stef3 is Single in Tampa, Florida, 1


PICK ME, PICK ME, PICK ME! Come on ladies pick me. Hurry up and get me while I am still ...

Male | 69
United States
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Salt n Pepper
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4 Yr College Degree
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God, family & mate, country
About Me
:dancingp: Pick me while I'm still hot. Alright, alright, not real steamy red hot like Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, or Keanu Reeves but maybe a little bit hot? :hearts: O.k., o.k., maybe the word "hot" shouldn�t be used at all in any way, shape, or form but maybe you ladies could say that I�m a little good looking? O.K., o.k., I know I�m still stretching it a bit but maybe some of you ladies out there could say that I�m not bad looking? Alright, alright, enough of this wishful thinking aside, perhaps there are a few women reading this that would say, "I guess he�s so-so" and would like to contact me? O.k., o.k., who am I trying to fool? There�s just has to be at least one single lonely desperate (overwhelmed with urgency and anxiety, to the point of losing hope, as last resort) female out there somewhere on this planet who feels sorry or pity for me that could briefly think (not actually say) that maybe I am an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny in some cases, like when the lights are low and in the eyes of the beholder kind of thing, not ugly or cute in a ugly way and who otherwise wouldn�t give a below average guy the time of day? :excited: Come on girl: let�s meet while everything is still working close to normal. The ticker is still ticking, the eyes can see, and the ears do hear, etc. We could start off by first doing some emailing to each other. Then we could meet at church or at a local restaurant for lunch like Sweet Tomatoes. :eat: How about it? Be the first one not to say to me, "Yea right, dream on". Even if our date doesn�t grow into a long lasting relationship, you and your friends could at least have a good laugh afterwards. :ROFL: Come on ladies don�t make me pray to God to force you to email me. :prayingm: Really you shouldn�t let me stay in this kneeling position too long: it�s tough on the good ol� knees. :goofball: Putting the begging aside (I may have to come back to that), the woman that I am looking for is what the Bible describes in Proverbs 12:4, 14:1, & 31:10&30 as a God-fearing wise virtuous woman, a woman who will be my companion and best friend for life, second only to Jesus, of course. With God as our strength, guiding us, for His glory we will try to live out our lives together as a witness for Him while sharing both life�s happy moments and the sad ones. And no matter what comes our way, we will always try to rejoice in the Lord. :yay: If God puts another woman into my life, I pray that she will exalt Jesus by putting Him first in her life as I put the Lord first in my life. We will be both bettered for it individually and as a couple. I loved my ex and we shared 19 beautiful years together up until the last 2 months before we separated. She remarried (choosing to follow man�s laws over God�s Law of 1 Corinthians 7:11&39) :angeldevil: and because of Deuteronomy 24:1-4, I have now put it behind me. I am ready to move on and God willing maybe share my life with one of you reading this. Ladies, life is quickly passing by for all of us and I know it is much more fun to share it with someone special. :buddies: I really miss the closeness and the time my ex and I had together. Even just knowing that my beloved mate was near me, in the next room, or one of us would be home soon, brought those little extra glad feelings of thankfulness of being alive. God willing, my desire is to have this kind of relationship again, but with a woman who is more dedicated to God as her Lord and Master. I desire a real woman of God, as hopefully, I will be a faithful servant to God myself. Are you a woman who follows Jesus or are you following the world? John 15:19 & 17:11 says that we are in the world but not of the world. Read the next three passages to see if you are a Christian woman who passes God�s test of where your heart is. Romans 12:2 says, "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 1 John 2:15-17 says, Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man [or woman] loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him [or her]. For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Luke 16:13 says, "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other: or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." If you, Christian woman, are focused on material things of life instead of serving Jesus, please read no further of my profile and just pass me by because I�d rather walk alone with Christ then to go through with another broken heart. Now, on the man side of me, if God permits, I would also like a fair woman to look upon. (Genesis 12:11) Although I know that real beauty comes from within and good looks soon fade away, both the Christian man and woman could at least stay physically fit for each other by living right until death do them part. Even more important than staying fit for our spouses is what 1 Corinthians 6:19&20 say concerning our Christian bodies which are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Shouldn�t we treat it as such? :peace: I am a little shy and quiet for the most part. I am pretty easy going and I love life that God has blessed me with (but not more than Jesus and doing His will). I need no woman in my life but it sure is a