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Where are Christians in this website?
Posted : 4 Aug, 2014 12:35 AM

Hi there Ginger, I think your right when you put a age limit it is sort of like putting limits on who GOD can send into your life. Here is the reason, what if there was a perfect guy that met everything you were looking for.However, he was a few years older than your set age no. Therefore, he could not contact you even if he wanted to. Is that really something you want to have happen? there is a high probability that more than likely it already has. Another place you might check out is the chat rooms. You can get there by looking just above and to the right of the word "WELCOME" called LIVE CHAT you will come to a screen that has several choices pick over 40's chat say that your new and start talking. the people in there will help you get use to things and make you feel welcome. They are a friendly group. The LORD does a Lot of really neat things there. In the chat room you can talk to people live and make a lot of friends if you so desire. It is a safe easy way to get to know people. If you come in, and I'm there, I hope you'll say hi. Anyways, hope to see you in chat. River


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Everyone willing to share they thuoghts
Posted : 27 Jul, 2014 08:30 PM

sg to answer your question denomination just means a general type of Christian church like Catholic,or Protestant then under Protestant there is Methodist, (Charismatic, Pentecostal,)They believe in the operation of spiritual gifts of the bible operating today same as bible times such as prophecy, healing, miracles ect. A lot of it can be just emotion,pretense, faked, or used to show how spiritual the person is showing off.(improper use) There are proper and improper ways and times to use them.However, some of it is definitely real when used correctly very effective often time dramatic in results. Other times these gifts can be faked to get money. This is where the gift of discerning of spirits comes in to use. Next question: I knew you were already saved by some of the things that you said and just what I sense about you. So you really don't need to ask JESUS to come in again He is already there. However, you might enjoy finding out about asking the Lord to fill you, baptize you with HIS HOLY SPIRIT. You might need this at some point later in you ministry to others if you haven't yet already done so. The LORD DOESN'T take Salvation away it is a gift that is freely given no strings attached. It is up to the person to keep it or reject it. What kind of church is your dad a leader of? Maybe you could ask your dad to spend some time with you studying the gifts, what they are, and how they are used. Talk to you later. River


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Posted : 27 Jul, 2014 11:23 AM

Hi your very welcome, glad it helped. The LORD has many, many blessings in store for you. You are to keep yourself at the normal weight for your height not far under it or far over it. Don't worry GOD is there to help you do this. HE wants you to be healthy. But if you are to far under weight that isn't healthy. Neither is being over weight. Neither one is good. My 1st question for you is have you prayed and asked JESUS into you heart? If you have GGGGGRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEAAAt! echo echo echo...If not , I would like to share with you how to do that. The reason I am saying any of this is because on your profile you said you were not sure yet. You need to be very sure who it is you serve.GOD wants you to have that assurance and confidence in your heart.GOD wants you to have a STRONG HEART and a FAITH_FILLED HEART for HIM. As far as the Ladies that tell you not to marry a Christian man, They must not know JESUS very well if at all.Their intentions, I am very sure are good. They just don't understand is all. It is not GOD's way. Therefore, you would be wise not to listen to their counsel or their words, and find a born again Spirit-Filled church to become a part of. In this church you will find other ladies that ARE Spirit--filled and ARE walking with the LORD listen to them and learn from them. Then, after a time, the LORD will use you to teach others about GOD and how to have a GODLY relationship with GOD at the center.This is where you will meet him. REMEMBER GOD LOVE'S YOU! So hang in there. Don't give up or quit no matter what. No matter how hard it gets, because it most assuredly will. However, GOD has you covered. IF your FOCUS is on JESUS your LIFE will never be OUT of FOCUS. hard maybe,difficult at times, but never OUT of FOCUS. and therefore GOOD. Talk to you later, River


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Posted : 26 Jul, 2014 07:05 PM

How not to raise your kids in poverty because of spiritual matters. Look at the man's fruits in his life. If the guy doesn't have a job/career and goals and is unable to meet his own basic needs then how in the world is he going to support a wife let alone the responsibilities of a family? The woman needs to be practical too when seeking a life partner. The guy can come off as MR Spiritual, HOWEVER, if that guy, is not willing or is unable to provide thing that are needed for physical survival then he is not truly ready for a serious/ marriage relationship. He doesn't have his act together he hasn't prepared himself for that kind of situation. Unless the woman is willing to wait for him to get things to together. she needs to forget it and then she should move on. The key is guard your heart so you don't get hurt. Don't commit until you know the practical end too. Even then, don't commit totally, hold back if you can, it is hard to do I know. But it is very necessary, so your are not crushed if things go south. It is a matter of the man's character and honor. The question that the woman must ask herself is: Will Joe Smuckatelli be willing and able to provide for a families needs, wants, and desires in the way I believe they should be cared for? If not then that is a red flag deal breaker for you. Then let the relationship go. Another thing is you the woman need to be as prepared as you can be for a relationship too. How?, well 1. find out who as a woman you are in Christ. 2. Find out who a man should be in Christ. 3. Ask God to show you scriptures as to who you need to be as a wife and mother. 4. Find out who the man should be as a husband and father 5. ask God to show you what it is YOU need to do or can do to be prepared for your future husband 6. Write down what GOD shows you as to what a man should be and what a woman should be in CHRIST and use the knowledge to ask questions of the man and his life style.7.One of the most important things to do is PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY some more in faith believing praying ONE TIME then from that point on you THANK GOD for answering your prayer that is FAITH BELIEF. However, IF you KEEP asking you are expressing your DOUBT BELIEF that GOD didn't hear you the first time.HE DID! so keep thanking HIM until the end of your days not just until the guy shows up. It is an on going praise thing that women need and should be doing but are more than likely are not. I hope this helps to answers your questions. River


