucrats deciding who is worth the risk, man power, resources and money for treatment the health care system could indeed one day begin denying seniors and handicapped people treatment."

News flash!! Those and more have been denied services for years. This is why every sitting president for the past decade or 2 has desired to get a health care reform bill passed.:rolleyes:

"Oh and by the way i wasnt too big a fan of bush either and I wasnt even really old enough to know much about politics past that"

Sadly that is an indictment on the educational system in your area more than anything as your posts seem to reinforce.

"But heres some facts for ya. Obama has put us deeper into debt as a nation more so than any other president in American history."

Sorry, it is not a therefore is a lie. Exodus 20:16

"He has raised taxes more than any other president"

You've guessed it; another lie. Check US tax history.

"He hasnt helped the recession"

Distortion, and distortions are lies. The recession has benefited from some of the emergency policies. The question is has it been enough. Are they long term? Will the price in the end be larger than the aid. It is far too early to tell on those questions, nonetheless it is clear that from the last year of the Bush administration to today the rate of economic downturn has lessened.

"We don't have any money!! "

Blame Bush....perhaps your real beef is with him, most of your rants are due to his policies and cases which began under his watch.


Actually you haven't pointed out much of anything factual that is unique of president Obama outside of the fact that there is alot of unwarrented aspersions being cast at him. Which leads to the question of,.....why? If nothing is really unique about him outside of his ethnicity, why are such aspersions being casts against him?

"He's basically turned his back on Israel and is siding with the Palestinians"

Now this is a lie.Exodus 20:16

"He has openly rejected and decounced our nations Christian roots, "

Another lie!.Exodus 20:16 Saying the USA is not a christian nation is hardly rejecting and denouncing fact of Christianity being in the historical roots of the nation. I'm waiting for anyone to show that this is or was a christian nation outside of having a majority of citizens who profess Christianity.Matthew 7:21-23

"His very citizenship is in question"

Yes, by idiotic extremists. The Republican party as well as the many investigative agencies of the USA, investigated Barak Obama long before the run for president and more intensely during his run. They found nothing of the sort to be true. There are those who believe Ronald Reagan to have been an alien from outer space....doesn't mean its true.

"He's pushing hard for a middle east peace process"

Oh oh! Hide the women and children! How dare any US president to actually push for PEACE!:peace::ROFL:

Now your contention has been that his policies are not christian like. However, peace and providing for the poor are very much christian like.

"A fascist government MUST have control of three things to properly and totally control its people."

Do you know what fascism is? If so your post certainly reflects the opposite.

1 thing about fascism, it is strongly opposed to core aspects of the Enlightenment and is an opponent of liberalism. That would be true of our government under Bush. Not the current administration. It would also be true of many so called " Republican conservatives" it is certainly true of the extremists.

"I just Googled "is Obama the Antichrist" and came up with over a million results so yeah man Im apparently not the only one who needs to grow up then"

Sadly its true, a great many Americans need to grow up. Extremists abound, your posts certainly have proven THAT.:laugh:

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 3 Apr, 2010 08:14 AM

Being German an knowing the fascists, their writings and their history here, al I can say that the Bush Jr. administration was much closer t fascism than Obama has been up to now.

Bush started torturing which has aso not been a problem in Nazi Germany, they did it too. Obama said he wanted to stop it and I am very disappointed there is still the Guantanamo prison.

That leads me to another point: The Nazis held people captive in jail and CCs without bringing them to court or have them a fair trial. Also this was done in Guantanamo, you could get in there without doing too much wrong.

Of course the Nazis took advantage of the social systems. But if there had been proper social systems in Germany before the rise of the Nazis, our unemployed back then wouldn't have sought salvation with the Nazi party.

I am very concerned about what happened under Bush, all the control and militarism (also similarities to the Nazis) and how certain people in the USA throw mud at Obama, just because he's from the other party. Another thing the Nazis used to do to get into power.

This is just the views of a foreigner that lives at the point where the Nazis ruled and knows the people that brought the Nazis into power.

