dennisap is Single in Nashville, Tennessee


Looking for a best friend for life

Male | 43
United States
Last Login Date
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dennisap is Single in Nashville, Tennessee, 1 dennisap is Single in Nashville, Tennessee, 2 dennisap is Single in Nashville, Tennessee, 3 dennisap is Single in Nashville, Tennessee, 4
Eye Color
Body Type
Big Guy
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
A house church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Group Facilitator, Trainer
Watching movies, reading, board games, swimming
About Me
U.S.A. only, please.

My life revolves around my unwavering faith in God. I make it a priority to dedicate time to prayer and listening to the teachings of Jesus. As a family-oriented individual, I derive immense joy from raising children and cherishing family traditions like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Personally, I embody a harmonious blend of fun and seriousness, identifying as an ambivert—comfortable both in introverted and extroverted settings. While I value time with friends and family, I also find strength in moments of solitude.

I consider myself a responsible and dedicated man, placing a high value on my relationship with God and others, all while maintaining a healthy sense of humor. Continuous self-improvement is paramount to me, with a specific focus on spiritual disciplines. The prospect of having and raising children brings me profound joy, and I am actively seeking a life partner to join me in building a family and raising godly children.

Originally from Russia, I pursued studies in the United States before returning to Russia for several years to engage in church planting. Subsequently, I spent almost a year and a half in Istanbul, Turkiye. Currently, I call Nashville, Tennessee, home. My core values center around honesty, humility, and kindness.

I relish meaningful conversations about life and the shared experience of doing things together. In a life partner, I am looking for someone compassionate and kind, with whom I can share both laughter and tears (Romans 12:15). Ideally, my partner would be not older than myself, and I'm not specifically seeking a stay-at-home mom.

My interests also include Immanuel Approach, the Life Model, and learning about relational church.

On a lighter note, I'm currently enjoying JustDance on Nintendo Switch. Any takers? :-)
First Date
A walk filled with conversations and with an occasional stop at a coffee shop).
Last 1 dennisap Forum Posts
Hi, I'm Dennis. Originally from Russia, now I live in Turkiye. Hope to move to the US one day. ...
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