Bekahbytes is Single in Newcastle, England


Determined character despite what life throws at me

Female | 31
United Kingdom
Last Login Date
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Bekahbytes is Single in Newcastle, England, 1 Bekahbytes is Single in Newcastle, England, 2 Bekahbytes is Single in Newcastle, England, 3
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
English Teacher
All my life is centred around my faith - every day and every decision challenges me to walk closer with God. Most of my social life is with my church community but within that my interests are wide and varied.
About Me
I’m Bekah 😊

My friends would describe me as being sensitive to other peoples needs and a great listener. For years I thought I was introverted (and still value occasional down time) but I realised I just hadn’t found the right community for me until now.

I get passionate/feisty on matters of injustice and have a real heart for working with refugees which God unexpectedly opened up opportunities for in education! As a teacher my work can be quite extensive but it’s my mission field and where I feel called to at this present time and I love fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves!
God has recently challenged me and I’m loving exploring the prophetic gifting and how great God is in that (when leaned into properly!

I love travelling, hiking, camping, theatre, comedy clubs and a cheeky cocktail or two 😊

I love deep meaningful chats about everything but equally crave having a giggle and being silly with friends.

I have recently found my little pal - Tillie the cockapoo who has quickly taken up the majority of both mine and my communities time and attention.

Most of my pics are with me with my feeding tube in. Please ask - I am really open and I don’t let it hold me back - I work full time as a teacher and love travelling, hiking, camping, as well as getting my glam on and going out for a nice cocktail 😊 I recently had surgery so the feeding tube is no longer visible as it’s not on my face 😊The way I see it is a pretty awesome part of my testimony
First Date
Not fussy as long as we have opportunity to chat - I love the cinema but it doesn’t provide a chance to get to know each other.

Maybe a walk and a drink? Cheeky cocktail? Or even something random like crazy golf!
Account Settings (To message Bekahbytes you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 24 to 37.
Must not Smoke.
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