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Posted : 26 Jul, 2014 05:25 PM

joliz and mabel are right. This man is not showing love to his wife and family as CHRIST loved the church. His priorities are not correct. It should be 1.his Relationship to GOD 2. his relationship to his wife 3. his relationship to his kids 4. other immediate family 5. ministry to others. The obvious thing is if he struggling and is unable to provide for his family. He is operating outside of GOD, and is doing his ministry in the flesh looking to show everyone how spiritual he is. If he was really doing what GOD wanted him to do, everything would fall into place. GOD would provide everything for him, and his family. He would still have time for his family, and be able to meet all their needs too. Even with all of that, he would still be able to minister to others more effectively. Than when he was trying to do it under his own power. In this case he might end up doing less ministry, but it would be done more effectively. The 1st ones to see the things we are doing the wrong thing in our lives are our closest family members; wife,husband,children, very close friend. When these things are brought to our attention we have a hard time accepting it sometimes, even though it is probably true.We don't see the problem usually as others see it.We might not even be aware that there is a problem in the first place. We therefore have difficulty changing the situation/or behavior when confronted. Often times, we don't believe what they are telling us. The only answer I have as a solution to this problem, is to pray and ask GOD to show them what they need to change and how to accomplish that change. Let GOD do it. If you try to tell them it will only cause hurt,anger,resentment,resistance to change, wounded pride ect. to their feelings and it won't work anyway. I don't know if I answered your question or not. I hope this helps, River


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some do's & don't for the site
Posted : 23 Jul, 2014 08:53 PM

C George I was not complaining. I was just making some observations. I don't care one way or the other, it is up to each individual to chose what they want to accomplish on the site. I was just sharing what I have observed, after being on this site for quite awhile. The things I have suggested have worked for others on this site. My motive, was and is strictly to help people become more successful in their search endeavors. It is entirely up to them as to what they chose to do. When I 1st came on this site, I would have found these things useful,George at least some of them, if they had been available to me at the time. This is why I wrote them up. It was a way I thought, that I might be able to help others: 1. new to the site,become more comfortable. 2.learn how to function in the most effective manner on the site. 3. avoid some of the more common pitfalls that normally happen. river


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some do's & don't for the site
Posted : 22 Jul, 2014 10:10 PM

mabel BUSTED! lol I was wondering how long it would take before someone caught me on that, answer not very long lol. My flimsy reasons are:I don't have any to put up. I have no idea how I would even get it on the site. I don't like to have my picture taken. I don't like the idea of my picture on the net. I get enough response without it. and I 'd rather not do it, so I just avoid it. It really does come down to personal pref though. Why don't you come into chat and visit I bet you'd really enjoy it. Thank you for the reply, river


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some do's & don't for the site
Posted : 22 Jul, 2014 07:04 PM

maybel Thank you for your response. I wrote about only things that I have observed and/or experienced 1st hand. I thought I might be able to help others that have just come on the site . I wanted to give them a heads up on some of the things to be aware of. I is difficult to come on a new site and not know what to expect, what to do, or how to act in certain situations. The stuff about the scam artists does really work . It just requires consistency in the application of that process it anyways, thanks for the reply. river


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some do's & don't for the site
Posted : 22 Jul, 2014 06:58 PM

maybel Thank you for your response. I wrote about only things that I have observed and/or experienced 1st hand. I thought I might be able to help others that have just come on the site . I wanted to give them a heads up on some of the things to be aware of. I is difficult to come on a new site and not know what to expect, what to do, or how to act in certain situations. anyways, thanks for the reply. river


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some do's & don't for the site
Posted : 21 Jul, 2014 07:18 PM

