KeysOfTheKingdom is Single in Byron, Georgia


Grace & Peace to you.

Male | 33
United States
Last Login Date
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KeysOfTheKingdom is Single in Byron, Georgia, 1 KeysOfTheKingdom is Single in Byron, Georgia, 2
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Cost Analyst
My summary in emojis (missing some things that aren’t emojified):
About Me
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” - Pride & Prejudice

Hi there! I’m Joshua, Welcome to my autobiography… er, I mean my profile.
I'll start by saying that I believe that shared faith is the most important thing in a relationship. I believe that salvation is through Jesus alone through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). This is a dealbreaker. I’m not picky on specific denominations, so long as we have the same core beliefs and values. I go to church every week and have places that I serve in, and would like to find someone who also places importance on being involved in the church. (See 1 Corinthians 12: Though I understand if you have other obligations that make this hard) I’m an old soul and traditional conservative when it comes to marriage and values. I believe in chivalry.

I am looking for someone to connect with, where we can love and appreciate each other, compliment each other’s weaknesses, and find joy in our similarities.
Honesty, Trust, Honor, & Respect are absolutely critical to any relationship, & I am always direct & honest (sometimes to a fault). I take faith and relationships seriously, but try not to take life too seriously and try to have fun, and would like someone else who is the same way. I appreciate people who aren’t afraid to be themselves, quirks and weirdness included.

Ideally I would like to have a big family someday with a stay at home wife homeschooling the kids. I was homeschooled through 12th grade and I believe there’s alot of benefit to it, & also have no faith in the education system anymore. This is very important to me. I’m happy to support other passions & pursuits, though I do believe God & then family need to be priorities above anything else. I want someone who desires to be a mother & is not married to their career. If you feel born in the wrong century we will get along well. I prefer the country to the city & I’m somewhat of an old soul. I don't care for social media. I enjoy traveling and exploring new places. I enjoy a mix of witty banter and silly discussions with deep meaningful conversations.

Me in a nutshell: "I'm in a nutshell? this is neat.How did I get here...?"
I’m 100% a Myers-Briggs INTP (look it up). Enneagram 9 & 2. I enjoy spending time with people, but I’m fairly reserved and quiet except when I’m making a joke or a terrible pun (which I tend to do alot). I generally prefer listening to talking. In fact, if you can talk my ear off it may make me fall for you. (Don't take that to mean I can't contribute to the conversation though) I have a heart for helping people whenever I can. I spend a lot of my time with family or friends.

Below are a few of my favorite things:

Deep discussions on life, theology, philosophy, apologetics, Bible studies, art, etc.

What’s a mathematician’s favorite book of the Bible?

I am a classically trained pianist, and enjoy composing & arranging music. I would really like someone who plays an instrument or sings to be able to jam or write songs with, but this isn’t a requirement.

Random Adventures:
Concerts, Festivals, Arts & Theatre (Plays, Musicals, Opera,etc.), State Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Flea Markets, Hiking, Walks in the Park, Road Trips (whether planned or totally random), etc.

Movies & TV:
I appreciate the art of filmmaking & watch a good deal of behind the scenes things. I Love fantasy|scifi|animation.

I love game nights with family or friends. (Board, Party, Card, Video, whatever type)

Animals of all kinds:
(Cats especially, except when in a certain terrible musical)

Other things that I'm looking for to compliment each other are:

Someone who is more of a feeling type than a thinking type. (I’m an overanalyzer) Preferably an iNtuitive Feeling type.(xNFx)
Someone who is silly, bubbly, & spontaneous (I'm more reserved)
Someone who can cook (Sorry, it’s just not my thing)
Good at languages & wordplay

If you’ve actually read this whole thing and you think we might be a good fit then reach out and say “Hi”. I would love to get to know you!

P.S. sorry if I sent you only a wink. I’m trying to balance life with a serious desire to find someone & I can’t tell who is even active on here so I prefer to just note I’m interested. If you’d like to chat shoot me a message or a wink back and I’ll be happy to chat with long messages.
First Date
Whatever makes the other person feel comfortable & is enjoyable for both parties.
Some ideas:
Dinner & walk in the park.
Festival / Theatre / Fair / etc.

For first messaging, if you prefer, we could also try some Instant Grams:

Account Settings (To message KeysOfTheKingdom you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 21 to 32.
Must not Smoke.
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