SummerDreaming is Single in Scarborough, England


Female | 64
United Kingdom
Last Login Date
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SummerDreaming is Single in Scarborough, England, 1 SummerDreaming is Single in Scarborough, England, 2 SummerDreaming is Single in Scarborough, England, 3 SummerDreaming is Single in Scarborough, England, 4 SummerDreaming is Single in Scarborough, England, 5
Eye Color
Body Type
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Looking For
Church Name
Kingdom Faith
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Travelling, Dining out, Walking in stunning natural beauty, Theatre & Ballet and FUN times with friends!!
About Me
My main profile photo is very recent. It was taken just 8 days ago on Christmas Day 2019!

My faith in Christ is real as I hope your's is too! I am a sociable person and I enjoy sharing quality time with friends. .......I am young at heart, attractive, I am friendly, kind, loving and caring with a good sense of humour, am spontaneous and gregarious, loyal and honest.

The man I am hoping to meet is kind, friendly, dependable and honest, loving and caring, intelligent and has a good sense of humour It is very important that this man has a genuine love for Jesus, too!

I was born and lived for the majority of my life in North London , but moved to North Yorkshire in 2003, when I have lived ever since except for when I left to enjoy a 2 year adventure 'living the dream' in beautiful Austria! Speaking from my amazing recent experience I can honestly say that you are 'never' too old to pursue your dream and turn it into reality

So what are your interests? I wonder if we share some! Here are some of mine....... Travelling and sightseeing, Dining out with friends (or perhaps just the two of us some time in the future...he, he!!), the appreciation of magnificent architecture ( my favourite being European Byzantine architecture), Walking in the awesome surroundings of beautiful natural landscapes, the occasional 'special treat' of a trip to the theatre ( celebrate a birthday perhaps!), visiting an Art Gallery (and trying to stay quiet and not laugh too obviously when someone enters the room wearing squeaky shoes!! I like to read interesting articles that catch my attention,
I really enjoy learning languages.....I can speak pretty reasonable German - I have other interests too of course (such as Travelling, Dining out, Walking in stunning natural beauty, listening to all genres of music, admiring beautiful architecture, visiting the cinema or theatre etc., etc.,... I also like to spend time with friends, having coffee or eating out with them, ) but let me know what your interests are, too, please?

Some things I enjoy: Walking in the sun, feeling the gentle warmth of the sunshine on my face and breathing in the beautiful aroma on flower petals after a shower of summer rain. I also enjoy the cosy feeling one experiences when indoors and hearing the wind whistling outside and noticing the sound of rain drops splatting against my window pane.

And here are some things I like doing with someone special: Going to church together, praying together. Sharing a picnic together in beautiful surroundings. Enjoying an evening stroll beside the sea together (yes I live by the sea). Sharing our hopes and dreams together and cooking a special meal together for friends or family.
First Date
I would like to initially meet up for coffee in a public area and if we both find that we get along well together we might follow that up with a little walk as we continue chatting or by enjoying some sightseeing and then 'play it by ear'

I would like to meet someone that I could laugh, learn and grow older gracefully together with!

If that's you - then what are you waiting for? ....Don't be shy, drop me a line to say 'Hello!'
Account Settings (To message SummerDreaming you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 52 to 67.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 6 members favorites lists

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