Matthewmarkluke is Single in Puyallup, Washington


After Gods Own Heart

Female | 62
United States
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Matthewmarkluke is Single in Puyallup, Washington, 1 Matthewmarkluke is Single in Puyallup, Washington, 2 Matthewmarkluke is Single in Puyallup, Washington, 3
Eye Color
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Mixed Color
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Celebration Center
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
HS Graduate
My Profession
Pierce County Employee
Sharing the Gospel, growing in the Lord, Bible studies, listening to the word of God, family, Christian perspective news, Horses! Dogs, cats, friends, being a Mom! Being a Grandma! Hiking trails, swimming, music, guitar, socializing, kiddos, our elderly,
About Me
When I am happy, I sing. I enjoy time with friends & family. I enjoys sleep overs with my Granddaughter, we hang out and ride our horse. I cared for her during preschool years, loved it! As for her Momma I adopted her when she was 9 yrs old, yay for motherhood! I homeschooled her through a Christian Co Op and because of her love for horses, we joined 4h for 6 years, which gave me tons of experience with kids, and the addition of a beautiful horse to the family! Went to all the horse shows at Pierce county fairgrounds and watched them win 12 Grand Champion ribbons & countless 1st place, so proud of them! We were also active in the Jesus of Nazereth drama on Meridian. I was so blessed to meet and pray with people giving their life to Christ following the plays! So rewarding! I spent wonderful time on a childrens ministry team leading praise and worship in the classrooms, what fun! Also super blessed to lead praise & worship for an evangelist pastor who preached on the JON property. What a blessing! After I became a Mom, my mother fell sick I became her caregiver for 7 years until she went to be with the Lord. Her recovery was a true miracle, lots to tell about that. Currently my work schedule prevents me from attending Church on Sundays so I surely miss my church family!( Single income/ cost of living expenses). My schedule has changed enough that I can begin attending Wednesday night Bible studies, yay! Of course I am willing to change my schedule as finances would allow. I participate in a "virtual Bible study" and listen to many hours of teachings so I can continue to grow within the body of Christ. Favorite channel TBN, favorite shows: End of the Age, CBN, biblical history. Favorite pastors: Dr Charles Stanley , Dr Creflo Dollar. I love music! It moves me. I've known my best friend since 3rd grade. I have other wonderful long term friends. I've been divorced for a long time and really haven't dated. I am new to this and plan to be careful! This is my first dating website. Yay for bravery! Thank you Lord! I am praying for a Man that puts God first and foremost in his life. I can get behind that whole heartedly and fully support such a good thing.
First Date
After meeting over coffee or of the such and a mutual attraction is determined, then a first date would be great! Such as an activity, possibly outdoors, around other people would be welcomed. With all respect for what ever your situation is, if you are recently separated or divorced or left a long term relationship, please don't reach out to me. I am sorry for your loss but it is important to spend time getting your broken heart healed before pursuing a serious relationship which is what I am looking for. If you are legally married or separated, that doesn't work for me either. Thank you for your time and consideration. God bless you!
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