Hi, I have been on this site for quite awhile now.Here are some personal observations that I have made. They are mostly based on personal experience with the site. Here are some things, for you to consider, when doing your profile. 1. Don't post pictures with you in sunglasses. We can't see your eyes. This is very important to a guy. I imagine it is to a girl as well too, The eyes are the windows to the soul. If you wear them it makes you look like you have something to hide in the picture. If the sun is bothering you change your position. But what ever you do lose the sunglasses, not reg glasses unless they become dark. The eyes speak volumes. 2.Don't post pictures that are of you and others of the same sex we can't tell who is who in your zoo. If that is the only picture of you. If the picture is on its side or is so small we need a magnifying glass to see, you might as well not have one at all 3.DO SMILE It is one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU CAN DO to make yourself attractive to the opposite sex. Not a halfhearted smile either. But a genuine real smile. 4.Don't limit GOD, put any age so you can at least receive mail from people over the age your looking for. 5.DO put the age your looking for in the main text this way, if for example say, your looking for someone 40-50 what if there is a person that is say 51 but matches everything else. If you put limits in the age category.The person can't contact you no matter what. Then what happens is, you both loose a possible partner. 6.Do go into live chat and make friends there. chat is open conversation you just jump in anytime you want to say something it is not rude it is expected and normal behavior and not considered butting in. 7.Do, fill out the profile with more than "tell you later" because that says nothing. and really say I am Not interested Don't bother me. I'm just playing. 8.DO choose your words carefully. Use concrete very descriptive words. 9.Don't say you like to laugh or have fun. That kind of statement says nothing, because every single one of us likes that. 10.Do avoid using common sayings, like "I am not searching for Mr. perfect just the perfect person for me." The statement doesn't really say anything or say what your really looking for and again says little 11.Do correct your spelling and grammar. It shows that you took the time to make sure things are right. 12.Do polish and rewrite your profile so it is the best you can make it. Remember it is your 1st impression that is presented to a possible mate. 13.Do ask a friends to read your profile to look for spelling & grammar mistakes and how it sounds, and presents itself to a reader. 14.Do the same for them. 15. Be creative with writing your profile make it stand out. Make it different from all the others and it will be remembered and maybe give you the results your looking for. After all isn't that guy or girl that your looking for worth the extra effort and time you put into your profile? On this site and any others that you have a profile on, that profile IS YOU! It represents who you are. It is your best chance at making either an outstanding impression, or NO impression it is your choice. 16. DO with Scam artists, WITNESS To THEM. Start talking about Jesus and bring the conversation always back to HIM so they can't get away from it you have to control the conversation not them. it throws them off their game. One of two things will happen either they will accept the LORD Or they run. Either way you win.They don't know what to do or say. After awhile they won't contact you anymore. This is what I did and it worked like a charm. I have had some meet the LORD, others run, and still others get so frustrated they don't know what to do. It drives them crazy. The trick is to pray and ask for the right words to share with them works every time. They put out the word don't contact River7 17.DO NOT GIVE MONEY WHEN ASKED IT IS A SCAM NO MATTER WHAT THE STORY IS They will tell you anything to get you to give them money and I mean ANYTHING! All it is, is smoke and mirrors. They are trying to play on your Christian values. Telling scam artists to stay away is like a neon flashing welcome sign to them. They will choose you every time over someone else. It says I am challenging you to come and get me if you can. RED FLAG to a bull. 18. Guard Your Heart By this I mean, Don't give yourself totally to that person until you are saying your wedding vows. Protect yourself from getting hurt to the extreme, take things slowwwwwwwwwwwly! Build the foundation give it time to set. A concrete foundation that has not set properly and had the right amount of cure time will crumble. What ever is built on that bad foundation will fall. It is the same with a relationship even though you are sure it is right, and GOD is at the center.It still has to grow and mature. If you go too fast it will be destroyed and will fail. It fails NOT because it wasn't GOD centered. but The foundation didn't have the time needed to be cured and become rock solid. What ever is built on a uncured foundation is not solid and won't hold up under pressure. 19. Sex, It is up to you BUT GOD says don't. It will more than likely ruin your relationship, if engaged in. Marriage will most likely NOT occur because of it. If the guy really loves you He as the leader should not put you in that position, even if your willing to go along. The woman needs to help control the situation also. That isn't love that is LUST pure and simple for BOTH people involved. Above all, 20.DO have fun on the site and enjoy the fellowship of other Christians. I hope this helps you to succeed in your search. I DO NOT WORK FOR THE SITE IN ANY WAY. I am just another member just like you. Any questions, or comments, I am in the 40's chat a lot. If your new to chat let us know. We will help you get comfortable. We welcome everyone.It is a friendly safe room.All ages are welcome. The young ones like it because they feel safe there with us, and they are. We generally self monitor the room. The guys in there will call an individual to task if they act in a wrong way. Using bad language ect. We can and have handled them easily.Come on by and say hooooooowwwwwwwwwwwdy echo, echo, echo, I hope to see you in chat, River 7

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