whole lot more enjoyable and exciting when a female is a part of it. I believe the quiet side of me comes from when I was growing up with my twin (we are suppose to be identical but we really do not look much alike). He was the one always talkin� and talkin� and talkin� and I did all the listening. In a way, I wish I was more like my twin but I know God molded me this way for His glory for a purpose. I can be funny at times in the way I tell a story or a joke. Those who know me say that I must have a sense of humor because of my thinking that there is possibly someone out there that would go out with me. Life to me is fun but I am also serious about being who I am in Christ and following Him as His disciple. I am not the partying type and in the past when I would go out with some of my coworkers or a few good friends, I would rather be home reading or doing something else. Just being home and around the ones I love is all I need. I loved the marriage life because we (my ex and our three children, daughters are now 14 & 18 and son is 19) could have fun going to fairs, beaches, sleeping in mountain cabins, fishing, and theme parks or just wrestling around in the big king size bed that we had. Wrestling was done a lot around our house and it made us laugh. We would sometimes let the kids join in too. I will always cherish those family moments and I hope I will have more of the same even more so with someone new. I love children and if you are a woman who wants children or one who doesn�t want children, either way is fine with me, although, I believe children are blessings and my attitude toward having more kids is �whatever� God�s will is the best. Just remember the older we get, the harder it will be to have children and raise them. Some people say that starting over in a second marriage is hard but I don�t know that for sure since I�ve only been married once. If God does allow another lovely woman into my life, I�m willing to do my best in my husbandly chores like I did in my first marriage of taking out the trash, keeping the toilet seat down, fixing things that are broke, washing the dishes, vacuuming, giving body massages, tickles (the ones that give you goose bumps and relaxes you to sleep), etc. You know, I�ll do all of my husbandly duties. I�ll even get up at night and let out the cat or dog if we have any. I love pets but I have none at this time. Do I want pets? Not really but it depends my mate. I won�t deprive her. :angel: I am a believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I believe in God the Father, the Son of God (God put on flesh, Jesus the Messiah who lived a perfect sinless holy life, died a sacrificial death for the sins of the world, rose from the dead physically to live forevermore, and is coming back again.) and the Helper (the Spirit of God who lives in me as with all God�s adopted children). In the following discussion I believe I have written the most important Scripture verses a Christian could share with the unsaved world: Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" and Peter said concerning Jesus in Acts 4:12, "Neither is there salvation in any other [person, only through God�s Son]: for there is none other name [Jesus is that name in English] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." If you are offended or disagree with this narrow point of view on how to get to Heaven especially through whom we must believe and trust in order to get there, please don�t be angry with me, I�m just the messenger, who loves to see all people make it through Heaven�s gates. Remember that I did not say these things about Jesus, I merely quoted what Jesus Himself and Peter said who was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And yes I do believe these are God�s Words along with the rest of the Christian manual called the Holy Bible. If you believe otherwise and/or you believe that man can corrupt or has corrupted the Word of God then you do not believe in an Almighty God who is all powerful that said He would preserve His Word. (Psalms 12:6&7) If you believe that God cannot keep His Word pure then you do not believe in the God who created the Heavens and earth out of nothing. You have a lesser god and not the God of the Bible that I believe in. Who are we going to believe, God or man? I�d rather believe in God and what He has said (God�s Word) even when I do not fully understand most of it. (1 John 5:9-13) The remaining discussion I believe should be read by all who call themselves Christians. I have come to the conclusion that most people who think or say that they are Christians are deceiving themselves (2 Corinthians 4:4) because they do not really understand God�s simple plan for salvation. They have taken the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3) and replaced it with a complex twisted religiosity that does not save anyone. Jesus said in Matthew 7:22-23 that on judgment day many, not just a few, will call Him, "Lord, Lord" when they were not His. Since they were not true Christians, they had not received the gift of eternal everlasting life. These people are the tares that Jesus talked about in Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43. A tare thinks that he or she is a believer for all the wrong reasons thus unaware that his or her father is of the "evil one" (verse 38) or "wicked one", which is the devil. If your father is the devil, you are not saved. It is very important for unbelievers to know the correct message of what a person must do to be saved. For unbelievers, there is only one thing for them to do to become children of God. Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 what the unbeliever must do to be saved. He said that the unbeliever must do the will of the Father. But most professing Christians do not know what the will of the Father is for an unbeliever, which is different from the will of the Father for someone who is already saved and is a child of Living God. If you mix the two together you create a false gospel. Salvation (what God does for us so that we can live with Him forever) and discipleship (what we do for God after we are saved) must be understood as separate issues. John 6:40 gives us the answer to what the will of the Father is for the unsaved person. If you have not done exactly what Jesus said to do then you are one of those tares who claim to be Christian but Jesus will say to, "I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity." Why did Jesus say this to them? Because these were religious people who were doing the same thing that Paul said the Jews were doing in Romans 10:3. Instead of doing it God�s way, they were trying to establish their own righteousness being ignorant (not knowing) of the righteousness of God. To meet God�s satisfaction of righteousness, a person has to be as perfect sinless holy as God Himself. (Matthew 5:48) But nobody can be totally and completely perfect, sinless, and holy in every way at every second of the day of their lives. The unsaved (and even the saved) fall far short of this because none of us have the mind of God, the will of God, nor the power of God. This is why the Bible says it is impossible for us to save ourselves. (Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:29, & Luke 18:27) We need God to save us. That is why He is called the Savior. And there is only one Savior. We are not little saviors doing our part along with the Savior who does His part. No, Jesus gets all the credit. All glory goes to Him and none to us. Note what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 that we are to seek "first His kingdom and His righteousness" rather than to first seek our own righteousness because we have no righteousness of our own compared to Him. God will never allow even the smallest degree of sin to enter into His Kingdom. If He did then Heaven would no longer be Holy. Since God requires that we be as righteous as He is in order to make it through those pearly white gates, God has made it possible for us to become perfect in His eyes. How does God do this? Here is where God�s Son is brought into the picture. Remember that Jesus was sinless. (Hebrews 4:15) He always did everything that the Father wanted Him to do. (John 8:29) So since Jesus� holiness matches or equals to God the Father�s holiness, Jesus� perfection matches or equals the Father�s perfection. Now, ask yourself this question, if you had the perfection and holiness of Jesus, do you not believe that God would allow you into Heaven? Yes indeed and this is exactly what happens when you trust God as Savior, you are given the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17). Jesus� righteousness is given (imputed, reckoned, credited, applied, gifted) to you at the instant you make Him Savior by believing and trusting Him at His Word. (Romans 4:2-11 and James 2:23) At the moment we put our faith in the Jesus, God declares us just (justified) in His sight because of His Son, forever. (Hebrew 10:14) When we stand before God the Father with Jesus� righteousness, God does not see us but His Son. God sees only His Son�s righteousness because it covers or cleanses us entirely, wholly, thoroughly, completely, and totally. This is how God�s grace works so that we can forever enter into His presents and by His mercy we are not thrown into the lake of fire in which we really deserve. We must understand this about salvation. This message is truly the "good news" the Bible speaks of. But many who claim to be Christians muddle this message by adding or subtracting from it. Some of these religious people put the cart (discipleship) before the horse (salvation), others puts the horse and cart together, but the majority attaches discipleship to salvation through the backdoor approach. By attaching discipleship (works of the law) as a requirement for salvation, Christ�s satisfying sacrifice on the cross becomes null and void, destroying the message of grace that eternal everlasting life is a free gift. Adding discipleship to belief/faith (in God/Jesus) is done subtly in many ways. One way of doing this is by saying (thus they believe) a person needs to do or promise to do something for God/Jesus to be saved such as: submitting, yielding, surrendering, giving your heart, soul, mind, life to Him, living for the Him, making Him Lord of your life, putting Him on the throne of your life, inviting Jesus into your heart or life, loving God, etc. All these things go beyond what is required for us to do to be saved. They deal with the Christian life. They should be done after we are saved with God�s help but not for salvation. Another way that discipleship is added salvation is when a person believes that you can look at your life or how you are living to prove or give evidence that you are a child of God. They say if you are living the Christian (moral) life than you are saved and if you are not living the Christian (moral) life than you are not saved. This is bringing works into the equation of salvation not in a direct manner but indirectly. I believe those who preach and teach the cart added to the horse approach to salvation do so because of not grasping the understanding of what the meaning of the word �faith� is which is found