Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia


Galatians 2:20-21

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives

Male | 45
United States
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Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 1 Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 2 Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 3 Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 4 Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 5 Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 6 Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 7 Mclem014 is Single in Herndon, Virginia, 8
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African American
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A Marriage Partner
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Procurement Analyst
(5) To be the strength and emotional support and stability in my helpmate's time of adversity or time of tranquility. To be the encouragement, listening* ear and uplifting support she needs as her best friend, godly companion, and loving helpmate. the pro
About Me
Fond supporter of VOM-(Voice of the Martyrs and other Christians being persecuted for their faith in Christ)✝️🙇🏾‍♂️

I enjoy studying the Word of God, Philosophy, Biblical Language Studies, Eschatology, geniune *Truth* seeker, praying, , amusement parks, movies, walks in the park etc. Anything that would insinuate something fun. If you have any ideas, that would be nice and welcomed too.

Just would like to have a family one day, serve God the best way I can by His loving grace and mercies, and have a loving, but yet godly wife that esteems God's Word via the truth of His Word above all else; even herself. Galatians 2:20-21

To start off in a brief introductory setting, I am sort of an introvert and can at times be quiet and a homebody; who can be seriously goofy at times and practically laugh at anything with a snorkel-The weirdness i know lol...😳🤦🏾‍♂️" . But i am also one who can be serious on matters of importance and playful&socially outgoing around people I am comfortable with.
#Classic INTP Personality Type

With that said, I am very passionate about my relationship with Christ and do consider Him and the truth of His Word as a way of life that not only embodies my thinking and character, but also my choices and decision making that provide a standard for proper direction. I attempt at all angles to be respectful, considerate, and above all to do what is right by Him and His ways. I am looking for someone who is kind-hearted, understands how to be loved* but also understands how to return love that is self less-Yes a godly* love that can be only understood through a sincere and honest relationship with Christ. Nobody is perfect by far-Believe me, i know. But to understand the love of Christ is truly a geniune trait indeed. And to find a godly woman or any individual like this is very rare. I am also looking for someone who enjoys being supportive and caring of each other's life ambitions and goals-and would like to nurture and build those goals into a strong cohesive unit functioning as a growing friendship where they could be used for Christ and His predicated will for their lives.

Below is a reference about:
"What I have learned from my previous relationship"

What I have learned from my previous relationship is that both persons should establish a common bond through similar interest, ideals and perspectives. First and for most, I am of the humble opinion that both should have their own individual relationship with Christ on the basis of His word. I believe no friendship/relationship should foundationally be established on physicality/attraction/subjectivism etc as a primary. On the contrary, two persons should grow a friendship towards the standards they have built through their relationship with Christ individually. I believe Jesus Christ is the cornerstone to any great and long lasting friendship that can eventually in time turn into a loving relationship. Without expectations, the two should become very good friends through understanding and mutual engagement. I believe this gives them the ability to understand each other's quirks, strengths, and weaknesses, and enjoy learn of the person they are with for who they are and not for what they have or even for how they look. I believe this forms a good foundation for a strong bonded relationship that is not built on emotionalism, self-absorbtion, or physical attraction but yet on the person of Christ and even more so the love of Christ that is within them and their thinking. :)

Some All Time Favorite Bible Passages:

Daniel 9 because it is a pivtol verse that distinguishes between the Old and New Covenants that God has with Ancient Israel and Christ has with the church respectively(-as far as being grafted into but established on better promises that are heavenly. Romans 11:11-31; Hebrews 8:6-13; Jeremiah 31:31-34). Also prophetically, it entails the cutting off of the Messiah hundreds of years previously before Jesus entered our time domain. Ha! Yes I like biblical prophecy(The study of Eschatology)-quite a hobby of mine 🙂

Acts 17:11
2nd Kings 22:1-2
2nd Kings 23:1-3
2nd Kings 23:25
Proverbs 31:1-7
Proverbs 31: 8-12
Psalms 119:131-176

I really enjoy engaging and speaking about Christ and I enjoy hearing the testimonies of those who Christ has redeemed from this fallen world. :) A nice exquisite restaurant or bistro would be nice where we could also speak on each other's primary interest, what type of movies and music we like, what we like to do for fun, and also our ambitions and goals. As for starters, to get me out of the way so we could only speak about you lol; to give clarity about my goals and ambitions please read below if there is an common interest. Thank you kindly :) It might seem unrealistic, but in time I do believe Christ has called and graced me within this predicament. Only according to His will that He has pre-planned for my life- & not my own :)

Future Goals and Ambitions:

As of the moment I have a Bachelors of science degree in Business Admin(Finance/minor-Econ)& a MPA in Procurement&Govt Contracting. I am taking my time while working, but eventually I have other goals in mind also that are relative to my relationship with Christ. I enjoy the study of Philosophy*, Ancient Near Eastern Studies*-Philology(ie Biblical Languages), World Religions&Cults amazingly so (Helps one understand the Word of God on a more broader scale with the illumination of the Holy Spirit).One of my long* term goals is2obtain a masters* degree in these areas of concentration&a Ph.d or Th.d with a focal point in Hebrew Semitics&Biblical Studies all the while learning a few languages (Greek,Hebrew,Akkadian, Ugaritic esp.) My dream&hope of Christ's will for my life is2be a professor&researcher of the Word of God&those subjects pertaining to. I want2be different than the majority,I want2know the Lord intimately&I truly have a desire2want people2see&understand that God's Word is true&the promises of His salvation is a geniune reality🙂. He is my life-I try by His strength alone✝️ Bible🙇🏿‍♂️Gal 2:20-21
First Date
.I would just like to have a loving&godly family1 day, serve God the best way we can 'together' by His loving grace&mercies with a loving, but yet godly wife who esteems God's Word via the truth* of His Word above all else; even herself♥️.
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