I am well aware that I do not know all about the USA, but I also see that may Americans have no clue about fascism and communism (Marx was German, too, by the way) and just use those words to speak bad of people they don't like.

God bless you

De Benny

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 8 Apr, 2010 12:24 PM

Okay I think you have misunderstood me. For one I was very clear that I am not racist."

You made the statement, that much is true. Is it CLEAR? No.�

How was I not clear about my not being racist? Did I use any derogatory terms? No. Have I made any statements relating Mr. Obama or ANYONE for that matter with any racial stereotypes? No I haven�t. Have I said one negative thing about the color of his skin? No of course not. Do I believe that the color of Mr. Obama�s skin has any effect on his ability (or inability) to be a good president? No I don�t. I have no quarrels with ANY other race, and I myself am multi-ethnical. I have friends and church family from every race, and I love and admire them all equally. I was raised by my parents to believe that there is good and bad people in EVERY race. I feel insulted to be told otherwise, especially when my accusers know nothing about me. I brought the entire issue of race up to highlight this one simple point: When it comes to the issue of criticizing or even praising Mr. Obama people from ALL races tend to use his race either to protect him from criticism, or to validate it. I wish to do neither. The people who hate Mr. Obama or try to find reasons to hate him just because he is from an African-American decent are incredibly WRONG. On the other side of the coin and yes my friend there is another side, the people who voted for him just because of his skin color, or the people who wish to accuse anyone of criticizing Mr. Obama as being racist in order to give him an unfair amount of protection from that criticism are just as WRONG. They make it an issue of race just as much as the ones who hate because of race. Therefore I believe they are equally as wrong.

Race is not JUST a theory. It is a very real issue that has played its role in history since biblical times. The Jews despised the Samaritans, and the Gentiles. This racial division helped set the climate of the society that Jesus lived in. Jesus rebuked racism, sexism, and judging someone on their economic class or standing, and the bible is clear that we are all in the same family now, and that the kingdom of heaven transcends any gender, economic class, or racial divisions between people. I fully accept and embrace that teaching. But unfortunately it is easy to let our flesh take control and let these obvious cultural and physical differences get in the way of focusing on what�s really important. The Word of God.

The Word tells us there will be an antichrist who will rule. 1/3 of the scriptures are related to the subject of eschatology, or the study of the end times. I am simply looking at our world leaders of today, and looking at them in contrast to what the scripture says about the antichrist and the world government that has to be in place in order for him to rule. In the past I have looked at figures such as Tony Blair; Javier Solana, and yes even George bush Jr. to see if they match any of the criteria given in the scriptures. So in the very beginning, when I brought up the race issue, I was trying to convey the point that we are Christians, that we should be able to discuss this without pulling the race card, and that I was not looking at Mr. Obama because he�s black. Im looking at him because

A: He�s now the leader of One of if not the most powerful nations on Earth.

B: because I believe that the prophecies about the end are starting to come true and so that must mean that an antichrist must rise sometime in the near future.

C: Obama seemed to come from almost no where, has a charisma that is almost uncanny, and seems very persuasive

D: No president has ever been surrounded by so much controversy about everything he does, (at least not to my knowledge and I understand that could be open to interpretation and I don�t claim to be all knowing or infallible in my knowledge)

E: I�ve heard the title messiah, savior, mahdi, and other such titles thrown at him. Which I must say is very unsettling and I don�t recall anyone calling Clinton, Bush Sr. or Jr. or any other president the messiah.

Notice how NONE of my reasons have anything to do with race. That all being said I will no longer discuss the issue of my being racist with you. It detracts from the point I am trying to discuss, and I don�t know how I can be any clearer for you. This discussion is not and never was rooted in any kind of bigotry or racial bias. I am deeply sorry and give my full apologies to anyone who took it that way and I hope this post clears that up for them. Anyways this is a long post! And I have much more to write because now I have to address the issue of being called a liar over and over, but I think I will save that for my next post which is coming soon. Until next time�. God bless!

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 12 Apr, 2010 04:14 PM

"How was I not clear about my not being racist?"

