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Educating Your Future Children: Public, Private, or Home (Cont.)
Posted : 10 Jun, 2011 06:33 PM

Hi Iaokim and Stegoodie,

First, I need to express to you how impressed I am that two young men of your age are actually thinking about these things now! I am impressed and would encourage more young men to follow suit. You both have obviously thought the topic through.

I will convey to you some other thoughts as well as second some of your own. We are to train up our children in the ways of the Lord. I do appreciate interpreting this to mean that I also should have the right to be as involved in my child's education as I would like.

There are many reasons to homeschool. You homeschool your child IF:

1. You would like them to excel at their own pace.

2. You would like to make sure that they are not being given false information about history, beginning with the creation of our world. (you can pay for private school education to do this also)

3. You would like them to want to learn.

4. You would like them to learn how to learn.

5. You want them to be able to become very well-rounded individuals or to develop a particular talent that has been noticed early in their life.

6. You want them to be able to learn to think for themselves and NOT to merely take what the media tells them as 'truth' (because we should ALL know by now, that the media has their own agenda whether in conjunction with the government or not ~ usually whoever is the highest bidder)

7. You would like to train them in good moral ethics (which is part of what you will be held accountable for anyway)

8. You would rather help them to understand the 'lies' of the world from you, rather than the other 5 or 6 year olds or worse yet, their teacher ~ teaching them as truths to be believed and followed.

9. You enjoy the fact that it takes a much smaller amount of time for 'school'

10. You also enjoy the fact that 'school' is much more interesting because you will assist your child by giving him the type of curriculum that will be acclimate to the type of learner that your child is. (not putting the square peg into the round hole).

11. You will enjoy that your child is adequately challenged instead of over worked with homework!!

12. You would enjoy the fact that your child can accomplish more school in less time and not only graduate sooner with higher academic achievement, but also be readily accepted into upper echelon colleges with scholarships.

13. You enjoy the fact that your family can travel or do a busy family business and have your child's education incorporated into 'everything' your family does and therefore not 'waste' any time or experience and have more fun in the process!

14. You really want your child to think outside the box!

Social issues:

1. You will not have to worry about the bathrooms and WHAT your child is going to learn there. (it is really bad, trust me)

2. You would like them to learn to be assertive.

3. You would like them to learn how to operate and participate in a family business (to understand and have hands on experience and be more likely to be ready for whatever job position they would like, a lot sooner.

4. You would enjoy that your child reaches a healthy level of maturity at a younger age while really having a childhood!!

5. You avoid having negative peer pressure for types of clothing worn, words used and every other rebellious attitude that springs forth.

6. Your child will not be coming home with every new fad that comes along in ~ clothing, language, thinking and behaviors that are disruptive to the family. (for instance girls of 12 years of age holding hands and kissing because it is the thing to do ~ one saw it on the tv and so they try it out ~ this aberrant behavior only gets worse as they get older.)

I have brought up some points that maybe you have not already expressed. What concerns me most about the government running anything, is why? Why are they involved? Why are they investing our hard earned dollars (taxes) in schools and now day cares? I think it is absolutely crazy that we sacrifice our children by placing them under another's care for up to 15 hours daily or more any age under 5! Their little minds are fully developed (the basics) by age 5. We are allowing someone who is paid minimum wage to train and input their values into our children. And how about those first steps, first words, etc.? Too many things lost with day care as well!


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How wary are you when you see "Separated" as a status?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2011 05:14 PM

Hi Peter,

It is so sad to me when i see 'separated', that it causes me to stop and pray, not only for this man's marriage, but for all marriages. This has grieved me so much that I have placed at the beginning of my profile a whole section just for separated and divorced people. Their are issues surrounding this, that must be dealt with or this person will cause another person to be drawn into the pit with them. There is a season for everything and the season of 'separation' is not to be looking for someone else, but should be utilized to see if you can save your marriage! i run the other way for both of us, because he is not thinking about anyone but himself and his wants. I am sorry, but this issue is non-negotiable, no matter what the reason! I pray I am never in that situation or worse in a divorce; how my heart hurts to even think of it. I will continue to pray for those marriages as I run across 'separated' men.


