Author Thread: What's the deal with Christian artists lately?

What's the deal with Christian artists lately?
Posted : 11 Nov, 2009 06:29 PM

I don't know about you but lately I've been hearing of some artists stumbling recently. From the domestic abuse charges against Bebe Winans to the "moral indiscretions" of Da Truth and the Ambassador to even the substance abuse of RedCloud. There was also the divorce of Ahmad with Tena Jones from 4th Avenue Jones. He's gone solo now... I wonder if his "The Death of Me" album's out yet... *checks myspace* nope... Well anyway, I don't know how to feel other than prayerful for their reconciliation to their families and their CREATOR like never before... That and filled with "righteous indignation" towards Satan and his minions for even throwing that crud their way. Well I also see it as a wake up call to stay vigilant and on guard against "the evil one". Because, evidently anyone, (no exceptions) anyone can stumble if they're no careful and prayerfully covered at all times...

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What's the deal with Christian artists lately?
Posted : 20 Nov, 2009 03:21 PM

i tell you what's they, like me and you are human. It just confirms the scripture that all have fallen short of the glory of GOD. No person is an exception. I just had a vision of a man steadily using a magnifying glass to examine other people lives. There was one problem though, he didn't pay attention to the angle he had it pointed. Not realizing the sun was shining through all the while setting his clothes ablaze. Thus concludes this topic...

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What's the deal with Christian artists lately?
Posted : 20 Nov, 2009 03:23 PM

Seriously we could use an edit function on these message boards... along with a delete post function to take down sorry looking posts like this. ah well...

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What's the deal with Christian artists lately?
Posted : 20 Nov, 2009 07:49 PM

Hey JCTalker,

I look at people in public life and while they are often admired, I often think it must be so hard to live under the constant observation and scrutiny of others. Often we are so highly critical of each other, like we have anything to boast about, for not one of us can measure up, and often the harder we try to "be better" than others, the farther we slide down into a pit of something that is truly not pleasing unto the Lord.

When we are told to pray for our leaders, we often think of people like the president or legislators, sometimes we think of Pastors or maybe in our bosses at work that are in authority over us, but truthfully I think that also means those we look up to and admire that lead us in other ways as well; those people exemplified in public life as "heroes" like entertainers or sports figures.

Sometimes we get this notion that it would be so easy to be them, no money problems, more choices in practically everything, we could hire the best to take care of all the things that we struggle with and find burdensome. But the truth is, we have no idea what its like to walk in shoes that big, where the world tells us who we are, and its probably not hard at all to start believing it.

Honestly, we have no clue if their heart was ever genuine and true unto the Lord, or if it was and the enemy chose this way to attack them to bring them down, but I think we need to pray for them, for which ever way it is, they are so very close unto the truth of the Lord that their heart is RIGHT THERE!

Anyone who has ever been through the break up of a marriage knows very well that there are things going on that people just don't know, and truly if it was your life, the last thing you would want would be to see it on the front of a tabloid rag for the world to see and exploit even farther.

Think about the biggest struggle you wrestle with; would you want the world to witness it and discussed it on talk radio?

"Yes, last night Joe was seen picking his nose, and it is rumored he has a hoarding disorder which we think might be correct for have you seen the inside of his car lately? A couple weeks ago a coworker saw him pop a couple of pills, which he said was aspirin, but really, who takes aspirin for a headache anymore? Sort of explains the depressive state he has been in lately. Between all that and the long hours at the office, ya gotta wonder what is going on in his marriage, don't ya"

I certainly would not want the word "Tarasye" put in place of "Joe" tomorrow when I wake up and tune into the news in the world, yet it really is open game on public figures. To live under scrutiny, rumor and innuendo would be tough, and holding your life together under it while constantly needing to be on the road with lectures or tours or appearances, frankly, I couldn't do it, and while they may have chosen their life, I doubt they chose that side of it when they made those decisions.

I think on top of that, there is always someone that wants a piece of who you are, just like the woman with an issue of blood that just wanted to touch our Savior that she might be healed. People today just want to reach out and touch, to take something from someone that they believe will change them and make a difference. Sometimes they choose those figures in public view and they are in no means flawless or perfect as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was. The woman as not misguided in reaching out for Jesus, yet many people are misguided reaching out for today's public figures like they are saviors, for they are just as flawed and broken as the rest of us.

These people truly need our prayers for I think the higher we are lifted up unto Him, the greater the attack of the enemy, and the farther we have to fall if our focus is ever distracted from the Almighty. How quick we forget all they have done when they stumble.

Thanks for posting this JCTalker, I think it gives us all an opportunity to pray for all in authority that lead us.


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What's the deal with Christian artists lately?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2009 12:57 PM

SO glad KEAGGY, indeed now his own 'Producer', the 'business' end of things, even in Christianity, not so beautiful AS the Music of a good many Artists TRUE!!! Christian MUSIC about Sharing the WORD... not about 'sales'.

SO GOOD, to indeed KNOW artists who HAVE been and KEEP True! 'Use' of friends/fam and FELLOW MUSICIANS... to assist/monitor in resistance to thee temptations many, a GOOD practice CHOSEN: it, the Sharing. 'IT' what FELLOW-CHRISTIANS (via GRACE of GOD) do; not 'only' PRAY, but ACT and Support in ALL aspects of ANY Ministry! BOTH the 'actions' AND the 'lack there of', to be Decided BY each individual, WITH a 'Family' CERTAINLY there to 'Assist'. :angel: David :angel: 12/30/09 :angel: :angel: :angel:

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