You began this thread with disclaimers of racism which went on and on without any previous assertion to the contrary. As Shakespeare might say; Me thinks thou doth protest too much.:glow: In addition to this, the rest of your post does nothing more than smear and use distortions and innuendo to support your premise. You now claim that you've asked the same question of others including George Bush jr(the evidence of this is where?) to see if he "fit the criteria" . Fact is that Bush was MUCH more in line with the "criteria",GBsr and Ronald Reagan also.

Your points C and D are laughable(not that the rest of the post lacks that quality) :laugh: in relation to the overall premise. However your last "point" E is most ridiculous. Who calls President Obama the massiah? Outside of republicans marketing any references to President Obama by anyone in awe or inspiring terms as such...perhaps the same amount of crackpots who designate anyone new or inspiring as such. Larry Bird had people making similar remarks which have always been taken for the figurative reference intended. What credible group/organization calls president Obama the actual messiah?

Race is not JUST a theory. Oh really? I see you've never heard of the The Human Genome Project an international scientific research project with a primary goal to determine the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up DNA and to identify and map the approximately 20,000�25,000 genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional standpoint. 1 of the conclusions of the HGP was that "race" as is most commonly used does not exist. As Dr.Sergio Pena and colleagues wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences;"There is wide agreement among anthropologists and human geneticists that, from a biological standpoint, human races do not exist,"

My brother in christ, race does NOT nor has not existed outside of the minds of those who believe it does. Those who do are in fact racists. Therefore IF you do believe races, particularly the most commonly used system of racial classification exisit you are in fact a racist. Just as someone who believes in evolution is an evolutionist. There are 2 kinds of racist....just like cancer. 1)benign and 2) malignant.

Your reference to Biblical terms for gentiles and the like is not one of "race". Check the Aramaic and ancient latin words used, not their Old English translation.

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 13 Apr, 2010 03:53 PM

As I said in my last post, I will no longer discuss the issue of race with you. It is obvious that no matter what I say you will find something to dispute it when it comes to the subject. I know who I am and I know my beliefs, and at the end of the day it means very little to me whether or not you believe me. My conscience is clean because I know for a fact that I am not a bigot or a racist, and more importantly the Lord knows my heart and knows what I am saying is true.

�My brother in christ, race does NOT nor has not existed outside of the minds of those who believe it does. Those who do are in fact racists.�

I really do understand what you are trying to say, and I even agree with you to a point. The conflict of race is within the minds of men, but unfortunately the minds of men shape and develop the culture and society in which we are forced to live in. To ignore that fact is to be na�ve. There may not be a genetic racial difference, I am no scientist so I don�t know for sure, but what I do know that no matter what you say there are obvious cultural differences in all races. I of all people know this to be true (not saying I condone or like it) but it is true. Half of my family is Hispanic, and the other half white, and I can assure you there are some MAJOR cultural differences between the two sides. In fact America is founded on the diversity it has which comes from the melting pot of races and cultures that we have here today. It is evident even in what Americans eat, having food from all different cultures and ethnicities. Those who acknowledge this are not racist people but people who understand the society. Those who acknowledge it and use it for hate are the ones who are racist. Jesus even acknowledged that there are differences and during his ministry he addressed the issue on more than one occasion. Does that make Jesus racist? Of course not!

