CJGroove is Single in Bloomingdale, Georgia


Know God and Make Him Know, Together

Male | 50
United States
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CJGroove is Single in Bloomingdale, Georgia, 1 CJGroove is Single in Bloomingdale, Georgia, 2 CJGroove is Single in Bloomingdale, Georgia, 3 CJGroove is Single in Bloomingdale, Georgia, 4
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
YWAM, Missions, Teaching the Word, Writing, Blogging, Bible Study, Apologetics, Leadership, Young Adult Ministry, Singles Ministry, Travel, Rollerblading, Roller Hockey, Volleyball, Water Sports, Hiking, Snorkeling, Beaches
About Me
First, please know that I am willing to lie and deny how we first met. :D

Once in his life, a man is entitled to fall madly in love with a beautiful woman. I am still waiting for that first time.

I am an adventurer, risk taker, artist, AND godly.
I am young at heart and I am a PASSIONATE follower of Christ. I live my life to please God, not man. I also like to have fun and I am very playful. I am VERY sarcastic (not the mean type). I like to try to make people laugh. But, I know when to be serious. I love to talk about the deep things of God. I am very open with who I am and where I have been.

Must love sarcasm and cheesiness.

My favorite hobbies include painting abstract and modern art, Christian concerts, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, swimming, water sports, going to the beach, traveling, blogging, studying God's Word, reading, and a few other things. You can often find me at a local cafe drinking coffee, reading, chatting, etc. I love to be around people.

I enjoy youth ministry, young adult/college ministry, missions, and volunteering. I love where I am and what I am doing now. I am willing to go and to do whatever the Lord asks. I am open and flexible and I like it that way for now. I am ready to settle down whenever the Lord decides it is time for me to settle down.

I was a missionary to Panama for 1 1/2 years. I taught grades 7-9 in a private Christian school. The subjects I taught included Bible Truths, American Literature, Grammar, and Art. I use to teach 2 different history classes as well. The school year ended in December. Due to lack of financial support I returned home to work, and try to raise more support for missions, if that is what the Lord wants. I am open to only going on missions part time.

My goal is to do more missions one day & travel the nations as the Lord leads. So far I have been to Panama, Costa Rica, England, Norway, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, and France. That is all within the first 6 months in missions in 2010. My desire and vision is to put on a big production using dance, drama, video, worship, special music, and preaching in schools, churches, stadiums, etc.

What I Am Looking For:

I am looking for my best friend. No, not a dog. But most dogs think I am pretty awesome! :D

I want a partner in life,business, missions, and ministry (different types). She needs to be a woman of God with integrity and who is loving, kind, and passionate about life and the Kingdom. She also must be honest and able to communicate.

I do NOT want someone who is high maintenance and is only seeking the comforts of life. I need someone who is willing to give it all up for the salvation of souls if need be. That does not mean to live a life of poverty, just one that is not tied to the things of this world. Someone who is not materialistic and superficial. I need someone with a heart to change people and nations.

NOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED SEND ME AN EMAIL, WINK, OR ADD ME TO YOUR FAVS. If I send you a wink and you do not want to email me first, just wink back.
There is nothing wrong with a woman showing some interest in a man she wants to pursue her or wants to get to know.

**If you add me as a fav or wink, please be sure your mail settings are set so I can email you. Many have it set so that I am too old to send anything even after you wink....lol...or if you email me then I can email back**

Anyone else: Feel free to follow me on Facebook or my personal website:
First Date
The first date is meant to be a time for you to get to know one another through conversation. So, I think going to dinner, a park, Starbucks, a fun event, or someplace that will allow you to have good conversation. Maybe a church or Christian event/concert?
It also depends on the girl and what she likes to do. I like to try to be creative, romantic, and fun.
Account Settings (To message CJGroove you must meet the following criteria.)

Any Age.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 2 members favorites lists

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