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From a Sister to My Sisters...Dream a little Dream Wedding Day White?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2012 04:31 PM

Thanks for all the posts:) So far it sounds like posts are saying mostly the same as me except for one or two.

Joy Love and Vows should rule at the wedding.

My point is really that we focus on the event of the day, let the Bride and groom make thier day a creative, lovely memory of their vows and be their to support and not to critisize.

As I posted on another site on this topic, if these two people want to have the bride where white on their special day then why should aunt Bertha or grandpa gus be there giving them a hard time about the bride wearing white or purple or anything, no matter what you where on your wedding day or how you celebrate the ceremony, the marriage is the lovely fruit of that day and may it live long and prosper LOL:angel:


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Posted : 10 Jul, 2012 04:14 PM

Hey sister, good topic, I was an at home mom for 13 years and I wish I had stayed up on my field since getting hired now is tougher but I would never say one minute of investing n my kids education, Faith Life, moral character and just being there as a mom wasnt worth it. It was the toughest job you will ever love:) I think many CHristian men see that raising a family of Faith means that someone should be an ambassador daily to young children in the home, I was a child care provider first so caring for my own made sense to me.

Just remember that he should support your dreams and make a plan with kids to have that happen, some men even off er to stay at home while the woman goes to school or work, kids do need the home to be managed by parents who are their emotonally and you can come up with ways as a couple to make both your dreams come true and still be sure your kidlets dont feel left out or are being raised by some athiast nanny. Pick a man who wants to support your career goal and to also make the sacrifices necessary to give your kids a parent at home when they are young. My two cents> :angel:


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From a Sister to My Sisters...Dream a little Dream Wedding Day White?
Posted : 9 Jul, 2012 09:54 PM

:angel: Hey fellow Princesses of the Redeemer:) I just want to say I so enjoy seeing all your posts and meeting you all in chat and prayer rooms.

I saw this post on another site about wearing white or mot for second weddings, it was cute but turned into this big debate.

My Question is ... Would you consider wearing white, not off white or ecru, or antique, ..LOL Just Bride White? for a second or beyond wedding? Remember that could be for a widow or a divorced woman either one.

My take to be honest...LOL Weddings are for God to unite a couple and make covenant between them into a marriage no matter which number it is. Anything that promotes the feelings of joy when the vows happen for that couple is beautiful and tradition is not important to me. Relatives and friends should support what ever...big wedding or small or elopement white, or even pink...register for gifts or dont ... whatever you want as long as it honors God and your new husband:):angel:


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What Do You Think Makes You a Godly Man?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 10:21 PM

Yes, well I Agree with your points that Godliness comes from the Lord and perhaps I was not detailed enough in saying that the term "Godly Man" or Godly Woman is an AMerican Culture Phrase that identifies that a person is not just a nominal CHristian but is living a life of effort towards pleasing Our Savior King who did the work for us.

I 100% believe in salvation through Grace by Faith in What Jesus did on the Cross, no one can come to the Father expept through Him as the Word says.

Thanks for the replies but this was really meant to be more of a fun, thought provoking introspective kinda thing on what we are looking for in a "GOdly Spouse" LOL, not a Spouse that = GOd or a spouse that is > then God , but a spouse that is < then God but shows the Fruit of the Spirit as He wants us to. Yes, I know math symbols...LOL

I really was trying to get us all to focus on God's Work In Us and How that is attractive and should be attractive to a Single Christian of the oppositte sex. GOd gives us gifts, telents and fruits not to boast and maybe my question was poor because it seemed to ask men to boast.

Maybe it should have read, How is God moving in your life and showing His work in you in a way that would give and be an asset to a woman as a wife?

I guess as a woman i would say that GOd is working through me as a Godly Woman in Prayer Life, and in Growing in Fellowship at my church, and in being open to speaking openly for the Unborn whenever I can. I guess it was kinda a fruits and gifts question but seriously All Glory to God, if any of us are Godly Woman or Godly Men it is all Glory to HIM and most of us Know that!!!! So much better striving to be a nonbeliever. LOL


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is it wrong to have preferences as a christian?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 01:35 PM

Vic, love the poem.. wow you are creative and have higher brain functions...LOL

Good thought questions...

Trust and Bekieve, you and I think a lot a like, or are moved by the Lord in the same topics:) :angel:

Totaly agree and I am so happy to see us having these types of discussions on here, really I think it is sooo good for brothers and sisters to be thinking through the pos and negs of how we view, choose and treat each other on here. As spiritual beings not cattle.

