Mathew1776 is Single in Roswell, New Mexico


You don't "fall" in love - you choose love then, build it through hard work and self sacrifice.

Male | 48
United States
New Mexico
Last Login Date
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Mathew1776 is Single in Roswell, New Mexico, 1 Mathew1776 is Single in Roswell, New Mexico, 2 Mathew1776 is Single in Roswell, New Mexico, 3
Eye Color
Body Type
Big Guy
Hair Color
Looking For
Church Name
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Handyman; Future Author/writer
Too many to list- writing, marriage as God's creation, the current state of manhood, road trips, RV's, tools, trucks, firearms, designing & building, computers, philosophy, DIY, rural living, wilderness areas, survival, contingency planning,
About Me
Marriage, the crown jewel of God's creation, is a many faceted thing. It is so much deeper and so much more than what most people seem to think it is. It is a man and a woman, it is Christ and his bride each becoming the steward and caretaker of the other's garden. Each spouse plants, grows, prunes, expands, and nurtures the garden of the other. Each spouse causes the other's garden to flower and flourish. Each takes refuge in, lives in, and derives sustenance from the garden that has been surrendered into their care and possession, becoming one with it in its center.

A husband is a musician; his wife the instrument that he becomes one with. Alone, neither can make music or play their song. Together, they create, paint, and play a symphony of light, love, beauty, and life into the world around them.

A Godly husband plants and grows his wife's beauty causing it to blossom beyond itself, beyond its capacity. A Godly wife nurtures and imbues her husband with her beauty, enabling him to reach his potential as a man and then soar beyond it.

My name is Mathew. I am probably not like most men you will encounter. I have spent my adulthood building my relationship with God and allowing him to use that relationship to teach me about marriage and forge me into a man and future husband in my heart and in my spirit.

Unlike most guys who toil away building their finances, their possessions, their careers, their reputation and place in this world -- when I was twenty two, God and I got together and decided we wouldn't worry about all those worldly, superficial things and would instead focus on making me into the man in my heart and spirit that our creator would have all we males become.

Certainly I can fight like a warrior to protect and provide but by far, the primary gift I have to offer a woman is the love of a true husband, the love of Christ within me. Life and this world can take away everything a man has to offer a woman in the blink of an eye. What it cannot take is what lies within his heart. It cannot take the husbandly love of Christ. It cannot take the drive and Godly desire to continually seek the hidden secret places of his wife's being and to become evermore intimate with her, to continually bond evermore deeply and powerfully with her emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. It cannot take the willingness of a Godly husband to always shed his armor in his wife's presence and allow her to enter him and explore the lands and the garden of his heart, to touch and know his mind and emotions, to let her take possession of him as she pleases -- to let her take what she discovers within him, clasp it tightly to her bosom, and have it for her very own. It cannot take away a love that refuses to leave even when she is unlovable or a heart that chooses to remain in love with her even when she is at her least desirable. It cannot take away the love of a man that is so deep and intense that he would give up his life, his glory, and his purpose to have and keep her, as Christ did for his own bride.

Anyway, that's what I have to offer my future wife -- not money, not things, not prestige or status, or any of the forever lauded things that are fleeting and uncertain -- but rather, what I have to offer her is the heart of a husband that God made using his own love and beauty.

Beyond that, a few other points that might save someone from wasting their time:

- I don't believe in having sex with someone you aren't married to.

- I've never been married or had kids of my own though, I did raise my nephew from the time he was a baby to adulthood. He recently moved to another town and no longer lives with me. I added this since I indicated that I do not have any children which is true but, not the complete picture.

- I don't drink alcohol. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I'm not inclined to allow those things to have any place in my life.

* I will add more photos as I get them. I'm not exactly a guy who goes around taking pictures of myself. My phone doesn't even take pictures. In order to take a picture of myself I have to set the timer on my camera, run to the other side of the room, hope I am in frame, hope I am in focus, remember to smile, do all that inside of ten seconds, then do it all over again if I blinked or something.
First Date
Ideally, by that point we will have communicated enough online that we won't exactly be strangers.

I don't care for lots of excitement, lots of noise, and being around lots of noisy people. I like things calm, quiet, and peaceful so that I can relax and focus on the person I am with. Share a meal -- a picnic would be enjoyable -- then afterward, talk and just spend time in each others company someplace that is public enough that you feel safe yet, private and quiet enough that I am at ease as well.
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