normargra is Single in Apex, North Carolina


looking for someone to trust me

Male | 46
United States
North Carolina
Last Login Date
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normargra is Single in Apex, North Carolina, 1 normargra is Single in Apex, North Carolina, 2 normargra is Single in Apex, North Carolina, 3 normargra is Single in Apex, North Carolina, 4 normargra is Single in Apex, North Carolina, 5
Eye Color
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Mixed Color
Not sure yet
Looking For
Church Name
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
being thoughtful
anything God created, anything that protects God's creations, anything that celebrates God or Jesus in any way
About Me
I obey 15 laws and it can be hard at times. I try to enjoy all types of weather, but I prefer spring weather. I enjoy kicking a soccerball around. I enjoy fighting animals, but do to conflict with government and society I've just been fighting or trying to get along with dogs in my neighborhood. I enjoy eating what is outside as well. I write and do artwork.
I've been following Christ since before I was in school. Christ said if you deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow him they will murder you, but if you die for Him He'll give you your life back. The first tale tale sign I was being murdered was in middle school. God had me look at my wrist to where I noticed two bulges of the bone on either side. One day I was in my mom's room playing Nintendo and I looked at my wrist. The inner bulge on my wrist wasn't there, then a female young voice said they killed you. I ignored it when she was saying killed and went back to playing the video game.
Fast forward past other occurances to a few years back I was taken to wake med by a cop for revenge on their part for me killing a cop. Like they didn't already beat me to death when I was locked up for the incident before. Anyway, Christ allowed me to be conscious to see how they murdered me. Then He made me unconscious. He woke me up 3 times after that during and during breaks of the procedure. The same thing happened with my wrist again, but this time he woke me up to see why there's a scar. Anyway, if you'd like a follower of Christ for anything in your life just contact me.
Much love.
First Date
Just talk to get to know one another.
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Any Age.
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