Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee


And the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone, I will make him an helpmeet for him

Male | 38
United States
Lost Town
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Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 1 Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 2 Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 3 Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 4 Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 5 Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 6 Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 7 Mjgrover85 is Single in Lost Town, Tennessee, 8
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A Marriage Partner
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No answer
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Sure, why not
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Yes but not living at home
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Want Children
Education Level
Some College
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ask me ---but my relationship with God should matter more to you than this.
beholding creation, fishing while beholding the beautiful creation, dogs and other animals which is but another beholding of how wonderful the Creator is! cooking, building, mechanics also a beholding of how amazing the king of the universe is to make
About Me
HONESTY ABOVE ALL ELSE!!! Second, a willingness to actually read this.
Behold the Creator of the universe isn't He wonderful! Seek ye first the Lord and He will direct your paths What does it mean to believe? Well even the demons believe the Word says. Belief is not as simple as mainstream churches claim it to be. " Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
If you love me keep my commandments" John 14 You see what belief is is deep and complex yet very simple. It is a topic we have to discuss Abba agree on. By grace ye are saved, not of works lest any man should boast. but James says faith without works is dead. Too many ppl use one verse or the other instead of both in harmony. let's dive deep into these matters, it is the greatest way to determine if two people are equally yolked.
1 Corinthians 13 love is what I strive to give all yet fail many times daily.
Perfection/sinless is another doctrine that matters to me: the two sides are: its impossible or is required to enter heaven I refuse to stand on either side. Required perfection is faith by righteousness instead of righteousness by faith. It also places a huge burden on the "believe" trying to be perfect.... however saying perfection is impossible while here on earth (all while saying we are supposed to strive for it... even though it's impossible mind you!!!-- makes zero sense to me) to me is calling Yahweh a liar: With man this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible, also I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me... impossible is not possible with God. that's just two scripture that prove this. another one to long to discuss fully here so please be intrigued and ask let's discuss His amazing Word and behold the cross.
I only want Gods will for my life not my own. My past is detailed to say the least...... I enjoy being a student and servant of God. I HAVE TATTOOS so if that's a problem sorry. They're all covered (not able to be seen) when wearing a standard T-shirt. Scripture says not to scar pierce or mark your body for the dead, not that tatoos are a sin dishonoring His temple. Either way look at them as scars of my past. Women should be modest, they should not dress in public in such a way to cause men to lust. That promotes sin. I am a simple man who sees the finer things in life as the simple things. God says be content in all things so tent in the woods or mansion we are to be content. It doesn't take much in terms of material things to please me.
Seek His will for your life not a person and He will give each their mate according to His will not or own
May God bless you and keep you!!
First Date
ummm i forgot what these are
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