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ok girls here ur chance to voice an opinion to guys on what u look for .
Posted : 17 Jul, 2010 10:54 PM

ok i recently posted a question that u ladies real helped me out on so id like to say thanks:peace:

but also some of the answers were from guys with the opinion that money and cars is the most important thing to you ladies . i choose to believe that that is not so . and i also choose to believe that the idea of u girls having that on top of ur priorities is just an exscuse that guys come up with when u girls get tired of them because they wont listen or there not being onsiderate of u.

but i cold be wrong .

so anyways heres a chance for all you ladies to voice and teach us guys the truth about whats important . be creative and totaly honest :angel:

and guys please dont commint on this . use a lil wisdom and open up ur minds to be educated rather than just be stuborn we all mite learn something


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Why don't I get responses?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2010 10:42 PM

hey brother, i know ur probably lookin for a female perspective butt i got some advice that might help u . when i first came on this site i had the same problem . but i finaly figured out what the problem was . i was being too direct . yes its good to be honest but there is a diference .

u mite ask a girl if they would like to be friends and she might be ok with it on some level but then the question comes of what to talk about .

try this aproah better .

dont ask just be theyre friend... read there pro and find out what they like to do and see if anything that they list as liking is anything that u like . and if so start the first message with it ( example: i love football , the cardinals are my team . how about u?) keep it short and sweet . if u start talkin to them by showing intrest in there intrest . theyll be quicker to replie because u gave them somethin to talk about with you . that theyre pasionate about . so before u know it ur just friends without even asking

oof-course in a perfet world ppl would just replie to be polite . butt lets be breal here . some ppl dont have the desency . so if they still dont replie just right it off becuase that person probably isnt someone you truly need to talk too in the first place


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What should I do? Am I being shallow or do you think the relationship I'm in isn't lead by God?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2010 04:02 AM

when it comes down to it u both worship the same god and the foundations (the most important truth) are the same for all christians that jesus christ is the only way.but if views are conflicting i would be causious because although the man is the spiritual leader of the household we have to make sure that we are equaly yoked with our partners. if there are conflicts of belief to begin with that probably wont be the best mach for u.

also id sugest that in this situation or future situations u need to be patient and ask the holy spirit for guidence . remember that as christians we are taut patients and self control.u should never get involved in a relationship that quikly. love other than threw god is a gift of laber and if the i love u's are starting after just a week the flesh might be overshadowing ur spiritual needs.

as for her apperance my advice would be in any situation to look past it to a degree . yes as paul said wifes are allowed to us men that cannot stay as he was. so there for there also needs to be a fisical atraction . but dont let the flesh outweigh the spirit.afterall we christians live in the spirit more than the flesh . so were does the altimate importance ly?

as for her not being a virgin . i give u props for staying pure and its understandable that after u having that selfcontrol that u would want to be rewarded for that by having a pure wife .but not all of us have had the selfcontrol as u have had. but threw god we are forgiven. again i do understand that u have ramined pure and therefore have every right to prefere to also have a wife thats pure. but dont put it too far up on the priorities. u never know what god has planed or who is equaly yoked with you . so dont pass someone by just because they didnt have the selfcontrol you could miss out if you do.

at any matter if a relashionship is going in a direction of living together before marriage i would have to say given what the bible says that it is a wrong choice and as a believer . and someone who knows the truth and as a man u must be the leader in that situation and do what is right in god's eyes

may the holy spirit guide you and god bless


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what gets a girl's attention more a wink or a message?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2010 07:54 PM

ok so.. ive been going thru profiles and finding many of u young ladys to be nice, intelegent , and with a love of the lord.

so my question is: which gets ur attention more ?

a wink

or a polite message introduing myself and a simple " how u doing . u seem like a awsome girl "

please let me know . and if u an also let me know how u respond to each of these ( with a wink do u just veiw the page and see if he has the courage to send a message or do u send a wink back or do u send a message to him if ur intrestid?)

thanks :waving:


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s.o.s. needs advise: is "tomboy" an apropriate term
Posted : 6 Jul, 2010 07:47 PM


this is a question that i speifically want a girls point of view on .

well i guess ill start with the fact that i dont realy like girly girls . i dont find anyfault in them and by no means will i inore a possible god match just because there a girly girl . but i prefere a girl that knows how to get dirty and have some fun (i mean that in a clean way). i like a girl that isnt afraid of the outdoors or activites like fishing, hunting , camping , or sports. i also like a girl that can hang out like one of the guys from time to time and isnt obsessed with makeup and cloths .

i recently been using the term "tomboy" to descibe the kind of females that i enjoy onversating with .

is this an apropriate term or can it be a little offensive, unwelcomed, or steriotypical?

i would like u girls to give me advice as to if this frase is ok and if not i ask if u can give me a better term that would be more acceptible to a young lady.



