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why do girls today are so bitchy....
Posted : 16 Apr, 2013 05:29 AM

That's awful Brian. I can see why it didn't work out.

I don't think it's right that women treat men badly either.


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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 04:20 PM

Such dreams are part of the prophetic gifts of the Lord and to be expected. Many prophets were given visions and dreams in the Bible.

Many people confuse prophetic gifts with psychic gifts...they are NOT the same thing at all because the source behind them is totally different.


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What to do if wife wants marriage to end
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 03:59 PM

Pray for your wife. Have an honest conversation with her about it. If her chief complaint was that you weren't spending enough time with her, or paying attention to her, ask her if she would be willing to "date" you again, so that you have a chance to give her that. If she says no...then obviously there is more going on than what she claims.

I suggest the two of you reading two books:

The Power of a Praying Husband by Stormie Omartian (for you)

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian (for her)

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (both of you)

They could save your marriage.

If she's really not willing to do anything or make any effort to save your marriage, then you'll have to accept that you have done your part to make peace. You may be husband and wife, but you are also brother and sister in Christ. Matthew 18:15-16 explains how to handle conflicts. If she is so selfish and prideful to not want peace, there is nothing you can do but pray for her. As such, you are no longer spiritually responsible for her, and you need to let her go. You can continue to pray for her from a distance and pray for reconciliation at another time. She may eventually come back to you, even if it takes years.


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desire to have a baby without marriage
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 03:42 PM

There is nothing wrong with the desire to have a baby or a husband. Sometimes that doesn't happen as soon as we would like or expected it to. Many women feel that pressure at a certain age and consider motherhood before marriage. Many men really don't want the responsibility of children these days, which leaves good Christian women feeling depressed and anxious about their desire to have children. There are many children in this world who need a mother who will love and care for them, even if they haven't found the right man yet. Have you considered adoption?


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What are biblical reasons or grounds for divorce?
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 03:30 PM

Adultery is the only one people are talking about. There are other reasons to divorce.

There are also others:

Abuse (Spousal abuse includes emotional, verbal, mental, physical, sexual, or even financial...none of which was EVER intended to be a part of a Godly marriage. Abuse does not show love, honor, or respect for your marriage or your spouse.)

Anger (There is a difference between disagreeing and upset and random fits of explosive anger. Throwing temper tantrums to intimidate or get your way is not showing the love of Christ or the fruit of the Spirit.)

Addictions (Including but not limited to: Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, Porn or anything else that becomes an Idol to you, which not only destroys your marriage, but goes against God Himself.)

Arrogance (IS PRIDE. We all know who is behind that. Selfishness in a marriage is not okay. It allows the enemy into your heart and into your marriage. This is why people cheat.)

Oh...and for those of you who want scriptures for all of this:

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: �Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall." Found in Matthew, Mark and Luke

A marriage should be a partnership...which means that a couple should stand in agreement in the way they choose to live their life, agree on what they allow in their home, and handle conflicts together in a healthy way.

If one person is not willing to work on the issues and go to counseling, then you can not walk together through life. The house becomes divided and a couple becomes unequally yolked. Therefore, you go against God's Word by trying to stay married to that person.


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Thoughts on large families
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 03:12 PM

Having children is a deeply personal choice. Some people like large families and some don't. It should be said though, that most people consider 3 kids a large family these days, while even 50 years ago, large was 6 or more, mostly due to advances in birth control. People should have as many children as they want (so long as they can responsibly provide for them) or none at all, if they choose not to.


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I didn't want to ask but I have to.
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 02:01 PM

If you are going to throw a temper tantrum like a child, don't be so shocked and surprised if women treat you the same way they would a child. By ignoring you.

You have a bad attitude...that is why women ignore you and your profile screams the red flag sings of an abuser. Grow up and learn to treat a lady with some respect, and perhaps you'll eventually find what you want.

A truly Godly woman will not allow herself to be treated so badly by a man. Perhaps you should work on that before you blame everyone else for your relationship failures. The only common denominator in all your past failed relationships is you.


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Ladies, Do NOT Pursue a Man
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 01:54 PM

The kind of women you are describing aren't "ladies". A real lady will appreciate a gentleman's interest in her.


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why do girls today are so bitchy....
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 01:10 PM

They exist, however, most women are "bitchy" because the average man has no clue how to treat a woman with any real respect.

Women don�t actually like to be bitchy and yell at men. Believe it or not, we would really rather snuggle with you on the couch. The truth is, most men are pretty clueless about why women get so angry at them so they assume it�s �that time of the month�. At least 75% of the time, it�s got nothing to do with PMS and more to do with your attitude toward her. If you behave like a jackass and treat us badly, we have a right to be angry at you, no matter what time of the month it happens to be. If a woman is mad at you, I promise you, there is a reason behind it. Usually it�s because she feels neglected, betrayed or disrespected by you.

How a woman treats you is a reflection of how you treat them. If you have a second rate woman, it�s because you treat her in a second rate manner. You will never get to the core of her heart, and see her be the Queen she is if you don�t treat her like one. The woman you are with is a reflection of you. When you behave like her King, she will become your Queen. It is deep inside a man�s heart, to be the King in her eyes. What most men don�t realize is that they are the ones who determine whether or not she sees a King or a court jester. A woman won�t always remember everything you say or even everything you do, but she will never ever forget how you make her feel. It�s up to you, the kind of relationship and life you want to have, with the woman you are with. You control how she sees you, and how she responds to you, by how you treat her. Women naturally give back to you, what you give to them.

Women want a man who is loyal, who will respect her, who won't lie, or cheat on her, who actually wants to spend time with her. A woman needs a man with real intentions, not a boy who can't pay attention. Women always know when they are really loved, and when they aren't.

A man in love will always find time for their woman. No matter what. Even if he is busy, he will find a way to make time for her. A man's biggest mistake is ignoring or neglecting his woman. Eventually, she will find another man who is willing to pay attention to her and cherish every moment he spends with her. When that happens, it's too late to convince her you care. When that happens, she won't be bitchy, because she found a man who actually appreciates her.


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Parents freaked out when I told them?
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 12:37 PM

It sounds like your parents probably expected you to date someone in your local area, perhaps from your church. It's not unusual for parents to have this type of expectation. So they were obviously surprised by your long distance relationship. Many from their generation would never even think to consider such a thing because online dating wasn't even an option for them when they were young. They probably assume the many parents do when their child says something that shocks them.

It may help to reassure them that they raised you to have good morals, common sense and a sense of respect for their opinions. But they probably also raised you to be independent, and think for yourself and have the ability to make responsible choices. At some point they are going to have to realize that you are not a child anymore and you don't need or require their absolute approval on every area of your life.

My only advice is: Don't agree to anything permanent or serious with his man until you've spent a considerable amount of time with him face to face. Knowing someone online is not the same thing as knowing them in person.

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