The Jews considered Samaritans second-class citizens because they were not fully of Hebrew decent.. Samaritans were a mixed group, believed to have been the descendants of intermarriages between Jews and local Gentiles, notably the Philistines, Edomites, Syrians, and Moabites. The Jews considered them inferior to themselves (sounds like racism to me) but they considered them to be better than gentiles. Gentiles are all people groups that are not from the Hebraic race for anyone who doesn�t know. The parable of the good Samaritan told by Jesus was a story really about the issue of racism in a way, because the Samaritan helped the Jew when the other Jews passing by would not. In the story the Samaritan did something almost unheard of: He stopped to help a Jew in spite of the hatred between the two people groups that was so common during that time When Jesus told the story he knew what reaction he would get from the people because he knew that there was racial tension between the Samaritans and the Jews. In fact what he was teaching was that we need to look past our racial and cultural differences as Christians. But he never said that the differences weren�t there. The story of the Samaritan woman by the well was such a big statement, because it was not customary for a Jew to even speak let alone share a drink of water with a Samaritan. As for gentiles, well In Jesus� time Jews weren�t even allowed to set foot in the home of a gentile let alone associate with them. Had Jesus not taken the time to teach that the kingdom of heaven was for all races and that we are to treat everyone equally, then the disciples would have only brought the good news to their fellow Jews, and you and I may not have ever met the savior. In fact Paul addresses the issue of race and says it has no effect on who may enter the kingdom. In fact it took God telling Paul to take the word to the gentiles to get him to do it really, because Paul grew up a Pharisee and no doubt grew up within those set of racial beliefs held by the Jews of the day. So yeah even the apostles and the Christ himself acknowledged the racial issues of their day, and tried to teach about and settle the issue. If they had not it would still be a major problem in the church today. But just because they acknowledged the differences and acknowledged the biases of the people within their culture did not make them racist, benign or malignant.

Again I brought the issue up just to assure people that hatred was not the source of my posts and never was. I did this because I knew that some people, whether I meant it that way or not would take it as being racist, I was not altogether wrong considering it appears it is the way you have taken it. You immediately assumed that my criticism of Obama or questioning his intentions was based in racism, and have been harping on it ever since. Say what you want man, I don�t even care. I have said enough on the issue that most reasonable people can read what I�ve written so far and understand what I am saying and not view me as a racist. You, on the other hand have already formed your opinion of me and there is little I can say to change it. That is your loss. I started this thread to discuss eschatology, current events, and end times prophecy, not to discuss race. You are the one that has made this an almost entirely racial debate thread now not me. I would never had mentioned it past the first post had you not insisted on labeling me a racist, all because you like Obama and don�t want anyone saying anything bad about him. Instead of debating with me over his political issues, or presenting any scriptural references as to why he surely isn�t the antichrist, (which I would have welcomed seeings how that was the entire point of the thread) you turned it into a racial debate, which was my fear from the beginning. In a way you validated my concern and reasoning for speaking on it. I am sorry we cant see eye to eye on the issue, but there is nothing more I can say and I am through trying to convince you. My next post will not even have the word race in it, lets keep it that way so we can discuss the real topic of this thread.

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 16 Apr, 2010 06:09 PM

Greetings in the name of Yahoshua my brother.I responded to this thread to point out the many distortions,misrepresentations, lies and general ignorance in the original post not to mention many subsequent posts. I'll begin by pointing out the ignorance in the post just above this. It was pointed out that I typed this;

�My brother in christ, race does NOT nor has not existed outside of the minds of those who believe it does. Those who do are in fact racists.�

The response was this:

JJ-"I really do understand what you are trying to say, and I even agree with you to a point. The conflict of race is within the minds of men, but unfortunately the minds of men shape and develop the culture and society in which we are forced to live in. To ignore that fact is to be na�ve."

No, you obviously do NOT understand what I typed,therefore you could not have understood what I was "trying to say"....I typed exactly what I meant. Your lack of understanding of what I typed and the concepts contained therein were obviously things YOU misunderstood.:winksmile: You certainly have shown an ability to make long posts on things of which you obviously lack understanding. I did NOT write about the "CONFLICT of race" per se, I wrote of the basis for which any such conflict arises. Ignorance, ie lack of knowledge which leads to failed thinking and conclusions is the basis of any such conflict. Race IS a concept or THEORY proven to be a MYTH. More exactly the most widely used systems of racial classification are nothing more than theory based systems brought down from the 17th century only adhered to by those who are ignorant of what it is. Much like the time in European history in which most believed that there was a point in the ocean in which a boat would drop off the earth. It was a part of societal thinking, accepted and passed down through centuries of ignorance despite evidence from others that showed otherwise.Christobal Colon showed this to be false, Europe and European society changed significantly since. To believe in something proven to be false or a myth is worse than naive.:winksmile:

JJ"There may not be a genetic racial difference,"

Therefore "race" does NOT exist my brother. To believe that it does is much like believing in the Leprechauns. It exists ONLY in the minds of those who believe it does.

