MoralLady is Single in indianapolis, Indiana


Moral Lady

Female | 60
United States
Last Login Date
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MoralLady is Single in indianapolis, Indiana, 1
Eye Color
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Looking For
Church Name
Calvary Chapel Horizon Christian
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Corporate Accountant
Bible Study, Art, Music, Dancing, Cycling, Swimming, Christian Movies, Classic Movies, History, Conversation
About Me
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and began a personal relationship with Him or became "saved"/"born-again" when I was in college through Campus Crusade for Christ and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. I grew up in a main-line protestant church, but my family and I were not saved when I was growing up. I've been involved in various non-denominational and charismatic churches, and other Christian ministries since then. I sometimes led small group Bible studies or discipled other Christian women. I previously was involved in various prayer teams that ministered Jesus' healing or Words of Knowledge to other Christians.

I started financially supporting myself at age 18 and solely paid for my college, sincle my parents could not afford to pay for my college. I earned a Bachelors degree with a triple major in Finance, Accounting and Computer Systems and with a double minor in art and psychology. I was an honor student and was involved in a coed business fraternity and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. I was also a big sister to a young girl through Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. I was frugal and managed to pay off my former college loans 3 years early by working a 2nd night job when I made a low salary during my early years in my career. I learned to be independent and have a strong work ethic.

My profession is corporate accounting. My passions are the arts, Christian ministry, and healthy eating and supplements. I am politically conservative.

I'm personable, down to earth, intelligent, calm, independent and honest. I enjoy prayer, Bible study, drawing, painting, singing, acting, Christian music, concerts, ballroom dancing, swimming, bicycling, boating, hiking, cats, health food, miniature golfing, old movies and Christian movies. I eat mostly organic health food, shop at health food grocery stores, and use alternative medicine (natural doctors and chiropractors), usually over conventional doctors. I have never smoked. I don't drink alcohol. I'm a good steward with my body.

I've survived and become victorious with The Lord's help with various hardships and spiritual battles in life, from losses of jobs and periods of unemployment of companies downsizing, to a previous attack on my health, to deaths of family members, etc. I learned to rely on Jesus to be my physical healer and provider. He still heals and provides for His children/believers.

I moved back to The Midwest from the West a few years ago. I was born in the West but raised in the Midwest.
First Date
I like to start with online correspondence. Then, a brief phone conversation. Then, meet in a public place, like a local coffee shop, to talk and get to know each other.
Account Settings (To message MoralLady you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 45 to 65.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.

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