Freedominchrist is Single in Jeffersonville, Indiana


God is Good all of the time

Male | 76
United States
Last Login Date
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Freedominchrist is Single in Jeffersonville, Indiana, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
None - In between churches right now. Just resting in the Lord
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
I have a wide variety of interests & enjoy a wide variety of activities-music, sports, reading, church ministry, nature/outdoors, home projects, landscaping, spending time with friends and family etc.
About Me
I am a sincere born-again Christian man with a solid, devoted relationship with the Lord. I have been on my journey of faith with the Lord for over 40 years. Like everyone else, I have faced many, many challenges in life. With God's grace and mercy and many years of disciplined effort, He has led me beyond those challenges to a place in life of faith, hope, love, peace, joy, wisdom, knoweldge, truth, etc.. I have been deeply blessed in many ways on my journey of faith with the Lord and seek a lady who has experienced a similar journey. Jesus is the model for my life and I am continually being transformed into His image as He leads and guides me.

I live a simple, balanced life and have a great, heathy sense of humor. I have served in various church ministries - leading, teaching, healing and discipling with singles, men, homeless, etc.

I enjoy reading primariily on spiritual and faith based topics. I have a wide variety of interests and enjoy a wide variety of activities including music, sports, home projects, lanscaping, movies, dining out, spending time with family and friends, outdoor activities, etc. My Love language is "quality time". Effective communication and healthy relating is very important to me.

I am seeking a Christian lady who is psychologically honest and has a strong, committed relationship with the Lord who is the top priority and center of her life. You have and maintain a balanced, godly lifestyle and healthy sense of humor. You enjoy a wide variety of interests and activiities - both church related and otherwise. You know yourself deeply and are in control of your own life and don't have the need to control and manipulate others, especially me. I am a free-spirit in the Lord and choose to live in freedom to love and serve Him.
First Date
I am flexible and comfortable with any setting that is suitable for both of us.

I am sorry ladies but I am not open to relocating outside of my immediate area - within 50 miles.
Account Settings (To message Freedominchrist you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 50 to 75.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.
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