edwardtheblessed is Single in NAPA, California


Looking for that special girl that loves Jesus more than anything

Male | 62
United States
Last Login Date
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edwardtheblessed is Single in NAPA, California, 1 edwardtheblessed is Single in NAPA, California, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Salt n Pepper
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
The Gathering Place
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Real Estate Investor
Auto Racing, Baseball / Softball, Basketball, Boating / Sailing, Fishing, Golf, Horse Riding, Motor Sports, Scuba Diving / Snorkeling, Skiing / Snowboarding, Squash / Racquetball, Table Tennis, Walking, Beach / Parks, Cars, Comedy Clubs, Concerts / Live
About Me
Hi I am Edward and I live on the San Francisco Bay in beautiful Napa, California in the heart of wine country. I am looking for a girl from 35 up to 55 years old...I am single and never married without any kids of my own and don't think I want any so if that is important I am not the one for you unless they are older. I am a gentleman and looking for a wife who I will love, respect, spoil and protect. I love to Ski, travel, fish on my boat, race cars, pray, eat out, most outdoor sports and generally enjoy life as I am very comfortable financially. I am looking for that special somebody to spend the rest of my life with as my wife and best friend.
Jesus is a very very important part of my life and it is important that both of us have a focus toward Him as I try to let Him lead an direct my life. If your not strong committed Christian it would not work out so please don't message me. If you don't have a picture I will not respond...sorry! Warning!! If you can't get to a webcam for 5 minutes to show me you are the same person as in the picture please don't waste our time...Sorry just so many scammers out there...no sexy stuff just 5 minutes to see your who you say you are!!!!
First Date
I would love to take you to a lovely romantic restaurant for a special dinner and then take you for a long walk on the beach and just listen to you and get to know everything about you an tell you all about me as total truth and honesty are the one an only way to make a relationship work and I believe any lasting relationship is based on friendship and respect as well as love.
Account Settings (To message edwardtheblessed you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 28 to 60.
Must not Smoke.

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