Echoes Of Eros is Single in Aurora, Colorado

Echoes Of Eros

Looking for someone with a heart for God and a people-centric mindset.

Male | 56
United States
Last Login Date
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Echoes Of Eros is Single in Aurora, Colorado, 1 Echoes Of Eros is Single in Aurora, Colorado, 2 Echoes Of Eros is Single in Aurora, Colorado, 3
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Non- Denominational
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Branding, Content Creation, Documentarian, Graphic Design, Digital Development, with a Marketing Focus
Truth, Integrity, Study, Hiking, Photography, Website Design, Graphic Design, Video Production & Editing, Praying,
About Me
I live near Denver, Colorado, and having been to 42 of the 48 mainland states, I personally feel Colorado is the most beautiful states in America. You have to see it at least once in your life! That ‘purple mountain majesty’ that we sing about in the national anthem is real…and so beautiful to behold.

For hobbies I am a photographer. I love the beauty of nature. I am also a non-recovering coffee addict, and love a good cup of coffee on a cold day. I am still looking for the perfect cup. Maybe you can help me find it? I also enjoy helping dogs train their people, because as the dogs and I agree, usually we're just not doing it right.

I am also a comedic performer, and have over thirty years experience performing. I am also working on various film scripts and documentaries with an established documentarian. I believe that revealing honest introspect into peoples lives can change a society for the better.

I am seeking and believe that marriage and relationship is a journey where two imperfect people begin to travel together seeking perfection imperfectly, while learning how to love each other, and being really, really good at forgiveness. I also don’t treat marriage as anything but respect.

I am seeking someone to work with me challenging the status quo of our ideals regarding people, government, religion, and how we approach causing change both in the kingdom of God, and peoples lives for the better.

Enough about me, what about you? Let’s connect and see if we can make that connection either as friends or lovers in a marriage relationship. The past is behind us, let’s point forward together and go that way…cause the future is more fun looking ahead, rather than behind.

Maybe that is why those rear view mirrors are so small and only made to glance at to avoid problems you’ve already overcome that are behind you.
First Date
First dates are usually an indicator of if there will be a second (or a third) so I would like to keep things light, friendly and get to know you. With that being said coffee, tea, or a glas of wine in a quite place is approperiate. Also a walk shopping in a quaint tourist town or a walk somewhere with scenery.

Jesus said in Luke 19:10 “I [Jesus] Have come to seek and save that which is lost.” Above religion, theology, and our ideals and/or Preconceived notion, Jesus was about people. This needs to be our life’s calling.
Account Settings (To message Echoes Of Eros you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 33 to 58.
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