Ronne1977 is Single in Smithfield, Virginia


looking for someone real that can carry on a conversation longer than two or three words or just a s

Male | 47
United States
Last Login Date
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Ronne1977 is Single in Smithfield, Virginia, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Church of God
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
HS Graduate
My Profession
Kings Of Clean (Carpet Cleaning)
I'm interested in chatting with someone so I can get to know them better and they can get to know me better and we go from there.
About Me
I'm 6 ft 3 in tall, brown hair, blue eyes, athletic build, I am currently 210 lb, I am half Irish and half Italian. I do not have any kids but I don't mind if you have any. I like kids but I just never wanted to have any of my own. I do love animals I think horses are beautiful but dogs are my favorite. I had a dog for over 16 years his name was bear and I lost him in the middle of 2016 and I still miss him to this day. I considered him my son and also my brother and my best friend all wrapped up into one. I still believe in chivalry, holding hands, showing respect for each other, spending more quality time together instead of watching somebody be on the internet all day, I love nature, walks on the beach and feel the sand in between my toes as I listen to the waves crash while the water comes in and goes back and fourth running gently over my feet. I love the mountains I don't know what it is about the mountains but every time I see them it makes me smile. I hope to live in the mountains one day on some land and build my own cabin. but hey we can all dream can't we and that is my dream. and I also love the right it's a passion of mine and I hope to make that in my career one day. I have already written many things I just have to find out what the next step is to pursue my dreams and that category also. and also want to be with someone who supports my dreams as well as me supporting theirs. I believe in God and our real journey that will begin in heaven to live each day pain free and a wonderful Oasis of heavenly freedom and be that much closer to my true father the one who created me and also his son our Lord Jesus Christ the one who gave his life for each and every one of us here on this planet.
First Date
Something Fun Or Even Something Romantic So We Can Get A Feel For Each Other To See If We Click.
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Any Age.

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