in Hebrews 11:1 and 2 Corinthians 5:7. These people redefine the word "faith" to mean just the opposite of what the Bible says it means. The bible says "faith" is not by sight but they say that by looking at one�s own life you can know that you are one of God�s children. You who believe this please ask yourself this question: Comparing yourself to Jesus, is your Christian living or moral life perfect without sin always doing every second of the day God�s will? If you are honest with yourself you would have to say, no, that is impossible for anybody to do. Therefore, no one can look at their lives or what they do even in Jesus� name to prove or give evidence that we are God�s children. Notice how the people who called Jesus "Lord, Lord" in Matthew 7 questioned Jesus by pointing out to Him that didn�t their Christian moral life (what they have done in Jesus� Name while living) prove or give evidence that they are Christians. They thought they were God�s children because they were living for Him. They relied on �sight� (of their own righteousness) not knowing the righteousness of God. They either did not know the true Gospel message or refused it, believing that they had to do more than just BELIEVE and TRUST Jesus as Savior. (Romans 1:16 & 2 Corinthians 4:3-4) All it takes is FAITH in Jesus was too simple or easy for them. They believed you had to do more for salvation. (Please take the time and read John 6:26-29) Furthermore, why would God need or want anything that we could give or promise to give Him? If giving or promising to give anything to God is what is required for salvation, we could do this without Jesus going to the cross. Why would anybody want to give or promise to give God his or her life which is just filthy rags to God or a heart that is wicked? (See Isaiah 64:6 on how God views our righteous living compared to Him, please note that this passage is not talking about our evil or unrighteous living but our righteousnesses. Jeremiah 17:9 and Matthew 15:19, describes our hearts.) Salvation deals with receiving not giving. God gave His Son and we receive Him by putting our faith in Him. After we receive Jesus as our Savior then we can now give Him ourselves, our lives, our every things. Any other gospel is another gospel which is not the gospel. (2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6) How then do we know we are saved? We know we are the children of God based on God�s promise and God never lies. God always keeps His Word and we believe Him. In other words, we believe God at what He says, period. (John 5:9-13). I know I am saved because I put my faith in Jesus and He saved me. If you are looking at your life to prove that you are saved you are adding works to God�s plan of salvation and are probably not saved. We cannot add or subtract from who Jesus is and what He did for us on the cross. Titus 3:5 says, It is "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost: and Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace are you saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the Gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." And remember this, God will not save a person trying to be saved, He only saves those who have trusted Him to be saved. There�s a big difference between the two. Trying implies doing more than just putting your faith in Christ. Believing God at His Word to save you is a onetime event. One last thing dealing with salvation is the use of the three phrases "saving faith", "born again", and "by their fruit you will know them". Why use the phrase "saving faith"? Is it the person�s faith that saves a person? What does it mean when the Bible says that you must be born again? At the instant one believes, what actually happens to a person when he or she becomes a new creature in Christ? Do the Scriptures say "by their fruit you will know they are children of God"? The fruit of what kind of people is the Scripture referring to? If you would like to know my views on these misunderstood and misused phases, write me or ask me in person someday. You may be surprised by my answer. Now after we have received the gift of righteous, of salvation, of eternal everlasting life, of the Holy Spirit, what does God want Christians (those that are born again) to do? To find the Bible�s short answer for what the believer much do after he or she is saved, it�s in part 7. :dunce: When I was a teen, I believed the perfect setting for the first date for a guy like me who is a little quiet and shy especially around women is probably a movie then to eat out. Now I feel that the initial date should start with the meal first and then a movie. The reason for this, and I think most people would probably agree with me, is that a person knows pretty quick upon meeting someone if they would like to get to know the other person better or not. But, like I tell my 3 children, our eyes can deceive us. It is only through time of seeing the other person will you know if you could live with that person�s personality, character, likes and dislikes, and habits. Just because you are "first" attracted to the other person doesn�t mean you will like that person after getting to really know them. On the other hand getting to know someone can also lead a person to fall in love with that person no matter what that person looks like. How�s that phrase go? Love is blind. Christians of course should be focused on the Lord and true love only comes through God. I believe love consists of not only wanting to share your life with the other person but you want to make them happy while you want them to make you happy. And