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Why women shouldn't Pastor
Posted : 28 Mar, 2011 12:37 AM

1 Timothy 2:12 is not a blanket rule for all women of all churches. If it were, then the women could not speak at all, for the same verse that tells them not to teach also tells them to be silent.

If all women had to keep silent in church, then that would be promoting disobedience to God, for they could not prophesy, pray, testify, sing, exhort, do personal work, or even get saved.

Whenever an interpretation to a verse contradicts the rest of the teaching of the Bible, we know this interpretation is incorrect, for the Holy Spirit will never contradict His own Word.

This is the chief verse that is used to oppose women preaching and yet it says nothing about preaching, nor does it say anything about a public worship or church service. But, on the contrary, this verse is giving instructions to wives as to how they were to conduct themselves in regard to their husband. Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:35, "And if they will LEARN anything, let them ask their husbands at home." Now he states in 1 Tim. 2:12 that the woman should learn in silence, and should not usurp authority over the man. Paul is dealing with more of a home problem than a church problem.

This verse still applies to us today. It is wrong for a woman to usurp authority over her husband (in church, home, or any place else) as was the case in Paul's day. She should not try to teach him or speak words that would cause discord and confusion, but should rather be silent and in subjection to her husband.

It is also to be understood that if anyone, whether man or woman, is usurping authority over the God-given leadership of the church, she or he is to be silent, and not to teach, or act in such a way that would create discord in the assembly

1 Cor. 14: 34-35 does not say anything about women preachers. If Paul intended this verse as a general rule to bar all women from speaking in church, then they cannot teach Sunday School, testify, pray, prophesy, sing, or even get saved, and this would contradict the rest of the Bible (Acts 2:4; Acts 2:16-18).

Paul was rather dealing with a particular problem in the church. Women were not educated as were the men in that day; therefore the women would talk back and forth to their husbands in church and ask questions concerning the sermon. Paul said, "If they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." If they want to talk things over let them wait until they get home. This rule is still good for the church today, where people are talking and causing confusion in the church service. They should not speak in church. (Not in the back of the church either before or after services.)

If a woman cannot speak in church, then she cannot speak in prayer meeting, young people's service, etc., for who can deny that Sunday School and Prayer meeting, and Youth work are parts of church? Christ's Church is not a building, but rather it is found where two or three are gathered together in His name, whether at a street meeting, in a tent, a home, church, classroom or anywhere else.

The Bible has no gender specification of a preacher, neither a verse would support forbidding a woman to preach.

Galatians 3:28 - "...neither male nor female...for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

Acts 10:34 - "...God is no respecter of persons

1 Cor. 11:5, "For every woman that prayeth or prophesieth...."

Both the Hebrew (Nebrah), and Greek (Proph) used for prophetess means (female preacher). (See Young's Concordance, Pg. 780.)

Phillip had 4 daughters who prophesied. Acts 21:9

DEBORAH - Judges 4:4-5. Deborah was a Judge for both civil and criminal cases

MIRIAM - Exodus 15:20; Numbers 12:1;

Micah 6:4. She was a Prophetess and a Song Leader in Israel.

God is a god of possibilities. He uses anyone in His own divine way.

Courtesy by: Pastor Keith A. Smith


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Can I be of help?
Posted : 26 Mar, 2011 11:35 PM

I am in deep search where God calls me to serve Him. I want to be a spiritual adviser, a guidance councelor and even a bible teacher all in one.

I would encourage you to ask me questions (even from your friends or neighbors who are seeking advice) to enhance my God's gift. Whatever the outcome is, please give me feedbacks. I will learn from you as well.

I will treat all questions professionally and with confidentiality.

God bless you always and thank you very much.


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Rock Hard Heart
Posted : 25 Mar, 2011 01:55 AM

Hi! I wonder if you have seen a specialist? Your case is

ADD, ADHD, and Aspergers Syndrome which is a special type of autism that is most misunderstood. You don't appear you need medical attention because you are a very bright student/pupil. But you do need it and perhaps left untreated.

You need to see a specialist doctor and you need to read some good books too regarding ego as a home work assignment for quick healing.

I recommend A New Earth (by Eckhart Tolle) which discuss a lot about ego. The core, the structure, the many faces of ego, the pain bodies (the DRAMA) etc.

Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox. It tackles about Christ teachings. Righteousness and sins committed already in the mind, not just a mere act. That's why Jesus said looking lustfully means adultery already and hatred means murder already.

These books both discussed that our outside life is a reflection of our inner or mental state. Therefore, we need to change the way we think. Biblically it says " be subject to the entire renewal of your MIND daily".. The WORD of God is good to meditate rather than thinking our pain, past and limitations. The promises of God will renew our mind if we start doing it. Read and DO.

Background of the ego. Our false self. Jesus usually said, "If you want to follow me, forget about yourself and come follow me". Self means EGO. That's why Jesus said, "My burden is light". Because being God, He has no ego. Satan's weapon.

Ego is the cause of depression, mental disorder, hypertention, emotional breakdown, obesity (caused by stress), insomia, anorexia, bolimia, suicide and many more. Survey shows 85% of sickness of wealthy counties are caused by the thought/mind. Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson has pain killer and sleeping tablet addictions.

It was my battle myself for several years ago because of being egoistic. My testimony is, I am healed now completely.

Peace, joy and contentment I have now.

Your case is not isolated although it maybe obvious. Some are fighting the same battle as you, simply they can hide it. And that is the difference. The point is, evident or not both of you are suffering.

God bless you. May God heal the entire you.



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Rock Hard Heart
Posted : 25 Mar, 2011 01:55 AM

Hi! I wonder if you have seen a specialist? Your case is

ADD, ADHD, and Aspergers Syndrome which is a special type of autism that is most misunderstood. You don't appear you need medical attention because you are a very bright student/pupil. But you do need it and perhaps left untreated.

You need to see a specialist doctor and you need to read some good books too regarding ego as a home work assignment for quick healing.

I recommend A New Earth (by Eckhart Tolle) which discuss a lot about ego. The core, the structure, the many faces of ego, the pain bodies (the DRAMA) etc.

Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox. It tackles about Christ teachings. Righteousness and sins committed already in the mind, not just a mere act. That's why Jesus said looking lustfully means adultery already and hatred means murder already.

These books both discussed that our outside life is a reflection of our inner or mental state. Therefore, we need to change the way we think. Biblically it says " be subject to the entire renewal of your MIND daily".. The WORD of God is good to meditate rather than thinking our pain, past and limitations. The promises of God will renew our mind if we start doing it. Read and DO.

Background of the ego. Our false self. Jesus usually said, "If you want to follow me, forget about yourself and come follow me". Self means EGO. That's why Jesus said, "My burden is light". Because being God, He has no ego. Satan's weapon.

Ego is the cause of depression, mental disorder, hypertention, emotional breakdown, obesity (caused by stress), insomia, anorexia, bolimia, suicide and many more. Survey shows 85% of sickness of wealthy counties are caused by the thought/mind. Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson has pain killer and sleeping tablet addictions.

It was my battle myself for several years ago because of being egoistic. My testimony is, I am healed now completely.

Peace, joy and contentment I have now.

Your case is not isolated although it maybe obvious. Some are fighting the same battle as you, simply they can hide it. And that is the difference. The point is, evident or not both of you are suffering.

God bless you. May God heal the entire you.



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Curse of Loniness
Posted : 24 Mar, 2011 10:01 PM

Hi. You are not alone in such struggle although it seems so. Even a person like Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson had experience great pain inside to the point of having a pain reliever and anti depressant addictions. With Ms. Taylor, 30 yrs. This is regardless of a person status. Healthy being or with dissability. For you, reaching out is hurting more because of the negative people reactions towards you. While wealthy people used their money or popularity to draw people to them.

In my old life, I had the same struggle too. However, after reading Stillness Speaks and New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox, Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life by Wayne Dayer, it tremendously changed my life.

Your problem is ego. The cause of loneliness, emptiness, depression, dissatisfaction, inferiority complex and all the negative emotions in you.

According to these authors in which I believe is true, peace and happiness is within us. You will never find it elsewhere even when you find a woman who loves you truly. Because loving you by someone is not the answer. You can only be happy or miserable unless you learn how to deal with your ego. The one mentioned by Christ, "If you want to follow me, deny YOURSELF and follow me." He means, deny your ego.

I recommend you read A New Earth or Sermon on the Mount first.

I still have plenty of books to recommend to you after reading those. I pray you have peace right now. God bless you.
