Author Thread: How do I feel about starting over...someone asked me this!

How do I feel about starting over...someone asked me this!
Posted : 29 Jun, 2008 08:31 PM

In most ways, I am really excited!

God has brought me back to the "faith of a child" (so to say) in trusting that He will bring someone into my life that is as freed up from the pains of their I have been.

If we are to claim healing from this experience, doesn't it follow that we would want to also "reclaim" His promise of what He intended for marriage? I truly miss the wonderful love of a marriage relationship. In God's timing, I hope to have that in a way that was greater than I ever had (or imagined) in the past!

Sadly though, many who "claim" to have been healed from divorce, don't have faith to be married again! I don't understand that. I have seen more wounded hearts that just don't seem to get past the love again! There are a million reasons out there. And with the exception of those God has truly called to peace in being single...most...are just afraid. Men and women alike.

I believe that the full process of healing, is to come back (by God's Grace) to the nature of how He created us! To be with someone in a marriage relationship!

So, just how did He design us concerning marriage? Well, as I recall...(light hearted smile here) it started with Adam & Eve!

Genesis 2:23-24 (NIV)

23 The man said,

"This is now bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called 'woman, [a] '

for she was taken out of man."

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

I love the NIV study note which reveals the meaning of "One Flesh"...The divine intention for husband and wife was monogamy. It is both "a sign and an expression" of what God intended to inseparable lifetime union.

So, how do I feel today about starting over?

I'm excited for tomorrow and God's promise. I hope for it, look forward to it, and more than anything, have learned patience for it! It is His timing.

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