Ladyitalia19 is Single in San Mateo, California


The Road Less Traveled

Female | 69
United States
San Mateo
Last Login Date
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Ladyitalia19 is Single in San Mateo, California, 1 Ladyitalia19 is Single in San Mateo, California, 2 Ladyitalia19 is Single in San Mateo, California, 3 Ladyitalia19 is Single in San Mateo, California, 4
Eye Color
Body Type
Well Proportioned
Hair Color
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Cooking,crafts,some travel,reading,outreach,bible study,outdoors
About Me
Drama free ,Christ centered woman of integrity.Sense of humor ,confident yet humble,emotionally available.great listener, good friend, loyal ,dependable. At my age I have evolved in many areas as I am sure you have.We can discuss more about each other when we meet.

I grew up in little Italy in (SF)North Beach ,California.Went to sleep with the melody of fog horns, and woke to the clanging of cable car bells, with the aroma of cappuchino in the air. I Love the movies,theater, I like to cook,and have dinner parties and spoil friends with hospitality. I also like my quiet time,but also can be social. I have balance with the two.I have a sense of humor.I am willing to be willing to explore with someone, or just be content at home watching a movie, taking walks and just enjoying the simple things that get ignored by life being so-o-o-o-o busy at times.

I am NOT looking for a casual relationship. I am praying for God's will regarding a LTR with an equally yoked man. His will be done, not mine!

My past relationships have taught me...
God Has to be in the Center.
Healthy conflict resolution skills
Respect ,honor, trust, safety, reverence, and love.
I am a committed follower of Jesus.
"Jesus is my Lord and Savior!!!The cross of Jesus Christ is foolishness and weakness to the world. But to the penitent, it becomes a sight of wisdom and power. You don't come to the cross standing upright; you come to the cross and you kneel, or you lie face-down. I have learned that you have to be brought low in order to be lifted up. You have to lay it down in order to take it up. And you have to die in order to truly live. I have been both foolish enough and weak enough to admit that I can't please God on my own. So, I've decided to let Jesus do that for me. I get my identity from Christ ,and no longer from people ,places, or things. True Freedom in Christ!! hallelujah!

Some of my favorite Bible passages are

Jeremiah 29:11
John 3:16
Romans 8:28
First Date
Meet in the afternoon for coffee, and conversation.
Account Settings (To message Ladyitalia19 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 60 to 71.
Appears on 2 members favorites lists

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