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dating divorced woman
Posted : 3 Dec, 2014 04:59 PM

As a long time teacher and minister of the Word I have two thoughts Id like to share on this subject with the Gentleman that is so adamant about divorce. The operative words there my friend is "WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER"

Just because a person marries does not mean God put them together.

God gave us a free will and too often we as human beings, even christian human beings, follow our own hearts and desires and we justify and convince ourselves and others that what we are doing is God sanctioned when it is not.

Man joins themselves together more often than does God.

So first question is Was God the one that joined the couple together?

Second -Let no MAN put asunder.

That does not mean that God cannot separate the two. Gods ways are not our ways. He may "unjoin" or "put asunder" by way of death but not always. If man hardens his heart and will not obey and treat his spouse as Christ treated the church (with love and respect and willingness to give himself for her) if the relationship becomes abusive God may choose to put asunder.

And it may be thru the divorce process that this happens.

And Christ does give the biblical exception of fornication - which is the Greek is porneia. The word can mean anything from sexual intercourse outside the marriage to pornography (ouch! Since many many men, even christian men look at porno and dont see it as fornication, surprise IT IS) but the word also means idol worship. That means guys putting other things before your wife is fornication.

God said the two shall become one. Just as He called Israel a Harlot and an unfaithful bride when she turned to other gods, if you put other things or people, work, ect ahead of your wife, you are committing a form of fornication.

He tells the church of Ephesus in the letter to them in Revelation to return to their first love. It is a Bride that has her first love for Him that He is returning for. If each of us treated our spouse with that same first love that we felt when we first got married there would not be near as man divorces.

Nonetheless - there are Godly men and woman out here that are divorced and are so due to the biblical exception.

AND if you were divorced prior to being born again then that sin was all wiped away pun receiving salvation anyway. You were reborn a new man/woman behold old things have passed away all things become new...

Just food for thought...