FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas


I am Julian Balderas and I am. a Biblical Christianity
i preach big-time against false Religion and

Male | 20
United States
Rio Grande City
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FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas, 1 FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas, 2 FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas, 3 FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas, 4 FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas, 5 FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas, 6 FOCAG_32 is Single in Rio Grande City, Texas, 7
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Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
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I Spread the Gospel (try to) I'm a Preacher
Church Attendance
On special occasion
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Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
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Want Children
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My Profession
Woodworking/Preaching in Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilokano, Indonesian, Italian, English, and Spanish/Bible studies.
I am interested to be in a long term relationship possibly get married to a woman who fears God Almighty, has more wisdom than me so i can trust her righteous judgement, likes to include God in our conversation, and whatever you like
About Me
Would love to be equal with you no matter how long we wait as long as there's good communication
i like to talk alot and include God in our conversations
i am trying to do Woodworking as a Career
and i get attached to easily so it is a problem apparently

BTW IM BIBLICAL CHRISTIAN ask me questions I'm open to answer you i can't lie, scriptures condemn it

I desire to be a Pastor someday and Evangelist!!
First Date
I have no idea anymore honestly but here is a message which is my favorite....
The world is in need of a spiritual awakening I've seen how far people are from God and I've been scared for their souls remember don't fear the one that can only kill the body but fear the one who kills the body and the soul of all the things I've seen and heard there's only one message that should change people's lives and hearts there is a way if you come by the way of the cross I want to tell people about the meaning of the cross not the cross that hangs on the wall or around someone's neck but the real Cross of Christ the cross expresses great love of God the cross I want to preach is the cross that is scarred and blood-stained his cross was a rugged Cross his real purpose for coming to what? to die for the sin of the world for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life for God sent not the son into the world to judge the world but that the world should be saved through him I know that many will react to this message but it is the truth with all my heart I want to leave you with the truth God says, "I love you I love you I love you with an everlasting love"
He loves you willing to forgive you of all your sins
The cross is offensive because it confronts people even so it is a confrontation that all of us must face think of all the people with different backgrounds and their various needs and I know that they are objects of God's mighty love to the point that he gave his son, his only son to die upon a cross and the cross was the most terrible form of execution by the Romans for criminals and Jesus endured all that in our place because of our sins we deserve the cross we deserve hell we deserve judgment and all that means I know that they have done many people that dispute,
that people don't want to hear that they're sinners. To many people it is an offense the cross is an offensive because it directly confronts the evils which dominate so much of this world one reason that the cross is an offense to people is because it demands doesn't suggest it it demands a new lifestyle in all of us.
Sin is a disease in the human heart it affects the mind and the will and the emotions of every part of our being is affected by this disease the question is,
how can we break this bondage?
how can we be set free? God helps us break those chains the Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things passed away everything becomes new and He can make you a totally new person
On that cross God was laying on Jesus our sins they not only put nails in his hands but before that they scourged Him
A roman scourge was a terrible thing they took a person almost and beat him almost to death and then they took the cross who made him carry the cross which was in his weakened condition was almost impossible but he carried that cross to a place outside of Jerusalem and that they put nails in his hands but that was not the real suffering.
The real suffering is when he said, "my God why hast thou forsaken me" and that terrible moment he the son and God the Father were separated he shared his blood and the shedding of that blood carries with it God's very life there is no other way of salvation except through the Cross of Christ.
Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the father but by me" the only way to the father ,father God, is through his son Jesus Christ.
Now while Jesus he is the only one that was born into this world without sin but more than that he was a righteous one and when you come to him your clothed in his righteousness
God no longer sees your sin and no longer sees your own heart he sees Jesus when you come to Christ you come by the way of repentance
To repent means to change, to seize your way of living, and turn from your sins and turn to Jesus Christ and say I am a sinner I need forgiveness and I know that you are the only one that can change me today I'm asking you to put your trust in Christ I'm going to ask you to pray this prayer sentence by sentence after me.

"Dear heavenly father,
I know that I'm a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness,
I believe he died for my sins and rose from the dead,
I turn from my sins and repent to my sins,
I invite you to come into my heart and life I want to trust you and to follow you as my Lord and Savior.
Jesus name,
He's alive I've given my life not to a dead Christ but to a living Christ and he's giving me a song to sing he's given a flag to follow I have a reason for existence I know where I come from I know why I'm here I know what I'm doing I know where I am going the question is

Do you?
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Age between 18 to 20.

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