Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California


no rush, let's get to know each other

Male | 39
United States
Los Angeles
Last Login Date
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Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 1 Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 2 Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 3 Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 4 Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 5 Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 6 Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 7 Bweldon is Single in Los Angeles, California, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Christian Reformed
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Grace Community
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Southern Baptist
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
office admin
fishing, outdoors, camping, Bible study's, cooking, video making
About Me
Thank you for looking at my profile. My relationship with the Lord is of most importance to me. I have been raised in Godly churches my whole life, but September 2020 is when I truly surrendered to Christ, and became a born-again believer.

I enjoy spending time with my friends, and when I'm back home on the East coast, spending time with my family. If you enjoy the outdoors, please give my profile a like, because I'm looking to find a wife who also enjoys their time outside. By God's grace, I have traveled to many countries in my life...Peru, Ecuador, Canada, SE Asia, just to name a few.

I am a very kind soul, compassionate, understanding, but also logical, direct, workaholic, and would hope to find those same exact traits in my wife... especially being a workaholic, second to being compassionate, kind, submissive, like I don't know how to say it but I want what the Word of God says how a wife is supposed to act....Someone who is true to their word and faithful. Loyalty and trust mean the world to me. Yes, looks matter to a certain degree, but a kind heart and soul are everlasting, as we all know that looks fade in time. I feel there is beauty in all our imperfections, and the inside of our hearts reveal the truth and depth of a person, but at the same time I need to be attractive to you if things are going to work out. (Don't give, keep reading!!! It's worth it!)

I am looking for a devout Christian, what the 66 books of the Bible says a God fearing person is supposed to live like, especially a Proverbs 31 Woman!!!

I love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind. I am searching for my God's Best - a mature Christian woman who has a deep faith, deep relationship with the Lord and loves Him more than anyone or anything in this world.

A wife who is willing to let the husband make the final decision bc that's what I see the husband is supposed to do, bc he is supposed to love his wife SO much just as how Jesus served His bride aka the church. Jesus love His bride by being the Ultimate Husband, He, Jesus, died for his bride!!! That's what I want to do for my wife, if that's what so the Lord desires.

The husband is told to submit his ways to Christ. The husband is told to be the leader of the family. So I'm looking for a wife who is willing to submit to the husband, into a Christ-centered living (like studying the Bible together, praying together, going to church, work onto the Lord in all things, and worshipping the Lord together, raising Godly children while serving our Lord Jesus Christ, (please forgive me if I said anything heretical that the Bible does tell a wife is supposed to do) - and that's non-negotiable!). (Almost half-way there, please keep reading!!!)

I believe in the sanctity of marriage that's why I am saving myself for marriage, but I need to be honest, before I was a follower of Jesus, I lived a very hedonistic lifestyle. I hope my future wife forgives me for not having self-control and giving up that special gift. That being said, I would love to get to know my future spouse, whom I could establish friendship with first. Then God-willing, it will lead to courtship, engagement and marriage. I would love, if the Lord allow & we have children, to home-school them. In the Bible it says train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Because, I was raised going into public education and that type of education system brain-washes children into believing whatever they have been taught by the world's system aka evolution. And I want my children, to be raised in the Truth of the Word, so they will know how to correctly talk to people when they engage with them.

Here's what I value (also what I am looking for in my future bestfriend/Wife)- I really value my Faith with my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit)
- my Relationship in this order 1st Christ, 2nd whoever I can talk to about Jesus.
- Character: humility, honesty, integrity, faithfulness, loyalty, thoughtfulness, great work ethic, knows the value of money, compassion and generosity
- Manners: submissive, courteousness, politeness, being hospitable, able to cook/willing to learn, has conservative views, if you're a libturd aka liberal, bc I base my values on the Word and not liberal points of view, we will disagree on many issues in life, bc I will come from a biblically based point of view, where the liberals comes from a feelings point of view, which do not line up with a biblical point of view. (if i'm wrong with you, fantastic I will apologize and say I was wrong, but from my experience, and what left leaning politics and left leaning agenda is trying to push, no not line up with a biblical understanding of things)

I believe in God's timing. And His timing is always perfect. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. He sees the bigger picture and He already predestined our future. We just need to keep on trusting Him and His faithfulness. He will give the right one for us in the right time, right place and right occasion. So let's enjoy the journey of knowing Him and serving Him while we haven't found our match yet. We have to be satisfied and complete in Him first so we would lack nothing in our future relationship. Only Jesus Christ can give us that unshakeable love, joy, peace and contentment
that no one in this world can offer and give. (Keep going, you're on the home stretch!)

I understand, that woman, are different than men, what I wrote above my come off too strong, it may scare away true followers of Christ, because they maybe scared in what I have on my profile, yet I hope they will understand that I am not mean or abusive, I'm just wanting, narrow down the one's who are not true in their walk with the Lord. I do not want to play games with women.

With all that being said, if you are interested in talking to me, send me a message, but as I've heard women say plenty of times, "I don't like it when a guy says, 'hi' or 'what's up' I want the guy to make it interesting, to stand out from all the rest of the messages I get from people. I want him to grab my attention, to be different from the rest. To be different."

Here's a simple suggestion, what in my profile caught your attention that is making you want to talk to me? Start of with that, tell me what did you like reading in my profile that made you want to reach out and talk to me. "Hi, I liked the part in your profile that said....; In your profile it said........what do you mean by that? Wow, in your profiel you said....that is exactly what I too am looking for." I hope those suggestions help.
First Date
I would enjoy taking her out to do something fun and childish.... go-karts are always a blast. Then after having fun on the track, we would eat some ice-cream and talk about fun childhood memories and just get to know each other and where we come from.

Or do some fun type of cooking together, Korean BBQ is a great idea bc the cooking we would be doing would take a lot of the pressure off of the date so we can just be ourselves and get to know each other.

Or we can go fishing somewhere. Somewhere, it would be easy to catch tons of fish and we have fun doing that, and the conversations would be very easy between us and no pressure.
Account Settings (To message Bweldon you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 18 to 40.
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