just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana


My love is just waiting for you

Male | 44
United States
Last Login Date
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just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana, 1 just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana, 2 just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana, 3 just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana, 4 just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana, 5 just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana, 6 just_a_pk is Single in Newtown, Indiana, 7
Eye Color
Body Type
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Hillsboro Nazarene
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Store Room Clerk
Games, dog, bible study, architecture, biblical history, art. Would love to go to a museum for a date :o) Maybe we could play some games as well! My interests would change to include you.
About Me
OK... Here it goes, I'm Josh. I haven't dated anyone in what seems like forever, I'm from a small town and everything is out of the way but I've always gone to places.

Qualities that are important to me are - well, fruits of the spirit - also, like to hold hands, do things with me, talk to me, those kinda things. I'm funny, goofy, romantic, loving and have been desiring a loving relationship for years.

Let me show you how I can light up your life! I bet you can do the same :o) Scripture says He who finds a wife finds a good good thing. Well, where are you hiding? I want to have you say I'm in love with the love of my life.

Let me hear your testimony!! I was 12, one of the smartest kids in my 6th grade class, and I was in a car accident that almost killed me, but Jesus lined everything up, the right people, neurosurgeon, equipment, etc. He healed me faster than was expected. Shipped to Indy for inpatient therapy, out of there fast. Total 9.5 weeks. Didn't even start 7th grade and math I needed tutoring. At a Concert for teens in 97, I rededicated my life after coming to the Lord in 95 at a revival after going to a Nazarene Youth Congress in Phoenix Arizona. I've been into Creationism/biology/art all that. Well, I graduated with an architecture degree, math is a piece of cake. I have trouble with short term memory loss. People tell me they can't even tell but if you spent significant amounts of time with me, you could.

Fast forward to today, I work as an inventory clerk. Ladies, let's go on a date! Get to know one another a little and go out. Personal contact is the best way to know each other.

“Listen carefully . . . and be wary of the shrewd advice that tells you how to get ahead in the world . . .” (Mark 4:24)

Basically, ladies, not everything is about money.

Oh, I have a disability where I have to be reminded of things. People say they can't tell but spend time with me long enough, you'll see.
First Date
Whatever we feel like doing! It's gotta be a choice between the two of us.
Account Settings (To message just_a_pk you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 57.
Must not Smoke.

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