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Posted : 20 Oct, 2010 10:42 PM

i dont really know how well this fits this topic, but its something i heard awhile ago that i thought was interesting. if you squeeze a tube of toothpaste what should come out? toothpaste right? if God squeezes (trials, tribulations etc.) a christian what should come out? just somthing interesting to think about i guess.


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The Deceitfulness of Riches
Posted : 10 Oct, 2010 03:37 PM

there is a quote that my pastor gave this morning by frederic d. huntington, "it is not scientific doubt, not atheism, not pantheism, or agnosticism, that in our day and in this land is likely to quench the light of the gospel. it is a proud, sensuous, selfish, luxurious, church-going-hollow-hearted prosperity." he said that sometime in the late 1800`s.


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Garden of Eden
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 06:35 PM

i have been thinking about this for quite awhile, dont ask me why, i tend to think way more than i should sometimes. i have heard/read from many people/places that the garden of eden is in the mesopotamia/iraq area due to the euphrates river being there. one of the main reason that i dont think that is (or was, but ill stick with is) is mainly the flood. the flood was global, and due to the vlolent nature of the flood, noah and his family would not have recognized anything when they finally landed on the mountains (notice plural, not singular) of ararat. the reason that the euphrates is in iraq is because noah (or his sons who really knows who named it after the flood) decided to use names that they were already familiar with. i think that there is a possibility that eden could be in the area of israel. there are some indirect (or even possibly direct) parrallels between eden and the land of israel.

one of the other thoughts that ive had regarding this is the spot where jesus was crucified. in eden there was the tree of life which adam and eve were allowed to eat from and live forever physically (notice that when they got kicked out of the garden they were no longer allowed to eat from it). believing in jesus (partaking in communion, i am only saying communion as an illustration of what i am talking about, it doesnt save people as i am aware) allows people to live forever spiritually. so my thought is that jesus may have been crucified on the spot where the tree of life was (there is also speculation that the ark of the covenant was hidden under where he was crucified, but who knows). anywho, sorry for any spelling errors and that i have not explained very well as i just finished a 12 hour work shift and am half asleep.


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He Sure Looked Saved... But He Wasn't!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2010 10:31 AM

an interesting sermon i just finished watching. hopefullly it will challenege what we all believe and help us grow.


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Soul Mate/ Effortless such thing!!!!
Posted : 30 Aug, 2010 07:56 PM

i agree. remember, the bible says that "God so loved the world that He GAVE His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". remember, our sin broke Gods heart and hurt Him alot, but He continued(s) to show us that He loved(s) us by giving, and the ultimate proof of His love was sending Jesus(himself) to save us. i heard an interesting thought that our love is like a gas tank, the more we give the less we got left, but Gods "love tank" (im tired and lacking a better term so that will have to do, even though it sounds kinda corny, but anyways) is limitless and will never run out, so we need to keep getting refills from the Lord (and this is my paraphrase, so my apologise if it sounds weird). anywho i hope im making sense, if not, ill try to explain better later on.


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Evolution vs Creationism
Posted : 9 Aug, 2010 04:50 PM

this is the definition of replenish from merriam-webster online dictionary


transitive verb

1a to fill with persons or animals

1b to supply fully

1c to fill with inspiration or power

2a to fill or build up again

2b to make good

intransitive verb

- to become full

- fill up again

notice that only twice it mentions refilling, all the others imply an original filling (to fill/full). and remember that english words have changed meanings, so replenish may not have had the same meanings even 10 years ago.

as for the fall of satan, it may have happened either fairly soon after day 7, or fairly soon before cain was conceived. satan (and all the angels) were created and present during the creation of the earth (although the bible doesnt mention when the were created but it was possibly the same day that the heaven(s) and the foundation of the earth was created, but like i said it is only a possibility).


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Two ways of understanding or one.
Posted : 2 Aug, 2010 06:49 PM

the bible talks many times about foundation. yes peter is referenced as a stone on which the church will be built, but i think there is another point that is possibly being missed. that verse also says that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. how often has the church gone on the defensive to "hold what we have already conquered" instead of pressing on the attack to further the kingdom of God. the band demon hunter puts it a good way in one of their songs called storm the gates of hell:

Wake the lifeless, die to fight this

Stand beside me, storm the gates of Hell

Wake the lifeless, die to fight this

Stand beside me, storm the gates of Hell

Storm the gates of Hell

remember that gates are a defensive structure. anywho im done for now, or else ill end up going onto a huge rant about stuff.


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Evolution vs Creationism
Posted : 25 May, 2010 10:20 AM

-psalm 90:4 and 2 peter 3:8 do not refer to creation, they are just telling us that God is not effected by time. but you have to remember that even though God is not effected by time, He knows all about it because He is the one the created it. why do we seem to think that we know more about creation than God does. God was the one that created, God is the one that told/showed how it was done, so why do we like to think that God doesnt know what He was talking about and that He needs our help to explain it.

