tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo


Faithful is He who promised ( Hebrews 10,23)

Female | 38
São Paulo
S?o Paulo
Last Login Date
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tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 1 tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 2 tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 3 tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 4 tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 5 tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 6 tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 7 tatianecaje is Single in São Paulo, S?o Paulo, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Mixed Race
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
IIGD Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
HS Graduate
My Profession
God, family, friends, I like to watch series, take tours and travel
About Me
Thank you for visiting my profile.
I'm shy, so send me the first message.
Christian for over ten years, I've never married, I haven't had a child, but I want to soon build a beautiful family that honors God. I'm looking for someone without children to live this experience together
I have been waiting on the Lord since 2016, because I believe the wait will be worth it.
I am fun, companionable, friend, loyal, intelligent, hardworking.
I hope to find a man who protects me, takes care of me, as the most fragile vessel and I seek every day to be a virtuous woman, according to God's heart.
I love traveling, I have a big family and good friends they are my wealth
, I really like going out, visiting exhibitions, museums, traveling.
I speak a little English and French and would be willing to change countries, there aren't many Brazilians on the app
My church is local and small, that's why I joined here,
That's it, great text, thanks for reading

Merci d'avoir visité mon profil.
Je suis timide, alors envoie-moi le premier message.
Chrétien depuis plus de dix ans, je ne me suis jamais marié, je n'ai pas eu d'enfant, mais je souhaite bientôt fonder une belle famille qui honore Dieu. Je recherche quelqu'un sans enfants pour vivre cette expérience ensemble.
J'attends le Seigneur depuis 2016, car je crois que l'attente en vaudra la peine.
Je suis amusant, sociable, ami, loyal, intelligent et travailleur.
J'espère trouver un homme qui me protège, prend soin de moi, comme le vaisseau le plus fragile et je cherche chaque jour à être une femme vertueuse, selon le cœur de Dieu.
J'adore voyager, j'ai une grande famille
ils sont ma richesse,
J'aime beaucoup sortir, visiter des expositions, des musées, voyager.
Je parle un peu anglais et français et serais prêt à changer de pays, il n'y a pas beaucoup de Brésiliens sur l'application
Mon église est locale et petite, c'est pourquoi j'ai rejoint ici,
Ça y est, super texte, merci d'avoir lu
First Date
surprise me

Account Settings (To message tatianecaje you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 29 to 45.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.
Appears on 25 members favorites lists

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