upmost importance is that no other person in the world you would rather be with now or in the future. Since it has been a long time since I�ve went out with a woman other than being married with my ex, I am kind of scared in meeting someone new. If you do happen to go out with me and become aware of some trembling, that�s me, just remember it is because you, woman, and I am just a man. Of course both of us should know that not all dates are a made in Heaven. We can at least have one awkward evening or dinner together. It may even turn out to be fun. :laugh: I like all sorts of activities even though I do not do a lot of it now. I don�t care to watch sports. Very seldom do I go to sporting events. I do try to keep fit by jogging and exercising 1 to 4 times a week. (1 Corinthians 3:17 & 6:19) Most people say I look younger than my age. My beautiful 18 year old daughter says I am in better shape than her boyfriends that she dated. She could be just telling me this to make me feel good all inside. I do believe a person should look the best that he or she can physically. My joy of joys is studying the Bible and understanding it for myself. Most people don�t study their Bibles and accept whatever they are taught. The religious rulers, priests, Pharisees, and the masses that Jesus encountered in His day are dead and gone but their followers are teaching the same false doctrines to our generation. 2 Titus 3:13 says that, "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." Don�t accept a watered down religion where the truth is half taught and material possessions means more than serving God. :zzzz: I work for the United States Postal Service with mail sorting machines to get the mail from one location in the world to its destination. I am blessed to have a job but it is not a dream job. My real job is to please my God, Savior, and Lord. I graduated from Alleghany County High School in Virginia. I studied and received my bachelor�s degree in Engineering Technology at University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. I could not find work in my field of study after graduating so I took the first job that was offered to me and I�ve been working at the USPS every since. Four years of college and the only thing that I remember is the definition of one word. I believe God stuck it in my mind for a reason because I use it to explain a very important basic fundamental teaching of the Bible. If you would like to know what this bit of treasure is that I will never ever forget, email me and I�ll fill you in on it. If we ever meet, you can ask me about it on a date and I�ll explain it to you the best I can. I cherish the truths of the Bible and I like discussing it with whoever wants to. Also, ask me about the Greek word �metanoia�. Satan rejoices over what this word has come to mean. Many souls will end up in hell because of it. Only a few churches today are using the proper meaning of it. :devil: My personal goals in life cannot be separated from who I am in Christ. I heard a Christian comedian once say, which I find to be very amusing and true: "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your goals." As Christians, our goals should boil down to what is stated in Romans 1:17 & 2 Corinthians 5:7, the Just shall live (or walk) by faith, not by sight. The just are those who trusted Jesus as Savior. We are justified by and with Christ�s righteousness, not by our own righteousness since we have none compared to the perfection, sinlessness, and holiness of Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. By substituting the word �Christian� in place of the word �just� in the above two verses you have "The Christian shall live or walk by faith". If we are doing this then everything else will fall in place under God�s plan and will. Christians would daily pick up their cross to follow Jesus to be His disciple. (Luke 9:23, 14:27&33) Christians would be doing the great commission of telling the good news of Jesus to the unbelieving world and teaching new believers (Matthew 28:20), "To observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." In order to teach, we need to know what Jesus taught. Some of Jesus sayings that we should follow are in Matthew 5:1-7:29) The two Bible verses that most so-called believers seem to ignore are: John 14:15, where Jesus says, "If ye love me, keep my commandments" and John 14:24, where Jesus says, "He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings". Jesus called the priests, Pharisees, and the masses hypocrites, snakes, tares, and the blind leading the blind. Read for yourself who the world follows and who their master is in John 11:48, John 19:15, & Revelation 13:4. In each one of these passages, ask yourself this question: What should these people have said? We Christians are to be faithful to God and to His Word no matter the outcome. Are we to pick and choose on what we are going to keep and not do? Be a doer of God�s Word and not a hearer only. Do you love Jesus? If you do, then show Him by following Him. :bow: My only true love relationship lasted 19 sweet years. Even though I dated in high school and college before I got married I was shy of women that I was attracted to and no relationship lasted more than a couple of dates because I would never again call my dates back. It wasn�t that I didn�t want to. Some of my dates would call me back and I would have my mom �lie� for me by saying I wasn�t home. I know now and feel bad for getting my mother to fib for me. I hope any woman who is still interested in me after reading over all my profile, will understand that I was