tdarnell is Single in East Mountains, New Mexico


To Live Is Christ, Psalm 91

Male | 55
United States
East Mountains
New Mexico
Last Login Date
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tdarnell is Single in East Mountains, New Mexico, 1 tdarnell is Single in East Mountains, New Mexico, 2 tdarnell is Single in East Mountains, New Mexico, 3 tdarnell is Single in East Mountains, New Mexico, 4 tdarnell is Single in East Mountains, New Mexico, 5 tdarnell is Single in East Mountains, New Mexico, 6
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Reading God's word, serving Christ and others, dinner parties with friends, exercising at gym, cooking mexican food
About Me
I have had some unique circumstances that have brought me here. Became a Christian at age 31 and God just basically separated me unto Himself after that. I completely immersed myself in His word and serving in various ministries. Getting married and having a family, at least after I became a Christian, became secondary in my life. It was something for later on I felt. Little did I know that this was God's plan all along. Because in 2010, my mom became very ill and so I moved in with her in the East Mountains to care for her. Between working full time and caring for my momma, I simply had no time for marriage or family. Obviously, at least to me anyway, this is why God separated me unto Himself for nine years and did not not allow me to get married with anyone. So I lived with and took care of my mom for six years, until the Lord took her home to heaven in 2016. Then this year ( 2019 ), God began to work in my heart regarding getting married. Before, desiring marriage came and went, and wasn't important. But for this last year, the desire/ conviction has been steady and constant in me, so I know it's from Christ who lives in me.

I am in a good place in my life, right where I'm supposed to be. I've got my house in order. God has always seemed to separate me for special tasks within His will ie., getting to know Him, different ministries within His church, caring for my mother and now it seems perhaps to love and marry one of His daughter's.

I have been working in government for over 20 years. I was a caseworker for 13 years, but got really burned out and have now been in Senior Services and Transportation for the last 8 years. I'm very laid back, patient, low maintenance and somewhat shy. I'm also loving, very affectionate and protective. While I believe marriage is in my future, I first just want to be a good brother to one of my sister's in Christ. Just fellowship about our mutual faith and life itself. Then maybe out of that will come a deep friendship and then perhaps God will knit our hearts together for one another. But it all starts with simply being a brother and sister in Christ to each other ( " do not stir up nor awaken love, until it pleases, 2:7 Song of Solomon " ).

I have one dawg ( or dog for the hip impaired ), named Samuel ( see picture above ). I spoil him rotten and will continue to do so all of the days of his life.

God's great goal in a believer's life after salvation is to bring that child into being at one with Himself in heart, mind, goals and purposes. To become of the same heart and mind as Himself. This is God's dream for our lives. If you master this, then God will write your name in His Hall of Faith ( see Hebrews chp. 11 ).
If you can bring your mind and will into an agreement with God regarding all of His word, then He will give you the desire in your heart, as well as the power, to live out all of His word in your life.
Don't mean to preach, but encouragement is my spiritual gift. Fellowshipping and encouraging fellow Christians, is one of my favorite things in life to do. It's the best.

Well now that I'm on here, I guess I have to message someone. Yikes.
First Date
It would be great to either have a sizzling, romantic candlelight dinner ( hey hey ) in a den of rattlesnakes or go swimming with a school of Great White sharks off the coast of Albuquerque ( or Australia ), that would be ideal for me..... or not. Dancing with Wolves anyone . No seriously, something comfortable and light. Coffee would be great or a walk in Uptown.
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