Preferences arent bad and standards arent bad and I think anyone who has read my profile or my posts knows that I really have been thinking a lot about how this process works since I have not been on long and how we need to keep the Christian in the dating process at Spiritual Level.

I think we need to remember that a picture is just a picture till we meet the person. If you meet someone at church, you dont say, hay could you come over tomorrow and wear a different dress so I can see how you look in spandex or a different hairstyle...LOL we are seeing the real thing when we meet in person and we want to meet someone that not only we think we could be attracted to physically but someone we may want to actually spend 5 hours talking to about the Lord as well as other topics....maybe even a life time...LOL The photo is there to give you a feel for what the soul you are tlaking to looks like:) LOL


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What Do You Think Makes You a Godly Man?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 01:02 PM

:prayingm: Prayer

:Mug: Watching the Alcohol and not staying at bars too often hunting for secular chicks...LOL

:hearts: Your Love for the LOrd the Lost and doing his work?

:applause: Being an encourager of brothers and sisters in the LOrd?

:nicenurse: Being there when someone is hurting

:yay: Being on fire for Jesus and Holy Spirit?

What would you want a potential woman on this site to know makes you a Godly man, what would she be getting spiritually? :angel:


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Where Does "Fit"
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 12:22 PM

Really good question sister!!! looking forward to guy answers :applause: I agree totaly and just put something on my profile on the importance of gifts as a couple for Jesus.:angel:


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Heaven is For Real
Posted : 7 Jul, 2012 08:35 PM

Have to disagree with Holding OUt Hope. Sorry brother, I read the entire book in a few days and I have a Bachelors Degree in Early CHildhood Education and Have spent many years of my life working with and communicating with pre-school age children. Now remember in development, each child is different and aquires different speech and language skills at different times. My own daughter said the word doctor very clearly at age 9 months and I had witnesses...LOL.

Ok, so that said, I thought this sounded very much like words many of the pre-schoolers I worked with would say if they had a profound story to tell. Sometimes it is about a family member or a pet or how they hurt themselves but young children can and will give you specific details about thier lives if they feel strongly about something and feel the need to tell.

Here is my take on the book, I believe in the Holy Bible and I believe it is God's Holy WOrd and I dont see anything in TOdd and coltons book that disagrees with our Lord. I mean there are so me things that maybe seem different in Heaven then how we expect but there is nothing blasphemous that I saw in this book.

In fact, I am a former Pastor's wife and I can relate to much of how they describe the family life and I can tell you that writing a book like this from the point of a lie would have been then end to Todd's career, he was supported by his church and many of them were witnesses to some of the prayer accounts that led to the healing of Colton.

Todd's wife went through a miscarriage and I Feel this testifies to what I have always known in my heart to be true, there will be unborn children in Heaven. Yes this is encouragement for those who have lost a child either in miscarriage or through abortion. Life begins at conception and God revealed this in this book as well as in his word.

Please read this book and pray about it and what it may mean for your life but remember no matter what you have done or been through the Grace of God is with us and HIs love our questions asked...forgiveness. GOd is crazy about us, all of us and this book proves it.

THere is also a Heaven is For Real for children that is a picture book and I suggest it :)

One more thing...If you are a skeptic after, read the Faith chapter in Hebrews Chapter 11, and dont put GOd in a box:) :angel:


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Rich Mullins : A devotional Biography, AN arrow pointing to Heaven
Posted : 7 Jul, 2012 08:15 PM

:angel: Hey, I am a 90's girl I admit it, I turned 21 in 1992 and grad from college in 1993. Came to Jesus in 1991, and shortly after saw Rich Mullins in COncert in IL. Wow, I have been a fan ever since!! His poetic music and deep devotion to Jesus has touched my heart for 2 decades and always will, even after his passing in 1997.

An amazing bioagraphy by one of his dear friends is meant to tell Rich's life and God story and intertwines his music along with the chapters about his life journey on his way to Heaven and what made him tick and become the influential man he was as a musiican and a man of God. I admit I am already familiar with much of his music but I bet you may become a fan as well if you read this book:) I hear there is a movie about his life coming out soon.

I checked it out at my library and read it in about 2 days:) Lovely and for some maybe even life chainging. Rich Mullins knew what it meant to put the important stuff first...

If you want to listen to his music are songs that touch my Christian heart from this artist:

Your my one thing...

If I stand...

Our GOd is an awesome God...

Step by step...

screendoor on a submarine...

Calling Out Your Name... (so poetic and the book gives lyrics to many songs like this one too)



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Posted : 7 Jul, 2012 06:29 PM

And no it wasnt a fist fight, just some words back and forth defending their heros:) LOL:angel:

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