Matt987654321 is Single in BRANDON, South Dakota


Hello there.

Male | 39
United States
South Dakota
Last Login Date
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Matt987654321 is Single in BRANDON, South Dakota, 1 Matt987654321 is Single in BRANDON, South Dakota, 2
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
B.V. Baptist Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Small business owner
volunteering, traveling, fishing, hiking, reading, classical music, playing board games with friends or family, going to restaurants, occasionally going to movies or performances, etc.
About Me
I'm a calm, easy-going, very patient, and a good listener. I run a thriving small business that allows me to spend my time doing two of my favorite things: working with kids and music. God has really blessed my work and I am thankful to have a job where I can have a positive impact on so many lives.

I've been single my whole life and haven't really dated much since college.

During my free time I enjoy serving others through volunteer work (especially working with children and doing various things at my church). I have served on both the missions and worship committees and as member of the church leadership team. I'm currently assistant treasurer. I have been spending most of my free time during the past few years taking care of my mom as she goes through cancer treatments. It's neat to see how God continues to work in her life even in these difficult times and I continue to pray for her healing.

A few other things I enjoy:
-traveling (I've seen a lot of the US and Europe)
-fishing (not very often, but I enjoy fly fishing and shore fishing)
-hiking (local options are limited, so mostly on vacation)
-reading (eclectic tastes: Sci Fi, history, classic literature, and more)
-classical music (listening or playing), but other styles are good too
-playing board games with friends or family
-going to restaurants
-going to movies or performances
-wandering through flea markets and antique stores
-learning new things and new skills

I'm looking for a strong Christian woman so we can help each other grow in our faith. Someone with a happy personality and a good mind would be nice. I would like to find someone who wants kids, but does not already have them and has not been previously married.
First Date
I'm pretty open to anything. I guess it would depend on if it was in-person or virtual. Hopefully it would be something that we would both enjoy. It would be some kind of setting where we can talk and get to know each other.
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Any Age.

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