LillyaAnn is Single in Cambridge, Ontario



Female | 40
Last Login Date
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LillyaAnn is Single in Cambridge, Ontario, 1 LillyaAnn is Single in Cambridge, Ontario, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Race
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
No Answer
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Early Childhood Educator
First and foremost standing for Biblical Truth, living a life of integrity, kindness and demonstrating The Heavenly Father's Love to those around me. I am extremely athletic enjoy all sports except Golf which doesn't count as a sport in my mind. My f
About Me
Hi, I am an Energetic girl who loves spending my days caring for and enjoying the company of children. I am interested in finding a fit, active man who seeks to live out 1 Corinthians 13 to the core of his being. I am seeking a relationship with wonderful man to become my best friend and life partner in marriage between the ages of 28-46 who takes care of his body: physically, emotionally and spiritually. Someone who thrives in the outdoors and most of all is kind and loves Yahweh above all else. I am seeking a man who values family and a woman who is family not overly career focused.
I am quite humorous and join right in with all the fun, excitement and giggles of the children. I'd also like to find a man with a fun sense of humour. I enjoy spending hours outside everyday all winter and summer in Nature. My friends describe me as Adventurous, as I participate in all kinds of winter and summer sports and activities. One of my favourites is playing Ice hockey outside in the winter and Backcountry camping. I love being at the Lake and swim there weekly. I feel blessed to have opportunities to encourage and listen to and help others. I strive to be a joyful presence in this world and live my life with honesty and integrity of character. I strongly desire deep meaningful faith inspired philosophical conversation and I am crazy about spicy food and curry. I'd be impressed by a man who can cook. I have a ton of other interests and that is an understatement, so I have little to no desire or time to watch movies or television. I do enjoy deep thought provoking documentaries and lectures on occasion and I also love music.

I am an Introvert, yet can be very outgoing and high energy in comfortable settings. I tend to make my friends laugh, so hopefully I am funny. Lol.
First Date
😊,......., be continued soon.... Laugh, be outdoors taking in the beauty of Creation.
Account Settings (To message LillyaAnn you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 24 to 46.
Must not Smoke.
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