JJ-"what I do know that no matter what you say there are obvious cultural differences in all races. "

You speak of concepts you obviously do not understand. "Race" and culture are 2 totally different things and have nothing to do with one another. Culture is the way you live, a lifestyle so to speak. There are Dutch Geisha girls, Chinese B boys, Jamaican American styled cowboys and a list of groups who have adopted cultures not seemingly indigenous to that group that goes on and on and on. "race" has NOTHING to do with culture and EVERYTHING to do with genetics and morphology in its theory. Now, as it relates to morphology and genetics this is true, human variation is OBVIOUS, human variation is real, human variation is finite, "race" simply is NOT. Therefore it does NOT exist outside of the minds of those who ignorantly and foolishly believe in it.

JJ-"Half of my family is Hispanic, and the other half white, and I can assure you there are some MAJOR cultural differences between the two sides."

Again you display ignorance of the topic on which you post. Hispanic is a word derived from the word Hispanus meaning from the Iberian peninsula which is in Europe. What you refer to as "white" are also of European descent. In other words whether it is a Spaniard, Portugese, French, German, Brit, Swede, Russian all and more are European. Different cultures, YES , different "races" NO, NOT even in the minds of those who adhere to the most widely used concepts of classification of "race".

JJ"In fact America is founded on the diversity it has which comes from the melting pot of races and cultures that we have here today. It is evident even in what Americans eat, having food from all different cultures and ethnicities.Those who acknowledge this are not racist people but people who understand the society. Those who acknowledge it and use it for hate are the ones who are racist."

No, America was NOT founded on this principle. Also, there was a melting pot of cultures for sure,despite the great effort to prevent it. Those who acknowledge THIS are prudent and knowledgeable on the topic."race" on the other hand is NOT anything to acknowledge. It is prudent to acknowledge that it exists in the minds of many, this is an obvious fact. Just as it is wise to acknowledge that some still believe the way to heaven is through good works, some even believe we are reincarnated until enough good works are achieved to show the highest plain of existence on earth at which time that being goes to heaven. Doesn't make it true does it?:glow: Now as I stated in another post. There are 2 kinds of racist;

1)benign-believes in the most widely used systems of racial classification but does not assess a negative nor positive perception to any.

2)Malignant-attributes any amount of negative and/OR positive perception to ANY "race(s)".

There are obviously varying degrees of malignant racists there is only 1 degree of benign racist.

JJ"Does that make Jesus racist?"

The discourse on Yeshua shows your continued ignorance on the topic. Yeshua never mention race. The term likely did not even exist. The word is based upon a latin word that didn't even exist in antiquity. Even once it did come into being the word referenced nationality more than anything.

JJ"The Jews considered Samaritans second-class citizens because they were not fully of Hebrew decent.. Samaritans were a mixed group, believed to have been the descendants of intermarriages between Jews and local Gentiles, notably the Philistines, Edomites, Syrians, and Moabites. "

Samaritans were looked down upon because they claimed to practice the REAL form of Judaism and they claimed the Isrealites did NOT. That, my brother is the issue with the Samaritans. It was their PRACTICES and beliefs not their "race", not their genetics. The Isrealites were as you put it "a mixed group". To deny this is to deny scripture. Many Hebrew men,took wives from other groups.....Ethiopian, Egyptian, Moabite to quickly name a few. The family of Yeshua was of that linage.

jj" I started this thread to discuss eschatology, current events, and end times prophecy, not to discuss race. You are the one that has made this an almost entirely racial debate thread now not me."

IF you read my posts you will find that I address many statements you make with an almost equal amount of time. This post deals most with the issue of race because your last post was dealt with it entirely. What I do is simply point out the error in your thought process and premises.

I trust that you may learn from the information and ideas I've provided.:waving:

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Speaking on some of Mr. Obamas policies and whether or not he is the anti christ
Posted : 28 Sep, 2010 10:22 AM

I only vote the bible..... Children of the most high u need to open ur eyes.... We are living in the end times... Plz let the Holy Spirit guide u when u vote.....

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