tzu78777 is Single in Adelaide, South Australia


Last of the Mohicans

Male | 57
South Australia
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tzu78777 is Single in Adelaide, South Australia, 1 tzu78777 is Single in Adelaide, South Australia, 2 tzu78777 is Single in Adelaide, South Australia, 3 tzu78777 is Single in Adelaide, South Australia, 4
Eye Color
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Hair Color
Mixed Race
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
many and varied
About Me
Happy usually, thinker,, easy going, but know when to be serious, caring, fun type, keep fit, varied interests, like hiking, exploring, practice martial arts but dislike fighting, had to learn because i was working all around the world, and some people are not nice, and must be dealt with, " Answer a fool according to his folly"

Im an Alpha male strong determined, but also kind and loving, i expect the roles to be as God laid out in his word, this does not negate the fact that women are intelligent, smart and beautiful, looking for a lady.

I know the Lord Jesus as my saviour, im not perfect, yet i still love the Lord my God, i have had a bad experience with a girl who was supposed to be "Christian" went to church, involved in sunday school, yet,, no man can no the heart, thats why in my profile i am honest to express what i want for a wife, friend, loving partner, i can only say i will cherish that person i do not want a fake christian girl, make sure your heart is firmly the Lord Jesus Christs, and together we will stand in Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

**** i found this on this site,, written by a young lady in her profile, what she wrote i can only pray for in my future lady, may God grant her someone wonderful,,

"Waiting for you is a gift. I pray I will be exactly who God designed me to be just for you. I don't mind cooking, washing the dishes or doing laundry and clean the entire house still an honor. I would rather be a homemaker and serve you than to work and boast about it saying "I did something".. being able to serve you is an honor and glorifies God and I will ❤ you. coz Jesus loved you first.

sidenote: when you're frustrated, confused, and lost, you'll want someone that knows how to reach God, not someone that's just "cute" LOOKs cannot be the foundation because they will fade. Godly relationships are needed, be careful where you invest your time.


******Just to let you know ****I AM ONLY*** interested in Asia type ladies(Asia Regional,includes india and such)*****, i spent time living and working overseas and found i appreciate the ladies from this region, their character, culture appeal to me, so no offense to others but not interested,,"not my cup of tea" so to speak.**** ALSO, not dating older than me, must be younger as i am younger in activity and health, 56 yrs old years but my health is like 40, so please older ladies im not for you, don't fill my in box, i am deleting so many, no offense**

EXTRA NOTE*** since i get some letters asking this or that,, let me spell it out crystal clear,
Gods word says, wife must be submissive to her husband, cant agree walk away now, thats what i expect cos Gods word says it,, let every man (women) be (is) a liar and Gods word be truth, either you follow the truth, or you live a lie, your choice. Husband must also follow Gods word works both ways..**

Gods word says the wife will be obedient to her husband, dont like it,,see ya!
If you ignore all those scriptures that pertain to the roles and requirements the wife and husband must, will have,, then your not a fulfilling your role or being obedient to God himself, let that sink in... God blesses obedience,, "better to obey than sacrifice"

I dont answer much on here as im preparing and locked into requirements, God has allowed difficulties, challenges that i must overcome through his strength, when it is time he will open a way for me to find someone. I hope God will bring someone into your lives and that you will be a treasure and a blessing to each other.****
First Date
A cafe date, to chat, meet, laugh and get to know, walk along a beach, a walk through the jungle, haha, joking,,,

Please include recent photo or photos, casual normal day ones no need to full glamor but you can if you want,, **BUT MUST BE RECENT** no photo shop, or beauty cam, if i meet you and u look nothing like your picture,, i will politely walk away, u have been warned.

i dont visit here often as have work and things to deal with, i don't have health problems, im fit and very healthy and very active, but once sorted i will contact and God willing travel to meet.
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