Author Thread: Clean Why Comes

Clean Why Comes
Posted : 31 Jan, 2011 03:57 PM

Why come?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 03:51 AM

Why come chevy drives a Dodge but T and Kat both drive a chevy?

Why come that was T's chevy challenge?

Why come maybe this why come will dodge being Closed?

Why come what's going on around here?

Why come I'm on my way to check out the other why come?

Why come this was my first stop and I only found out the other one was closed because T and babygirl were talking about it?

Why come edw, I'll be back later with a fab lab abs tall tale?

Why come your box, boxer, boxed one Rocked?:rocknroll:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 04:48 AM

Why come I think I'm missing something?

Why come I don't get what the humor is in repeating the same word over and


Why come I'm sincerely trying to see the humor which is why I think I may be missing

something in that type of post?

Why come edw, & chevy have knock out sense of humors?

Why come I can hardly wait to ride Disney's California Screamin, Tower of Terror, and

Space Mountain at Disneyland with edw as I have a feeling he's gonna be scerd and will scream

more than me?

Why come I look forward to carpet picnics, backyard camping, rangetop marshmallow roasting

for smores, laughter, and dreams of the future ... all of this with you my dear sweet

lovely Charlie?!?!!! I love you with my whole heart baby, Always and Forever... Mmmmmwah!

Why come I've not gone to bed as yet, and its been 2 1/2 days now since I've slept a

full nights sleep?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 04:54 AM

We are about to get hit by a blizzard? you may not hear from me for awhile,ok.Dennis

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 05:08 AM

Why come ... Saying prayer for you Dennis. Please keep us posted on how your


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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 05:41 AM

Why come Dennis, you're in our prayers?

Why come STAY INSIDE?:glow:

Why come I thought our other why come was clean?

Why come I don't understand what's happening?

Why come I really LOVE every single one of you?:hearts:

Why come we're getting a storm too?

Why come ours is rain, thunder, and lightening?

Why come thunderstorms are VERY rare this time of year?

Why come, as you youngsters say, I'll catch yall on the flip side?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 08:27 AM

Why come our blizzard watch starts at 1 pm today--------------> tuesday

Why come it ends wednesday at 7pm

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 09:51 AM

Why come I got to put ice skates on just to get to my car?

Why come I made my kids watch an episode of Mod Squad and had to admit it was "kinda" good?:dancingp:

Why come the early tv shows up til the 80's were the best?

Why come I started my quest a few years ago to educate my kids on the quality of early tv programming when I was so appalled when I made a reference to Gilligan's Island and they were like, 'Who's island"?

Why come since then they have watched and 'love' whole seasons of Punky Brewster, Fall Guy, Gilligan's Island, McGyver, Cosby Show, Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu just name a few?:zzzz:

Why come I really wanted to use an wrong emoticon in a inappropriate place where it wouldn't make sense?

Why come this is the right emoticon after listing those awesome tv shows?:peace:

Why come I really want seasons of Six Million Dollar Man, Wonder Woman and Bionic Woman? (Hint, Hint My B-Day is Coming Up:party:)

Why come it IS kind to tell ppl the truth about themselves?

Why come its important to let ppl know that you know?

Why come when I was little I thought Morris the Cat was really spoiled and liked to play the victim?

Why come I'm into retro cartoons and watched 'Fraidy Cat'? Never had heard of it!

Why come yesterday we watched Betty Boop, Popeye, Herman the Mouse, Three Stooges (cartoon), Casper and Gumby ( that one kinda su ck ed!):rocknroll:

Why come yall stay safe out there, bout to order a pizza (poor pizza drivers riskin' his/her life!, Hey but there are open!) and watch another episode of Mod Squad? :applause::bouncy::dancingp:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 12:37 PM

Why come I will see you all later?

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 01:04 PM

Why come I just realized Kyle was the whiz kid who came up with the box why come?

Why come I read these why comes too fast sometimes?

Why come good job, Kyle?

Why come I thought Kyle's new pic was edw?

Why come I may need to invest in a pair of glasses?

Why come the girls on why come always talkin bout food and making me hungry?

Why come I hope DG stays safe in the blizzard?

Why come Kaynine rocks? :rocknroll:

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Clean Why Comes
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 06:12 PM

Why comes Chevy, why comes?

Why comes my 1978 El Camino does so awesome in the snow?

Why comes I never have to have someone pull me out, I can get out by myself?

Why comes I am so proud of my El Camino!?

Why comes I wouldn't trade it for anything in the snow?

Why comes I'm driving down the road and everybody else is getting stuck and needs help from people?

Why comes I can get in their car and get them out, but they can't?

Why comes the windchill here tomorrow night or so is going to be -30F?

Why comes my cat is so scared of the singing balloon we have at the house?

Why comes Paka thinks there is something wrong with balloons that sing?:yay:

Why comes we need to start posting longer why comes?

Why comes I haven't been doing so?

Why comes if you have carpet, you might have a car and a pet?

Why comes an El Camino is a truck and nobody understands that?

Why comes I am enjoying the snow?

Why comes I want to go on vacation this month?

Why comes I need more work?

Why comes?

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