-if genesis is not describing creation then why is creation talked about? yes genesis was written by a sinner, but so was the rest of the bible, if you disregard genesis because of that, then you have to disregard the rest of the bible. if genesis is not really history, then why does Jesus reference it so much during his ministery

-God would have know all about this whole evolution theory, that is why He created things in the order that He did (light before light source(s), plants before a sun/moon/stars)

-when God first created the earth it says that the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters (which goes against the evolution story which says that the earth was a "hot molten blob"), and remember during the flood of noah, most of the water came from under the crust of the earth (.....and the fountains of the deep broke open.....) which explains the fault lines along the earths crust

-if the bible is the word of God then why is it that we have to minimilize what it says to fit what "science" teaches, for example, science taught that the earth was flat, some christians bought it, began to teach it using certain verses to support their claims, and now alot of non believers think that it was christians that came up with that idea, even thought there are verses that talk about the earth being round. why then do some christians try to fit what "science" says about the age of the earth/universe instead of what God says (by the way the word universe is latin (im pretty sure its latin, but i could be wrong) for "a single spoken sentence" (something along that line anyway, and something to think about)) odds are if God doesnt come back in a couple hundred years, then science will have a new explination for how we got here and christians will be blamed for the idea for evolution

-something else kind of interesting, every day during creation, it starts the days with "God said........", if it takes millions of years for what God says to come to pass, then he must not be all that powerful, because only a God that is all powerful can create something instantly (for example look a Jesus' ministry, if it took millions of years for what He said to come to pass then none of it would have happened, cause al the people would be dead)

-the bible says that God will restore the earth to what it used to be, if thats the case then how different will it be from the one we have now? if the earth is millions of years old, then there was death and suffering before adam was even created, and if that is the case then how can everything be good/very good if it is all based on death and suffering?

-who are we to believe, scientists who for the most part are non-christians (there are some christian scientists but i am not counting them at the moment) who were never there to see it happen, or God who created it and told people how He did it

-another interesting thought is that science is one of the few things that teach millions of years for earth history, most religions/myths teach that everthing was created fairly quickly

-genesis 1:1 says that the earth was formless and void. the definition of formless is: lacking a definite or regular form or shape; shapeless. the definition of void is: empty, a vacancy. so basically God was telling us that in genesis 1:1 he was beginning to shape and fill the earth (like a ball of playdough tends to be formless and void when you take it out of the container)

-moses did "write" genesis, but it must be remembered that the hebrews had a strong oral tradition, meaning that they orally passed things down for generations. if adam really did exist, and had that perfect relationship with God for a time, then adam would have been able to tell his children, grandchildren, etc all about it. and a little something that most people dont realize, in genesis 2, it describes the creation of the garden of eden, which took place on day 6 after the creation of adam, therefore adam witness a small portion of Gods creative power (and one of the reasons that satan went after eve, because she never saw God create anything, she just heard about it)

-the theory of evolution and the idea of millions and billions of years is a religious idea. creation happened about 6000 years ago, unfortunatly noone alive today was there to see it happen so we need to have faith in what God has told us that it happened (although we have proof that the earth is 6000 years old). evolution also happened in the past (millions and billions of years ago (according to the theory of evolution, evolution is not just limited to people, plants and animals, but to stars, elements, planets etc.)) when noone was around to see it happen, so we have to have faith in the scientists of today to tell us what happened in the past and with how we all got here (for arguments sake evolutionists have proof for evolution as well, the thing is though both sides have the same proof, but see it differently depending on what we believe)

-it must be rememberes that when adam and eve where created, they would have had a heck of a lot higher IQ level than anyone alive today. as little food for thought, they wouldn`t have know everything right away, or else they would have been omniscience, and it would have taken away from their ability to learn and grow in the Lord, just like when we first become christians we dont know everything about God and what the bible says, although in our arrogance we like to pretend that we do (i am stepping on my own toes as well on this one), and i believe that when we get to heaven we will know more but we wont know everything (again it would take away from our eternity of learning if we did)

-i cannot find anywhere in jeremiah that describes a global flood, every reference to a flood that i found (whether it was with water or figurative for an army) was in present tense, not the past.

anywho hope this made some sense and sorry for the long post


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Just HOW MUCH control does God have over everything?
Posted : 14 May, 2010 01:44 PM

i dont know if anyone else posted along these lines as i do not have the time at the moment to read through all the posts. the bible teaches both the free will of man and the control of God. satan may be the "owner/god" of this world, but it has to be remembered that both satan and man is still under Gods authority, nothing happens without Gods permission/allowance/direction. in the book of job, God is the one that pointed job out to satan, and it was God that gave satan permission to do anything and everything to job (except kill him). if man and satan had complete control then, humanity would have destroyed itself thousands of years ago through sin. i am sorry if i dont make any sense, im strapped for time at the moment, i will try to explain it better later on if i can.


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Would you die for your faith?
Posted : 28 Dec, 2009 05:48 PM

i dont mean to be negative or anything, but we wont really know what we will do till it happens. we can say we will do it now, but when it actually happens will we actually follow through? i was talking to a friend of mine (christian) about this same thing and i reminded him of peter and how he said that he would do all this stuff for Jesus, even die for Him and Jesus replied that peter would deny Him 3 times before the rooster crowed, which he did. i guess what im saying is, be careful of what you say you will do, because only God knows the future and what we will do before we even do them, and He knows us better than we do.

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