Silentwords is Single in With in driving Distance to Portland, Washington



Female | 42
United States
With in driving Distance to Portland
Last Login Date
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Silentwords is Single in With in driving Distance to Portland, Washington, 1 Silentwords is Single in With in driving Distance to Portland, Washington, 2 Silentwords is Single in With in driving Distance to Portland, Washington, 3 Silentwords is Single in With in driving Distance to Portland, Washington, 4 Silentwords is Single in With in driving Distance to Portland, Washington, 5 Silentwords is Single in With in driving Distance to Portland, Washington, 6
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Not sure yet
Looking For
A Talk/Email Buddy
Church Name
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
About Me
A Masterpiece, a Tapestry woven with Ashes that bare the fingerprints of God......that is what I am. I've seen Joy and I've seen pain. I walked away with out even realizing it until I looked around knowing I wasn't and am not who I once was and I asked myself how I got their...Reflecting on my life brought out the darkness for His Light to shine upon. Allowing me to lay down my Shame and embrace Him Too Seek Him and even though I was broken to lift up my face come as I was and am, accepting again His gift of Grace from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To say that yes I am a wanderer and I'm Coming home, because I am not to far gone. The shame that gripped me was so crippling and to know not just intellectually but emotionally that He will forgive me more than the drops in the ocean if necessary so long as I keep pursuing and coming back to Him rather than running away is a testament of his Amazing Grace, to which I have no words for.

When I was a child I had an idea of how my life would be as an adult. Things didn't turn out that way. Though I had my plans God Has his own and even when I don't understand them I know and I have seen how he truly does make beauty from Ashes.

I must Give credit to The Afters, Tenth Ave North, Steven Curtis Chapman, David Crowder, Hawk Nelson. I relate to life through music and these Bands/musicians have helped communicate a powerful testimony in a way that I would not have been able to with out their influence.

As for more direct info about me. Please simply ask what you want to know. I am not good with small talk, I tend to need something to talk about. I love to listen to others, I enjoy being the listener most of the time. Don't get me wrong I can certainly hold a conversation, so long as their is something of substance to talk about.

I have time management issues to an extent. I try I really do, but left to my self I tend to b the one who runs a few minutes late. Every now and again I can be surprising and be early. I'm not so late that it interferes with work and what not, but social functions I tend to run late.

I enjoy the outdoors and like to explore different types of areas. I like going on hikes through the woods and along trails. I also like to walk around towns and see what there is to see. I enjoy road trips so long as I am not the primary driver for the most part. I can share the driving but long drives tend to get to me.

I'm not sure what else to say for now, but if you want to know or you want to chat send me a message. Best Regards and God Bless.
First Date
i don't have a preconceived notion of how a first date should be. I'm pretty open to how things could go. I do think the date should involve getting to know one something that involves communication.
Account Settings (To message Silentwords you must meet the following criteria.)

Any Age.
Must not Smoke.
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