HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania


Have Faith

Male | 55
United States
Jim Thorpe
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HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, 1 HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, 2 HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, 3 HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, 4 HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, 5 HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, 6 HisElect is Single in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, 7
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Mixed Race
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
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No answer
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Possibly, who knows
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Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Business Owner
End time Prophecy, The Bible, Strong's Concordance, outdoor activities, fishing, off-grid living, log cabins, nature
About Me
Well for starters, my son and I don't always dress like hillbilies lol. But sometimes we like to and pretend to be alot of things just being silly! Also, for those wondering, I am a mix of Cherokee, Caucasian, and a dash of African American lol!. I'm a single dad with sole custody of my 16 yr old son.

I'm searching for a helpmate, partner, soulmate, who is sold out to Christ and fully understands the necessity and wisdom of Ephesians 5:22-33 and the perfect balance it creates in a Godly relationship.

I'm searching for a woman who truly lives a LIFE dedicated to Christ Proverbs 31: 10-31. A Christian woman who has read the whole Bible at least once would be awesome but if you are on your way to that milestone that's awesome as well. I'm believing God for a woman who lives a life in repentance and studies God's Word and is ready for a serious relationship/courtship that leads to marriage. Barring any medical issues that would prevent it, I feel it is otherwise important to do our best to keep fit remembering that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit so taking care of them is important to me. Someone who is into keeping fit is important to me as I am in pretty good shape for my age and like that lifestyle and feel we will need to be in shape for what is coming on the earth.

I'm a pretty passionate man with above-average hopes and dreams. A strong believer in God and His Son Jesus Christ. Don't attend a church though, not that I wouldn't but just haven't found anywhere I feel led to go right now despite searching. I have a strong relationship with Jesus and The Father and have a strong calling on my life. I'm very well-spoken and have studied God's word for 30 years in the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and still know nothing as I aught but feel led to primarily focus on the events that will consummate the end of this earth age and will no doubt preach to His Elect in His time, which I sense is fast approaching. However, in the interim, It's hard to find a church that preaches meat and not milk. Hebrews 6:1-3. So it gets lonely at times grazing alone on the high mountain tops of Israel so to speak, (Ezekiel 34:11-14) but Christ remains my faithful shepherd, Amen?

Went to college for law but prefer a hard days physical work and strive to be the best in all i do, not with an ego but I do my work as unto the Lord and just to set and maintain high-quality standards for success. I Currently own a successful landscaping and snow removal business and absolutely love it. I Love to laugh, clown around and don't allow life to keep me down and I love to make other people laugh as well. I can be very silly at times but I keep it clean, sometimes a prankster as well. :-p. I like witty banter/conversation with "polite and sweet" sarcastic humor, but I also know when to be serious and put others feelings before my own.

I really have too many interests to list. I have a huge heart for helping the poor and less fortunate. Can't play any instruments...yet, lol but I love to sing and would like to record a Christian CD someday and would love a partner who can play or sing that can praise and worship with me but it's certainly not a deal-breaker if you don't play or sing so please don't focus on that if you can't. I Love real estate, interior design (i.e Property brothers), building Alaska, etc. "Log Cabin Living" is one of my favorite shows along with the History channel shows called"Alone" and"Mountain Men" as well as Discovery"s "Homestead Rescue". However, I'm also VERY entrepreneurial-minded, yet I also love the idea of off-grid living, and as a survivalist with outdoor survival skills, I feel this area is lacking in God's true church, who just may have to flee to the mountains one day...one day soon. (learn the parable of the Fig tree, Matt 24, Mark 13).

I Love romance (The Notebook, Cold Mountain, Gatsby, The Holiday), But unlike those movies, I believe in abstaining from sex until married. I actually don't really watch any movies like that anymore and limit what I allow to come across my eyes because there's so much garbage on TV and social media I'm thinking about coming away from all social media because it's just full of so much un-Godliness. I LOVE nature, woods, lakes, camping, fishing, fields separated by rock walls, country drives, mountains, The smell of fresh-cut grass, lilacs, honeysuckle, and a warm hard summer rain. Love the smell of wood smoke, from a summer campfire or from a chimney in the chilly autumn air. I'm a northern boy through and through and love all the seasons. I have built large wiki ups and slept in it in -4 degrees. A lot of women complain about the cold but perhaps you've never had a real man make a fire and hot chocolate for you and keep you snuggled warm in a beautiful cozy cabin after a brisk winter hike :-). Though I love all the seasons a log cabin on a lake during peak fall foliage is my favorite.

I am also able to get all dressed up for a classy night on the town, whether for fine dining or some other classy event but Honestly that's becoming less and less appealing to me because there's just so much ungodliness in the world when you go out to restaurants that are operated by unbelievers with the devil has free reign. Don't get me wrong I still go out from time to time but I much more prefer just doing fun casual activities on days off., Love antiques, flea markets, yard sales, classic car shows, gardening, I've had huge gardens, love hiking, if I can it's probably one of my favorite things to do and exploring new beautiful places in the woods.

I'm attracted to a woman who has a strong faith in God and though she may fall from time to time, she gets back up...daily. She is not argumentative and goes out of her way to get along with others, she has class, uniqueness, strength, intelligence, vulnerability, and humility. She is loyal, compassionate, understanding, supportive, and has a great sense of humor, with the ability to compromise and communicate. She loves deep or silly conversations depending on our mood and loves the beauty of flowing together as one and the attraction, admiration, and strength gained from appreciating each others differences. Someone who approaches a relationship with the perspective of what they can do for the other instead of only what they can get out of it. I vow to manifest all these traits as well for the love of my life.

A mentally strong classy woman who can get all dolled up and still has a strong love for the outdoors, the beauty of nature, outdoor survival, off grid and self sustaining living, and can also work with her hands would be amazing! Lets create an off grid mansion with our own solar, wind, and hydro power and our own greenhouse with heirloom seeds near spring fed lakes and streams while still being fairly close to civilization if we need it haha! A woman who is a good communicator even when irritated is a must. Without communication and honesty, a relationship will fail. I hear a lot of women wanting a man who is a good communicator and in touch with his feelings. Well, I am an excellent communicator and very in tune with my feelings and I will always strive to be sensitive and empathetic to my partners feelings. A Christ-centered covenant relationship is one in which we lay down self for one another which feeds our needs without having to ask the other or long for it, and if we do have to ask, we're more than happy to be or give what the other needs. There are few things more beautiful then spiritual, and romantic reciprocity. I love to be affectionate, adoring the one I love without overdoing it, I'm as balanced as they come, secure in who I am, confident, yet always respectful. I have no problem treating someone I'm into very special and assure you, with me, chivalry is never dead! Are you ready to exhale? :-)

Thanks for stopping by,
Bill . :-)
First Date
We'll figure it out together, or I've got it covered, I'm full of surprises. :glow:
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