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Why do guys write very little in their ABOUT ME section and then wonder why women are not interested in them?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2011 06:11 AM

Hi shalom716,

I really appreciate your input. You bring out some great points about differences between men and women that I so agree with. I am not wanting a guy to wear his feelings on his sleeve, but to just put a paragraph (w/o the fluff) about himself. I rarely will contact a guy first anyway (that old fashioned thing again) but if they express interest in me, it gives me a reference point to just see if there are things in common. How great that you are taking classes, nursing has such a variety of great avenues to pursue. Many blessings.


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Why do guys write very little in their ABOUT ME section and then wonder why women are not interested in them?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2011 06:01 AM

Hi ChevyRocks,

Sorry, no, I'm not going from one extreme to another. I'm talking about the guy who puts maybe 5 words or ONLY states what he is looking for in a woman, but nothing about himself. Based on what I'm hearing, I'm guessing women do it also.

My leap on the leader thing is just that I thought that God called men to be the leaders or headship (I do know that all men do not lead alike and that I would much prefer a gentle leader). If a man waits for women to approach him, it just seems kind of backward. I know there are plenty of forward women, but I'm not sure that is the way that God intended. (obviously, I don't know, this is just my opinion). thank you for taking the time to write. I do appreciate it.


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Why do guys write very little in their ABOUT ME section and then wonder why women are not interested in them?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2011 12:09 AM

Hey ChevyRocks,

Isn't that rather passive? I thought that men were supposed to be the pursuer? Maybe that is part of the problem with our society, that men are sitting back waiting on women to pursue them? How will I know that the man knows how to lead, if he won't do in the small things, why would I think he will in the larger, more important things?

Just sayin....


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Why do guys write very little in their ABOUT ME section and then wonder why women are not interested in them?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2011 12:03 AM

Wow Spri1458!

I couldn't have said it better!! What a lot of thought and that is exactly what I am talking about!! I have thought a lot of what you stated so accurately! I dislike getting a wink from a guy that has not communicated with me previously. It tells me that he is either too chicken to actually type to me (come on, is he shy on here?? or passive???~ much more likely) or that he is waiting on me to make the first move. Why? What is up with that? Or is he lazy?

I put the same amount of effort out ~ none!


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Why do guys write very little in their ABOUT ME section and then wonder why women are not interested in them?
Posted : 9 Jun, 2011 11:49 PM

Hey Beautifulheart4Him,

I am glad you did stop and give your opinion! I just think that the people (since apparently women do it also ~ although I wouldn't know about that) that don't write anything reveal a lot about themselves. Maybe they are the same way in relationships. Maybe they don't communicate much there either? Maybe that is the amount of effort that they will extend or the quality of person that they are? I wish they would see this and put some quality time into thinking about who they are and why would anyone want to get to know them and not waste other's time in looking at their profile.


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Why do guys write very little in their ABOUT ME section and then wonder why women are not interested in them?
Posted : 9 Jun, 2011 03:43 PM

Call me old fashioned, but I thought that if you took the time to create a profile, that you might expect someone to read it. Usually there is so little information that I won't bother. It is like, he doesn't want to be known or even checked out. Then there are the guys that post what they are looking for in a girl in the ABOUT ME section of their profile. I just think that is funny. I think, are you not interesting enough to write about who you are? Then I'm not interested either. Just seems strange to me, that's all.

I post a bunch of stuff now in my profile to ward off the guy who is separated or hasn't dealt with his divorce issues, so my profile is way to long!!! I just got tired of this type contacting me and not dealing with their stuff first.

What do you think? Am I crazy to expect something in the spaces titled INTERESTS and ABOUT ME? Should it really be ABOUT ME or about what they want?

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