Author Thread: Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ

Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 24 Sep, 2010 03:39 PM

Hi there today�s what I�m writing might upset some people but I think it is absolutely essential that I tell everyone what I�m about to say. Many people find it interesting to talk about the last book in the bible called revelation which reveals things about the antichrist the end times and the number 666, what do these things mean? An interesting thing to note the Islamic people or the Muslim like to consider the holiest number 666 kind of strange isn�t it reading from the last book in the bible called the revelation chapter 13 verse 11 ( I now saw another beast this one came out of the ground it had two horns like lamb but spoke like dragon it work for the beast who fatal wound had been healed and it used all its authority to force the earth and its people to worship the beast it worked mighty miracles while people watched it even made fires come from the sky the second beast fooled people on earth by working miracles for the first one then it talked them into making an idol in the form of the beast that did not die after being wooded by a sword it was allowed to put breath into the idol so that it could speak everyone who refused to worship the idol of the beast was put to death all people were forced to put a mark on their right hand or there forehead weather they were powerful or week rich or poor free people or slaves they all had to take this mark or else they could not buy or sell anything this mark stood for the name of the beast and for the number of its name ) YOU NEED WISDOM TO UNDERSTAND THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST BUT IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH YOU CAN FIGURE THIS OUT ITS NUMBER IS 666 AND IT STANDS FOR A PERSON some people might wonder what do I have against Islam? Well let�s talk about Satan Satan�s whole thing is that he hates you and wants you to go to Hell for your sins Jesus Christ God in the flesh came to die for I sins we owed a debt to God and Jesus paid it for us however if we refuse his payment and go to hell and pay for our sins for eternity So all Satan has to do to make you go to hell is to get you to reject Jesus Christ It is written on the side of the dome of the rock mosque this is a famous site for Muslims on the side it is described far be it removed from his transcended majesty he Allah should have a son/ Doesn�t that sound like Satan saying Jesus never came God can�t have a son it never happen it sounds exactly what Satan would do not only that but think about this what other religion do you know that has in their own scripture denials against other religions? It acknowledges the other religions and says oh no that�s not true Judaism doesn�t do that Christianity doesn�t do that because Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism but then you have Islam saying No they�re wrong, Never happen No don�t believe that its wrong In the Gospel it is recorded that God himself the father declared that Jesus was he�s beloved son Let�s look at Mathew chapter 3 verse number 16 so Jesus was baptized as soon as he came out of the water the sky open and he saw the spirit of God coming down on him like a dove then a voice from heaven said ( This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased) see Islam has to deny this the very declaration of God which is recorded not just in the Gospel of Mathew they have to deny this because if it�s true that means Islam is not true the bible just has so been written hundreds of years before Islam was even invented by the false prophet Muhammad so who you going to believe God or some illiterate Arabic man According to Christianity the anti Christ brings the 7 year peace treaty with Israel according to Islam there Masaya brings the 7 year peace treaty he will ride a white horse and concur nations which is what the first beast in the book of revelations does he rides a white horse who concurs to concur the false prophet alone side the beast is the false Jesus that will have at its side he will break all crosses right now Islam is the fastest growing religion In the world and they are slowly taking over Europe and Russia they will take over the world because there Masaya will bring miracles that will deceive almost everyone those who will not convert will be beheaded sounds familiar also in Daniel it tells is that the anti Christ will change the Laws in the time that is what Islam does that make every abide into the Islamic law and they have a different calendar then we do the book of the Quran and the prophet Muhammad is 666 it is Islam holy number it is also the time when there Masaya will be born like the 6ths day of the 6th month of the 6th hour or something like that but basally you get the idea Muslims buy a lot of companies and they make it very clear that they won�t be doing business with anyone who is not Muslim they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark sounds familiar? The mark is a spiritual mark just like Jesus followers have the mark of 777 on their forehead the Islamic people will have 666 on their foreheads and hands ok lets summaries everything we looked at so far Basically Islam believe that they have a Masaya like figure coming and they sure do however Jesus warned us that that would be the Anti Christ every single trait that Jesus Attributed to this anti Christ from Satan is attributed to in the Quran to the Islamic Masaya they believe in this Masaya but Jesus told us that that would be the Anti Christ Jesus even said this anti Christ would deceive the whole world and Muslim are so proud they say look at our religion were the fastest growing religion in the world well it just so happen Jesus said that the deception would be over the whole world I wouldn�t be too proud of that but I think I made my point Later Guys God Bless

