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Women and Bikinis on a Christian dating site
Posted : 25 Sep, 2011 02:43 PM

Wow..This post went on for almost a year, with the young girl in the swim suit being a large part of the topic. More then likely a lot of us just read the post without posting a comment ourselves, ...I know I started not to post, but I felt urged to say this:

It probably was a lot of what has been said here going on with her and maybe more, I don't know. Surely she was offended. I believe most time we don't have to be told when we are doing wrong or have made a mistake, we kind of know that what we are involved in isn't right. I remember when I was in the world, I did wrong things, I kinda felt bad but it just didn't register for me to change - I needed help, I didn't see my sinful state surely I was blind. Jesus changeed all that when He saved me, I love Him so much and tell Him everyday & thank Him. You guys know that song that says " I never know how much it cost, to see my sins upon that cross" The young girl just hasn't got there yet, but if we pray for her it's guaranteed she will get there. The fervent effective prayers of the righteous avail much. Just think, this post has been going on almost a year, if prayers have been going forward for her all this time who know what change may have come about. Maybe prayer has been going forward...?

Some of us have confessed Jesus Christ as our savior, but are still blind in some areas of our life, " ...Old thing are passed away behold all things are become new" It doesn't happened overnight, and that's why we have to uphold and pray for the weaker parts of the body, we are one body, the body of Christ. When the leg is hurt we don't cut it off less we become lame, but pray, help each other however we can... and in this case pray. God set this up... She displayed herself on a "Christian Site" someone called her out, she responded, others were allowed to see her heart, now what... WWJD? What did He do with Mary M, although she came in repentance, what about the adulterous woman they wanted to stone. He said neither do I judge you go and sin no more; and that was God. I believe He interceded for her, as should we, for this young women, less something worst happens. I pray for know; that she will come into her true destiny, as God has called her to be set apart. You predestined her Lord to be called Your daughter in Christ Jesus. Let her begin to see herself as you see her through the blood of Jesus, washed, and cleansed daily from all unrighteousness, let her walk in her destiny and fulfill her calling, let her come to know you more , and hunger & thirst after you, let her be the Deborah in this generation, a warrior for Christ's sake and for the glory of God, give her joy God and heal her were ever needed because you love her so much, bless her Lord to know you even more and have a deeper walk with You, smear her with your presence and let your scent linger from her where ever she goes & let her change atmosphere for Your glory Lord. Let her Oh Lord be found by the godly man who will love her and honor her as Christ loved the Church. In Jesus I Pray, Amen.