very intimidated by women. I still find myself panicky thinking about it. For the most part, I am just trusting the Lord to lead me to another wonderful woman but of His choice. My ex was just the opposite of me, pretty outgoing like my twin. She loved to talk and in her own words, went after me. I fell in love with her, not at first sight but as I came to know her and enjoyed her company and attention towards me. My ex was pretty but not the prettiest woman that I had dated. She did keep herself fit and I grew to love her because of her personality. While we were married I would always ask the Lord to allow me to find her more and more gorgeous even thru the wrinkle and gray hair which some day would come. Since my ex was 10 years younger than me, I never saw the wrinkles or the gray hair. I probably would have never seen her gray because she colored her hair. Our relationship began its spiral downward turn because of the two verses in Scripture that I believe most women hate to follow: Genesis 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 11:3. (These passages were never meant for God�s ideal world, the Garden of Eden. After the fall, God put these two verses into effect. When the roles reverse within a marriage relationship, the marriage most always fails.) Ironic as it may be, my separation with my ex was actually due to mainly this and not seeing eye to eye on the Scripture. Can you believe it? Christians divided over the Word of God. I chose to take a stand on what I believed God�s Word has us to do and she decided to go her way. I basically told her that I could not live under the same roof with her knowing that she was in violation to God�s plain Words. There are six verses of the Bible that is specific to what I am referring to. Would you like to know? Email me and I�ll send you the verses. And no these verses have nothing to do with adultery. I still believe it is in the direction God wanted me to lead us and our family. I remained faithful to her thru our separation, divorce, and until she remarried, as the Scripture teach us to do, hoping that we could again be one. You women, if you do not take God�s Word seriously then I plead with you please do not marry a man who does. Only true followers of Christ please apply. With the remaining years that God gives me, I want to do His will even more so. If you feel the same way, let us get together and see where God leads us. :applause: Approximately 9 months after my brother�s and my conception, we were born in the world�s largest people zoo, called Kalamazoo, Michigan. Our parents moved from Michigan when we were 7 years old to Covington, Virginia, in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. My twin and I eventually found where our parents had moved. It was tough but we finally found them back in hills where the country folk live. Tampa, Florida is now my home where my three children live. They are great kids and I usually see them on Sundays when I sometimes take them to church and then to eat out. We spend some our time watching recorded television shows like Smallville and Supernatural. (I know I know they�re not the best of shows to watch on TV and I could better make use of my time that God has allotted me.) Many times we have small discussions on a Bible lesson that I had prepared for them or watch a DVD on Creation, the One World Government, a debate between a specific religion verses Christianity, etc. Tampa is a great place to live but I am content on living anywhere. I prefer being warm. Do you? :waving: If any of you thinking women like to prove me wrong in my profile concerning God�s Word, feel free to email me. I am always open to the truth and correction but just remember though that it is a two way conversation and I have much more I can say then what I have written here. Also, please write and tell me where you see my profile needs improving to increase my chances of getting noticed. Do you think it would be helpful if maybe I put up in my photo album some of the movie star�s pictures that I mentioned in my introduction? Keep checking back on my profile from time to time because I may just do that. Hopefully this will keep drawing some of you back to me where you will finally lower your standards and give me a chance. Now, ladies, I�m really a man of few words. And I know that I am not the nicest looking buck or bull out there (good looks), or the brightest light burning (smartest), or the one who has a lot of marbles to play with (material things), but I do have arms that can hold you close and tight, lips that can kiss you goodnight or when the sun rises, and a heart that will be loving, sincere, and faithful to you. I�m pretty sure that most of you are like me in the respect that nobody likes to grow old alone, only if it is God�s will. So if God continues to bless me with a much longer life, please, before too much aging takes its toll, let�s see if we can maybe find out if we are a match that leads to friends for eternity. Of course our best and closest friend of all, who really knows us and loves us, is the one who died for us. Above all things, I hope and pray that you know my God and Savior, Jesus the coming King of Kings and Lord of lords. Without Him we are nothing and have nothing. May all glory, praise, honor, and worship go to Yeshua.:purpleangel::purpleangel::purpleangel:
First Date
:eat::eat: and talk a little. I wrote all this to show you who I am. One of the women that wrote me said I was not a normal guy. I wrote back and said "why be normal when you could be happy".
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