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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 2 Nov, 2010 10:12 PM

Please allow me to share something with those of you willing to hear.

I used to be a Muslim. I threw away my Qu'ran once I realized that I was being deceived. I had this gut feeling that something was wrong. I know now that the One True God made it possible for me to see the light and I am forever grateful. Just like the rest of mankind, He didn't want me to perish. And it's so sad, too. There are billions of devout Muslims out there praying five times a day, focusing on good deeds, all while trying to fulfill the five pillars of Islam. And this is the focus of their lives, and should they stray from their religion, they are to be killed!

Allah claims he is the Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, but it has been said that even someone who does many good deeds throughout his life and fulfills the five pillars of Islam can still go to Hell. When I heard this, I immediately questioned Allah's mercy. How can an incomprehensibly merciful God still send someone to Hell even after completing the works desired? What about their strong faith? Was that not enough? The answer is no... because Allah is NOT the One True God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is a liar, a deceiver; the one the Lord God calls "the father of all lies".

I remember when I first began questioning the so-called "Holy" Qu'ran, I started waking up at 3:33 AM every-single night until I searched for an answer. I ended up opening a specific verse in the Holy Bible, Jeremiah 33:3, where it reads: "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." That's all it took for me to turn away from my wicked ways and stop denying the power of the Living God. Then the pieces fit together like a puzzle I'd been waiting to complete all my life, and so I discovered the Truth. I had no doubt (only assurance) that the Most Merciful God I'd been waiting to know, died on the cross for our sins. It was the most humble, merciful, loving thing He could have ever done for us. On one side, you have a false god claiming that the only way you can gain salvation is by your own works, while the other god, the One True God, sheds His blood for your salvation and all you have to do is believe and repent!

Just remember: even Satan can appear as an angel of light. These are words of wisdom for all those who seek the truth and wish not to be deceived. The angel that appeared to Muhammad was Satan himself. He claimed that he was angel Gabriel (revealed as the Holy Spirit in Islam). A clever way for Satan to cover his tracks in the Qu'ran was to state that angels cannot sin and that they all have limited free will. Allah (Satan) also mentioned the creation of the Jinns in the Qu'ran. They are supernatural beings which were created before man. Muslims have stated that these creatures are commonly referred to as demons, but that some are good, while some are evil. According to Allah, Satan was the chief of the Jinns and he refused to bow down to Adam and was therefore kicked out of Heaven due to his "pride". This sounds awfully familiar and would lead any non-believer astray. And just in case you didn't know, the angels mentioned in the Qu'ran are said to be made of light. How about that for a grand deception?

Let us pray for all the Muslims out there, that God may open up their hearts and allow them to know His Truth, Love, and Mercy!

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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 16 Nov, 2010 05:06 PM

666 is the number of man....obviously what does not even claim Christ as their Saviour and Lord could not possibly represent that in the way that our Lord Jesus describes in the Revelation. But to deceive even the elect it would take something that looks like the real thing to deceive the elect. Therefore manmade Christianity is the mark of the beast, not all these other religions. Manmade Christianity consists of "man" doing God's work apart from the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit which is what you mostly experience in our day. Not something that doesn't even claim Christ. But preachers that get up and breathe through their nostrils and preach some sermon that didn't come from God at all....but were preached in their own natural strength. Or a Christian that runs off to do a "good deed" in the name of the Lord when the Holy Spirit never told tghem to do it at all. That's the mark of the beast. The only remedy is to accept and share in the chastening of the Lord and the fellowship of His sufferings that the Life of Christ might work through us. Christ Jesus is the only One that can please the Father and if it is not Christ in us doing the work or leading the people than we are guilty of dead works and misleading the people. Every child of God must face up to this reality and confess before God will do a single thing in our lives.