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This is a Christian site right?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 03:39 AM

well like many other commenters said there are some people on here that claim to be christians but they dont live right and that is a fact. even in the us over 90% of the population claim to be christians butt when asked questions such as do u read the bible weekly and do u go to church weekly only around 10% did that. so id say to be carefull and protect ur self and ur information.

me personaly i have a few questions i always ask anyone on this site before i even consider giving my info. these are questions that i fill tells alot about were they stand and what they believe and quality of person they are. u can find a list of those questions on my page here on cdff so anyone who reads this help urselves :angel: .

also this is a childish kiddy consept butt have a person make u a sign to conferm the pic is actualy them . its realy simple:

1. pick a phrase , word , or bible verse ( i use the bible verse and i only give them the book and verse but i tell them to write the verse so that i know they atleast know how to read the bible lol)

2. tell them to write it down in a way that u can understand what it says.

3. tell them to take a picture with the sign right next to there face.

4. tell them to either post it on there page or mail it to ur cdff account box.

very simple to do .its not as good as doing a criminal background check ( there are places online u can do that with or without a persons permission). butt u can onferm that the pictures are indeed the person ur talking to .



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"if you aint no punk, holla we want prenup!"
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 03:19 AM

a prenump is a difiult concept . in a ideal situation it shouldnt be needed . as for me beause i am 20 and have no kids to protect i wouldnt sign on or ask for a partner to sign one. i choose to take my time and have faith in god that the partner i end up with will be true . but if there is kids involved i would gladly sign a prenump to protect there better intrests. i do fill that a prenup is a preperation for divorce but this is a world that people can do things to a partner that even in biblical standerds is validation for divorce such as adultry. so if there are step kids invovled i fill a prenup is a way to go so that tere futures are protected.


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"I don't drink" - what exactly does that mean?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2010 02:49 AM

for me it means i do not drink any alcohol including beer . beause my personal filling is that if i am teelin someone about jesus christ. how good will it look if im drinking while doing it or if they see me drink . the bible says drunkeness is wrong . yes it is possible to drink a little bit without being drunk. butt if someone smells like alcohol or is holding alcohol the secular world not understanding the difference will not take ur message about god seriously beausae in there eyes they can alive just tell themselves " im not takin spiritual advice from a drunk" . and thats why i dont drink


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hristian support of seular music ( jay-z for example)
Posted : 4 Jul, 2010 11:21 PM

christian support of worldly music:

many young christians have defeanded secular artist {jay-z} sayin they are fans.but i ask the young christians isnt his music or any music that does not honor god,but honors worldly things {such as: greed, sexual imorality, violence, and selfishness} of the world.

? therefore as christians should we support or love or be fans of anything of the world? (1st john 2; 15-16).

anti-christ and biblical warnings of the end times:

so many defenders of secular artists have made statments such as" takin out of context,he didnt mean it, ect.". butt on many acasions he has refered to him self as j-hova {which is a name in the bible to describe god} (mark 13;5-6). also with the statment in empire state of mind he denounced or "dissed" the name of jesus christ. stating"jesus cant save u,life starts when the church ends".in the bible (1 john 2;22) it tells that a man who denies jesus christ is anti-christ. so as christians {and exspecialy in these times} we must not follow or associat with such liars and deseptions.(matthew 24;24),(2nd peter 3;3).

seperate urselvse from lies and "anti-christ" figures:

further-more we as christians should not take company or support secualer culter or artists. by supporting secular society we ourselves are promoting and encouraging sin and all things that are not of god. (2nd john 10-11).

we should show compasion for the people lost to the world, and meet them with prayer and not anger:

i have come across many articles and vidoes in protest of the artist i speak of and many other artists, my apinion is that they are of the world and are "anti-christ". butt as christians we can not pass judgement (matthew 7;1-5) and we cannot act out of anger towards these artist . we must forgive them and pray for them (luke 6;37) that they will find god and his love and fogiveness(john 3;16).

(mark 13;13):waving:


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Can I tell a guy I like him?
Posted : 4 Jul, 2010 11:00 PM

it is totaly aopriate for a female to let a male know that she likes him . a simply " hey, i like u or hey , ur cool" is enough to get a guys attention . after all it isnt just us guys that are looking.butt dont go overbard if uve never talked to him before cause u can scare a guy off. im sure everyone knows comunication is key in a relationship , but its also key in finding a relationship

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