67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia


If JESUS isn't in it well it's just not worth itšŸ™JESUS is with us ALWAYS

Male | 56
United States
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67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 1 67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 2 67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 3 67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 4 67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 5 67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 6 67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 7 67bigteddybear is Single in Danville, Virginia, 8
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Union Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
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Do you want children?
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
My own business
Gods will! I pray that God will help me to find the ONE that we will Be INLOVE Always Together FOREVER and EVER. JESUS first,family,friends all out doors activities just being around all of Gods beautiful people and praying with them and serving them Amen
About Me
Those how pray together stay Together. Amen to create the greatest foundation of all times TOGETHER JESUS CHRIST
I am Loving,caring,selfless,very open but not always serious like to laugh and have fun.
I like to talk, and talk about thing that matters that are real, always aware of my words, words can be dangerous, I try my best to speak life into people and surround myself with people who do the same always wanting to help others but I'm not prefect I'm a sinner saved bye Grace Amen. I must say that it will take a very very very extra special women to come in to our lives here, there is much responsibility here. Must be open and willing to change often so we can look back from the last year of are life's and see spiritual growth closer to Jesus. Must be will to get up every morning with me and start are mornings off being on are knees together praying to gether. Then a daily bead scripture. And I like to watch TV preachers while I work out in the morning. And willing to listening to Christian music all day long positive and encouraging. Then at night before bed again back where JESUS want us all the time on are knees together again praying together then some bible reading together as well . must be willing to attend church two to three times a week must be willing to serve in our church and community on a regular basis.Must be will to be responsive to the Holy Spirit when it comes calling to either of us. No matter how difficult of a task that Jesus asks us to do in our lives we must be responsive to the Holy Spirit. Because always when the Holy Spirit or Jesus asked you to do something it almost always makes us feel uncomfortable because we are of the world. Amen . Must be will to totally surround yourself to be with Jesus on a daily basis having Church everyday with Him not just on Sunday we are the Church Amen. We must be stronge enough together to Praise Jesus in the ups and downs of life because He warns us that trouble is coming in are lifes that if we truly love Him then we should share in HIS suffering. But the peace comes from when He say. But don't fear because I am with you Amen
Looking for a women that understand that a men can only be a good man on his own, But with the right women that knows how and when to say just the right thing at the right time with loving words to speak life into her man ,then and only then a good man can become a grate man OMG .
If GOD would allow that kind of women into are life's we could be unstoppable together Amen
Thank you Jesus
First Date
Maybe we can Have lunch some where nice what way if we are liking each others company we will still have time after we eat to take a drive some where with nice scenery or take a walk in a park or get an ICE cream, hopefully everything go's well that we mite not want to stop talking to each other and together always together can start up a conversation that will last a life time ??
Account Settings (To message 67bigteddybear you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 55.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.

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