FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California


Looking for my forever friend.

Male | 45
United States
Last Login Date
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FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 1 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 2 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 3 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 4 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 5 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 6 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 7 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 8 FragglesRock is Single in Sacramento, California, 9
Eye Color
Body Type
Big Guy
Hair Color
Mixed Race
Looking For
A Friend
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
DoozerStick Construction
GOD, The Bible, FPS Gaming, Getting this tubbiness off of me via exercise, MMA, Bowling, Driving, Pool, Tennis.
About Me
-Just to be transparent, I am separated. Some
people may not catch in status section. Just
wanted to make sure it was established.-

++U.S. Residents Only++

I'm funny, faithful, honest, attentive, patient, affectionate, loving and caring. I'm a big kid and am generally happy all of the time. If you're cold analytical, dry, boring and give one word responses, we probably won't mesh well. Honesty, great conversation and surprise PICTURES are the way to my heart. I don't believe in chasing. It always leads to disappointment. I do however believe in getting to know each other mutually and mutually pouring love into each other.

I enjoy attentive people and even a little bit of clinginess is beautiful to me. I believe the WHOLE BIBLE completely and strive to put GOD first, always. That includes abstaining from sex before marriage, always telling the truth and not keeping secrets, but, being forthcoming and honest in all things. I'm temporarily in CA with family as I prepare to start my life over and transition from married life to single life again. Sighhhh. Feel free to ask questions or just say hi. I'll respond as soon as possible. Have a blessed day peeps. P.S. I recently quit smoking cigarettes but use a vape occasionally.

I'm starting my life over and that includes financially
so if you're looking for someone who has it all
together, I'm probably not for you. Also a gamer so if that's an issue....... 🤷🤷🤷
First Date
If you can't hold and have deep, meaningful conversations, don't message. I'll leave the conversation very quickly.
Account Settings (To message FragglesRock you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 22 to 50.

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