allat72 is Single in Yorba Linda, California


Female | 40
United States
Yorba Linda
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allat72 is Single in Yorba Linda, California, 1 allat72 is Single in Yorba Linda, California, 2 allat72 is Single in Yorba Linda, California, 3 allat72 is Single in Yorba Linda, California, 4
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
I go to so many of all denoms
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
fashion model, ministry work
About Me
Update! Wow most of what's below was written many years ago, from another Christian dating site! Everything is largely much the same, including the virginity! I'd also like to say I've grown extremely into the Pentecostal (Gifts of the Holy Spirit) and Ecumenical movement! As a Pentecostal Catholic, I've become dear-dear friends with so many Protestants/ non-denoms (and have come to see that when we get our language straight we agree on like 90+++ percent :) and many have expressed that they see no barriers to dating me. So I'm more open to discerning absolutely any Christian denom!

So heey, about me? I sometimes feel like I'm a one in a trillion soul, because I have so many different angles and sides, ones u wouldn't think would go together....

I'm the most Deeply Religious person and my Faith Defines who I am in every way, yet VERY in sync with the outside secular world. I'm someone who'll be at Mass every day if I'm able, yet will hang out at the local bars, or other worldly places..... basically I'm not someone who's 'unrelatable' (you know one of those Christians that tend to make others run away), yet am still radical/ counter cultural enough in my Love for Christ that the world takes notice, if that makes sense.

I imagine I'm like this because I've always been around the secular- grew up in public schooling.... and I've been in the entertainment industry (former pro fashion model)... My life is about being a light... in the depths of the world!
(Although I spent a few years living at a convent with nuns as a missionary, using that as a base for me to do entertainment field ministry!)


I'm a very out of the mold person, grew up I'll admit mostly hippie and punk, and I still have those roots of going against the grain, being different and unique. I have a very free, deep, youthful, and adventuresome spirit.... and have made use of it.... in the past I've been a missionary, fashion model, even a paper girl in Australia,..... but have gone at these things pretty much soley alone. In the future I see myself still going on mission trips, traveling, doing ministry work, having thrilling opportunities for learning, and taking in new sights, sounds, and experiences.... hopefully with a soulmate (smile)

As far as careers go I have two passions at this point. #1) Working with the mentally disabled #2) Writing, hopefully to start a ministry


As far as relationships go I'll admit it's somewhat hard to visualize the whole 'online thing' cause I'd absolutely need to start out strictly as platonic friends without even the slightest hint of pressure or romantic motives coming through. (I'm very slow to warm up) Buut I guess with the 'net it's the whole purpose! Put'n out there what you eventually want. (smile)

I'd hope to have someone like myself in most regards (so refresh on my 'about me' haha). Someone who I can take on it all with - that I could pray with and go to church with (also someone ok and respectful that I'm deeply Catholic) , go to a outdoor art festival and dance with a drink in the rain, and then even engage my mental side with some crazy philosophy/ theology ponderings. I've noticed that I get along best with those who are slightly more introverted (I'd consider myself a 'friendly' introvert' lol, but people who are DEEP, thinkers, soulful & artsy, passionate, about quality over quantity in their # of relationships, etc.

I like 'picky' guys, as I'm the same. My last relationship was, get this, 8 yrs ago.... just cause I haven't wanted to date anyone other than 'the one', I've wanted to be spiritually and emotionally faithful, ....not just physically. (& I'm into chastity deeply! ....straight up, I'm a virgin & so happy/ unashamed about it... ****my dream would be to find someone who's also saved themselves! PLEASE let me know if you have when you write, as I'll probably discern those relationships first! ) But I can say when finally involved I totally value abalzing affection and romance.... it can all be made magic if two people are in the right headspace.

PS, a sidenote! Only fair to say this upfront... there's some issues that make it questionable whether it's in God's plan for me to have kids (mostly health, although no worries I'm functionable to live a happy life). But a guy with an 100% detachment & after God's plan is a Must.... My spiritual director advised I consider adopting an older kid or two later down the road which I'm very open to should it be God's will.

Soaking in nature, Phycology, Artsy people and stuff, Travel, Natural Health, Crazy Adventures, Deep Talks, Finding Beauty in the Unseen, Random (But Innocent) Pranks, Sharing drinks at local bars, Snow/ Skateboarding, Philosophy, Volunteer Work, Photography, God and Prayer, Internet/Web design, Anything new and interesting that will expand my horizons

Life Motos/ Quotes
We mustn't be saints by halves! - St Therese
We can do no great things, only small things with great love- Mother Teressa (I think that if we can learn humility first, the small things, will become the great things!)

The prophetic will show up at all the key times in your life, if you are open- Shawn Bolz
Shawn actually had a word for me, at his first time before a Catholic crowd
First Date
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Age between 25 to 45.
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