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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 20 Nov, 2010 05:42 AM

666 is the number of a man, and or man's system, based upon socioeconomic systems of religious iconographic governance, and what is perceived to be wisdom, or light, but which is no real light at all. This is why Jesus said, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!" Satan has been working very hard to deceive men for thousands of years, and the main mechanism of his deceptions has been the governments of men.

Antichrist contrary to modern theological thought does not mean "against", but "instead of" or "in place of" Christ, which is the Greek word for Ha'Mashiach or the Messiah.

The Eternal Plan of the Father was to conceal Y'shua in time, and to reveal Him, to prove that He Was/Is the Creator, and not Ra, Zeus, or any other false gods, and/or systems of gods and religious governance. Man's wisdom, which is no wisdom at all, has been proven by the Creator in every age to be no wisdom at all.

The Babylonians system which used icons and idols and religious worship of false deities and temples to create an economy, was seized upon by the Egyptians, which created a more advanced system surrounding the construction of temples and cities of the dead, to create an economy.

Greece followed, as did Rome, and now we have the United States of America relying upon the proven foolishness of both Greece and Rome to fashion our two party system of governance out of [REPUBLICANS from Rome, and DEMOCRATS from Greece], and to top it all off, our economic and legal system originated out of Babylon, and can be studied if you will go and begin to research THE BABYLONIAN MASTER-SLAVE CONDUCT CODE, and/or the Shetar and Hammurabi..

Your government asks you to swear, so as to bring you into slavery by verbal or written contract, but Y'shua told you to: "BUT I SAY TO YOU, SWEAR NOT AT ALL!"

The Babylonian priesthood controlled the system of writing, economics, time, and mathematics [hence the use of the religious oath], which recorded financial transactions on clay tablets and required you to swear before their temple gods..

In America, and throughout the world today, we have the same system, only it has been broken up into two parts, the bankers handling the number side, and the lawyers handling the oath and legal side.

Y'shua was killed because He went into the Temple and overturned the tables* [Latin word is "BANCI, for bank] and it upset the Luciferians and their government. Today's modern churches are doing the same thing, taking the things of Holiness and trying to convert them into capital..



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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 20 Nov, 2010 05:35 PM


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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 17 Jan, 2012 10:32 AM

AntiTypical, great testimony. :applause:

Allow me to share it with my Muslim friends. :peace:

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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 19 May, 2012 10:55 PM

Amen, AntiTypical. Preach it, Brother!:applause:

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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 4 Aug, 2012 10:59 PM

Amen brother! Praise the Lord! Your testimony is wonderful. I am deeply involved in the outreach witness ministry to Muslims and I'm seeing many come to Christ. Those who take Jeremiah 29:13 to heart finally discover the truth. I always encourage my Muslim friends or acquaintances to pray and stand on Jeremiah 29:13 until they get answers and its never failed the ones who are willing to do so.:applause: Our Lord is Most Merciful, indeed.

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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 5 Aug, 2012 06:42 PM

Your a very wise person,what you say is the truth,Thanks,i thought only me was seeing it,God bless.

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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 14 Aug, 2012 04:50 PM

I was wondering...

Are there many legitimate Muslim conversions to Christianity?

What is needed?

Do older scriptures like Jeremiah 29:13 have larger impact than say Matthew 6:33?

What about our need to be born again to become God's children?


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Satan/Islam/Muslim/Quran/= Anti Christ
Posted : 13 Dec, 2012 11:14 PM

The USA, who was the most powerful country in the world, now has a muslim for president. It's all of our heavenly fathers plan to bring abou the end times. Believe,and trust, in our father.t

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