gentlewarrior is Single in Somewhere, Michigan



Female | 69
United States
Last Login Date
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gentlewarrior is Single in Somewhere, Michigan, 1 gentlewarrior is Single in Somewhere, Michigan, 2 gentlewarrior is Single in Somewhere, Michigan, 3 gentlewarrior is Single in Somewhere, Michigan, 4 gentlewarrior is Single in Somewhere, Michigan, 5
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Friend
Church Name
In transition, it's online for now
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Evangelising, discipling, inner healing, writing, editing, sewing, sketching, remodeling, working out, walking, road trips, teachings.
About Me
Hi, Well, first of all, I have a huge appetite for the things of God. Always seeking more understanding of His love. I enjoy reading and writing a lot... I am a self-published author; by the direction of God, I Have self-published a poetic paraphrase of the New Testament, working on the O.T. now...and a few other things. I've also helped others get published.. I love working in inner healing, seems to come natural for me. I guess it's all about what you came from and what you're called to. I have a lot of energy and don't like to feel confined. I enjoy doing fun things, and I am adventurous... I love traveling and having friends everywhere and, somewhat of a homebody at the same time. For church at the present, I am waiting on God. I watch a lot of Open Door Church/Troy Brewer, David Dega Hernandez, Justin Abraham and Ian Clayton. I feel at the present I am in transition, waiting for the open door. My favorite thing is ministering to others.

Thought I'd share one of my writings, God Bless....

Now Redeemed, I walk forward in faith
My eyes fixed on Christ,
On this path of gold,
Where He, for me, always waits.

I see nothing but His beauty,
Surrounded by His light of love,
The shackles, they fall from me,
As I reach to my Master, above;

Deeper and deeper His love pierces my heart
He does not leave me to be left alone;
Engulfed in Him, I become so overwhelmed,
My heart overflows with the compassion He as shown

He takes me by the hand and we walk for a while,
He fills me, and He anoints my sight;
He paints pictures in my mind;
I become changed with each step,
As He turns darkness into light.

He puts all together for me,
Puts all the pieces into place;
He says, "Go and share this love,
That you have seen in my face."

My eyes become filled with tears
To know such a love as this;
With no words to explain the grief for those,
Who of this love will miss.

Gentle Warrior
First Date
To be discussed.
Account Settings (To message gentlewarrior you must meet the following criteria.)

Any Age.
Must not Drink.

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