Innerbbeauty is Single in Somewhere, Georgia


My smile may be beautiful but my heart is more beautiful.

Female | 44
United States
Last Login Date
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Innerbbeauty is Single in Somewhere, Georgia, 1 Innerbbeauty is Single in Somewhere, Georgia, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
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Church of God
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church of God
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Praise and Worship, bible reading, parks, reading, movies, tennis, beach
About Me
I am a christian woman and my faith is very important to me. All glory is due unto God. I have praise and worship daily, there's a peace in my soul when I'm with Him. His love gives assurance. I love communing with Him. He is my strength, my hope, my joy, He is my peace, without Him I am nothing. His unfailing love is deeper than any ocean. He has been close like no other. He is my Father, He is my friend and I can testify of the goodness of God.
Some of my favourite bible verses are: Pro 3:5-6; John 3:16; Phill 4:13, Ps 1, 91, 100, 121; Matt 6:33; Rom 8:1-2, vs 18 & 28
I was born and raised in the Caribbean. I’m easy- going, compassionate, affectionate, respectful, fun and playful, family-oriented, has a sense of humour. I detest arrogance as much as I hate smoking. I’m very humble and is not impressed by statuses. I don’t have fame nor fortune but what I have is a good heart with a great personality. I am open to friendships with other believers. That said, essentially, I am looking to cultivate a relationship that leads to marriage. I only desire a relationship with a Christian man that will have Christ at its core.
First Date
I’m very easy-going so I’m open to almost anything, moreover, with this pandemic patience and flexibility are key.

Dear Future Husband,

I will be ecstatic when God brings us together! There is so much I look forward to us sharing together. I promise you I will always make you smile and your tears will only be that of joy! We are going to have so much fun together. I will be happy I am the one you will walk the gardens with, the one you will pick flowers with, the one you wake up with, the one you praise God with, the one you love. I have grown up in big cities all my life, but I will be willing to spend the rest of our lives away from big cities, I will follow you to the suburbs, rural, or on a farm if that is what will make you happier and yes I will be just as happy too, because God blessed me with you. Just know though, I will only watch you plant the trees as I am terrified of worms :-)) but with you, I know I will be safe. If you have kid(s), I will unequivocally too love them as if they were my biological whilst respecting that they have a mom. I will be a great mom to our child should God bless us with one/two, as we raise them in the fear of the Lord. I promise you, I will not only be a nurse to my patients, but that my duty of care will also be to you should you have sore hands or feet. I will always be there for you. I am not perfect but I can promise you that I will be completely committed to us and our marriage. I will be kind, affectionate, patient, understanding, loyal, communicate openly and respectfully and be supportive of your dreams and endeavours. Loving you will be my heart’s joy, because there is nothing greater than love and when God is at the core of it, just as He will be in our relationship, it will be beautiful.

Your Future Wife,
Account Settings (To message Innerbbeauty you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 45 to Any Age.
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