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Intimidation and Christian, professional women
Posted : 12 Jan, 2008 08:49 AM

This is an area that has fueled many arguments between men and women. Many men take the scripture out of context when it says that women should be submissive to their husbands. If you read 1Peters 3:1-7 it talks about the relationship even with non-believers. But in 1 Corinthians 13 it defines what love should be and the relationship that a husband should have with his wife, as Christ loved the church.

You must understand that God holds the man responsible for the spiritual growth of the family, if he is a Christian, when it talks about being submissive, that doesn't mean that you bow down and kiss his feet, it means that man is the head of the family in spiritual matters and the wife follows his lead. It is also stated in scripture that the two will become one, one flesh, together making a whole.

You need to put your faith in Christ, and hand this over to Him to take care of. He will provide for your needs, don't get me wrong, that doesn't include your wants and desires. If you listen to anything anyone says, please hear this, if Christ is not number one in yours and his life, if He is not the focus of both, and together you are not trying to serve Him then you are going to have trouble. As my pastor said, your number one goal in life is to serve Christ, "Love the Lord God with all your heart, all your soul and all your might" you make it right with Him, all else will fall in place.

Remember, we are human, born to sin and wicked to the core, only by God's grace are we able to be washed by the blood of His son to be righteous in His eyes. Let Jesus pick the man He wants you to be with, He doesn't need any help, He already knows what He wants you to have. Here is where faith comes in, to sit back and not worry about it, and let Christ do the driving.


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corresponding with more than one person at once
Posted : 12 Jan, 2008 08:07 AM

I am not sure why you ask this question on a date web site. The purpose of the web site is to get to know and communicate with people rather it be friendship or looking for more. I wouldn't consider it anything different than a prelude to actual dating, which it would be up to the two adults when to become couple and agree not to see anyone else. Although I do think its important that both be honest with each other, He should let you know, but then don't consider him hiding it from you if you don't ask. But I think it a tad bit naive to think you can expect a monogamous relationship over the web site.

The most important thing to consider is if God comes first in His life, if He does, it will show in his actions, and if he is following God's word, then he will be upfront and honest to you.