Shiny_Deborah is Single in ..., Arad


Female | 52
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Shiny_Deborah is Single in ..., Arad, 1 Shiny_Deborah is Single in ..., Arad, 2
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
social worker / mechanical engineer
faith, family, traveling, gardening, interior design, etc.
About Me
Interests: 1)to fulfill God's purpose for my life... if in doing that, I would be accompanied by the right person, that would be one of the most wonderful gifts I would receive from my Heavenly Father... 2)to help/assist others accomplish their role here and help my mate develop himself in the man God destined him to be.

Likes: honest, intelligent, trustworthy, faithful, patient people

Dislikes: fake, self-centered, controlling, manipulative, dominant, lazy, unpatient, angry, proud people, in other words, people who use other persons for their own and only benefit, also people who can become easily discouraged, do not accept encouragement and rather renounce their walk at the first adversities they met (of course, a few exceptions can be accepted... the problem occurs when that becomes a way of life).

Looking for: a man who has met God on a personal basis and has got a true relationship with Him which he practices by his own choice, a man who understands grace and offers it as it has been offered to him, a man of integrity and character, one who knows his priorities well and respects his word given even if it's not for his gain, a loyal friend and faithful husband, a man who never ceases to fight for his family... a man responsible and mature both mentally and spiritually.

A little bit about me: I try to offer, by His grace, what I am looking for in the other person... I am an encourager and a happy person by definition. I've got some sense of humour and I am aware of it (some of my aquaintances look for my company especially for that and they don't hide it - which I do appreciate -).

I am, by nature, a straightforward person who's learnt to control the impulse of speaking out her mind :) and to open her mouth only when that's appropriate .... I always liked to make people feel comfortable around me, especially those who are neglected and not valued by their fellows because I sincerely value the human beings in spite of their social, material or financial condition.

I've got a soft heart from my Heavenly Father and I'm so thankful for that!!! I'm thankful that He has made me a strong "Deborah" and am also thankful for many other things I can't/don't want to expose here and now but I'd gladly share with my dear one. I am more than thankful that He has found me and has changed me in such a wonderful way: I am serious when I say that everything I am, I am because of Him, through Him and hopefully, for Him.

I do enjoy spending time with sensitive, intelligent people who know how to laugh of themselves and know how to comfort a wounded heart as well.

I cannot be a friend of proud, disrespectful, continually dissatisfied or angry people.

I do smile a lot, but I always have a good reason for that .
First Date
I would try to find if he's the man described above .
Account Settings (To message Shiny_Deborah you must meet the following criteria.)

Any Age.

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