ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas


Surely not EVERYbody was kung-fu fighting.

Male | 42
United States
The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber
Last Login Date
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ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 1 ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 2 ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 3 ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 4 ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 5 ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 6 ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 7 ChristsMirror is Single in The Hyperbaulic Time Chamber, Texas, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
African American
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
The Bible, swimming, working out, dominoes, cinema, movies, music, making music (on my keyboard), traveling, family, friends, anime
About Me
Most of you are going to pass because I live with my mom, but for those that read the whole thing, thank ya, kindly *John Witherspoon voice* (RIP) I'm hubby material in every area except for financially, which is being remedied as we speak... or type. Maybe someone will "see."

I start school in October. If God says the same, I have my eye swt on being a radiologic technician and then a radiation therapist. My life is far from normal. It's going to take a girl with a special type of faith to allow me to court her. My theme verse is Matthew 5:3. If I were a sith lord, I'd be Darth Gooficus lololol. I'm one of the most creative nerds you'll ever meet, but lit with it. A hybrid of a street savy goofball. (If you hear my testimony, that street smart part is going to make sense. No, I don't have a criminal record.) Anime, super hero movies, and music are life for me. Two of my cuzzos have told me I was the - quote, "backbone" - that keeps the cousins connected. My nephew told me I'm his favorite uncle. I was like, "wow...thanks," but on the inside, I was geeking the heck out, and riding that high for like two days straight. Ya boy is very much a family man. I don't like cigarettes, but I do vape...for now. Deliverance is pending. Music is my passion. Ask me what I have going on right now. No, the goal is not to get rich, but there is something in the making.

Looking for a girl who can match my walk with Jesus and make me fall on the ground from so hard. My walk with Jesus is unique in that I'm serious about His righteousness, but I'm not churchy. If living for Jesus sounds lame, you have the wrong idea of what it truly entails. Looks do matter... a lot. I can give or take some in the looks department, but please be fun. I'll marry the funny 8 before I marry a boring 10 on the scale.

I can reciprocate everything I'm looking for in a girl. No double standards over here.

First Date
I want to be friends first, but when we do get to the dating stage, I don't know. One part of me says let's start off simple like a walk in the park and then graduate to stuff that's more fun like say Top Golf, but then the other part says since we were friends first, there's no reason to start simple so go straight to Tx Spa Castle. Guess I'll wing it.
Account Settings (To message ChristsMirror you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 47.
Must not Smoke.
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